Chapter 2: The Club

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Observing the clock on the wall, I read that it was a little past 7:00. That gave me plenty of time to get showered and ready in order to be there at 10:00. I made my way to the bathroom and opened the door to the walk-in shower. Honestly, I was excited to shower since I hadn't in a couple days. I turned the faucet until the water temperature was just right.

I stripped myself of my clothing just before observing myself in the mirror. To be honest, I never really liked what I saw. It's been like that my whole life, though. I've struggled with my weight since I was a little kid. Growing up, everyone always picked on me for being bigger. I always told myself it would stop when I was older, but oh man was I wrong.

Dragging myself out of putting myself down, I stepped away from the mirror and into the shower. The warm water dripping down my body felt amazing. I grabbed my loofah and a nice coconut lime shower gel. The scrubbing sensation of my loofah mixed with the aroma of the shower gel was so soothing. I finished up washing every inch of my body before turning off the water and stepping out of the shower.

I wrapped a towel around my body and made my way to me and Felix's room. Looking through my wardrobe, I came across the perfect dress: a strapless, red mini dress. If I was going out to a club, I was going to look fucking hot. Even though Felix wouldn't be seeing me, to me this felt like reminding me what he was actually missing out on.

It was time for makeup. I knew exactly how to make it look like I had put in a lot of effort to my makeup without using a lot. The basics were used: foundation, powder, blush, and highlighter. But the real magic was in my eyeliner. I always did a fox eye, which accentuated my eyes and made them look bigger. Just finishing up with some false beauty marks, I decided to be bold and do a red lip. Once my makeup was complete, I sprayed setting spray to ensure it would last throughout the night.

My hair was never a big concern for me, so I just straightened it enough to where it was presentable. I walked in front of the mirror and admired myself. Sometimes I would notice how beautiful I really was. It was a rare occurrence, but the confidence boost helped me tremendously. Right before walking out the door, I put on a pair of black, chunky heels.

The club wasn't far, so I decided to just walk. It was probably in my best interest anyway, since I planned to drink. It was exactly 10:00 when I arrived, and I saw Mark hopping out of his car. I immediately waved him down and was then greeted with a smile.

"(Y/N)!" Mark exclaimed, "I'm so happy you were able to come. Sean will be, too. He's been dying to meet you." I dreaded asking, but I had to know, "Did you tell Sean about what happened?" "Yeah, and he was about as livid as me. I mean, we love Felix, but that shit is not tolerable for either of us."

Hearing that brought me a sense of support. At least these guys seemed to be decent enough. It gave me comfort knowing that I would be around them tonight. Mark and I entered the club darting towards the bar. The room was already filled with dancing, colorful lights, and the mixture of sweat and alcohol. I was never really one for dancing, but I enjoyed the environment. Felix always found that odd of me.

Mark walked behind the counter of the bar while I took a seat at the front. "So, what'll you be drinking tonight?" Mark asked. "Umm," I pondered, "let me just get a screwdriver, it's my go to." "You got it, m'lady." I don't know why, but that silly little nickname gave me butterflies.

I observed Mark as he began making my drink. It was a simple drink, so it didn't take him long to do. As I was watching him, I took in every detail of him. It was in this moment I realized how attractive he really was. His hair was messy, but in an attractive type of messy if that makes sense, his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown, and don't get me started on his facial hair and how it complemented him.

Looking down I took notice to his body. He had broad shoulders and muscular arms that would make any person lose it. And his torso, I mean he was just a muscular man altogether. I was disrupted from my thoughts by a glass being brought down in front of me. Looking back up, I was met with that smile again, instead taking in how genuine it was. In all honesty, it was kind of adorable.

"Here you are," Mark stated, "it's on the house." I smiled back, "Thank you, Mark. I really appreciate you inviting me out here tonight." "Oh, it's no biggie. I'm overjoyed you came. By the way, I forgot to mention it, you look stunning. Felix really is fucking stupid for doing what he did." I blushed at his comment, "You really think so?" "Well of course. I wouldn't lie to you."

We looked at each other for a moment after our conversation, until we were interrupted with Mark looking off to the side, "Hey Sean's here!" I turned in the direction he was facing to be met with a man walking towards Mark and I. "Mark!" he yelled out before grabbing Mark's hand and dragging him into the type of hug that guys do to each other. You know the one.

"You must be (Y/N)," Sean started, "I'm Sean." He put his hand out and I took it with no hesitation for a handshake. "It's so nice to meet you," I said, "I've heard so much about you. You're from Ireland, right?" "Born and raised," Sean exclaimed, "hey, I'm really sorry about what you've been through. I'm going to kick Felix's ass next time I see him." "Don't bother, I can handle doing that." A storm of laughter came from the two as well as me. Their laughter was just so contagious.

"Well, I got to go," Sean said, "my band's about to go on. I hope you enjoy it, and it was a pleasure to meet you." "You too!" I said with a smile. Mark and Sean said their goodbyes right before Sean walked away. Before he walked away though, I noticed that he had looked down my body before bringing his gaze back up to my eyes. He totally just checked me out, and that made me feel good.

I had a couple more drinks while Sean and his band performed. My intentions weren't to get blackout drunk, but the buzz I had right now felt so good. Throughout the night, I kept observing Mark. Whether he was talking to me or making drinks for another person, my gaze kept coming back to him. If it wasn't on him, it was on Sean. I noticed how hot he looked while playing drums and just feeling the music in the process.

Looking between the two men, the gears in my head started turning. I was never one for revenge, but maybe it was time I changed a few things about myself for the better. Mark walked over to me as he had just finished up with a rush. "Are you having a good time?" he asked. "Yes, the best," I started, "um, when is his band going to finish up?" "Should be about 2:00, same time I get off. Why?" "Oh nothing, just curious." I innocently sipped my drink.

What I was about to do wasn't in my nature. But at the end of the day, my relationship with Felix was dead and never being resurrected. If he's allowed to have some fun behind my back, who's to say I can't do the same.

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