Chapter 11: Date Night

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I took a seat at the table in front of the hot bowl of chicken n' dumplings. The delicious smell built up my hunger. I underestimated Mark's ability to cook because this looked amazing. Mark sat down in the seat across from me and we both started to eat. The food was creamy with multiple spices added to it to make it taste just delectable. This was the perfect meal for me right now, since I haven't been feeling the best due to the circumstances I was under. 

"This is amazing, Mark," I said. "Thank you. It's my dad's recipe," he responded. "Well, I can tell your dad was a good cook." "Oh yeah. His cooking was amazing. He always made meals like this for me and my brother." We continued to eat our meal for a moment before starting up more conversation. "What are your parents like? I've talked so much about my own family that I haven't given you a moment to talk about yours," he asked. "Well, my parents tried their best," I started. "The doctors told mom she could never get pregnant, but one day I was magically conceived. Neither of them was prepared to be parents. They usually would throw me off to my grandparents, so my grandparents pretty much raised me. Dad passed away when I was 15 and mom's just never been the same since. Last time I saw her we were in this huge fight over Felix and that's why I moved down here with him." 

Mark looked at me sympathetically. "I'm very sorry," Mark said. "Don't be, I've made my peace with it," I responded. "So do you keep in touch with your family at all?" "Yeah, my grandma. My grandpa passed a few years ago. I try to talk to her often with her being all alone in Ohio and everything." "No shit. You're from Ohio, too? What part?" "Milford, you?" "Oh my god, me too! Did you go to Milford High?" "Yeah, did you?" "Fuck yeah I did. What year did you graduate?" "2009." "We literally went to school together. I graduated 2007." 

I threw my spoon down dramatically. "Shut up. No way," I said in amazement. Mark got up hastily and ran for the stairs. "I'll be right back," he said. I turned back to my bowl of food and continued eating while I waited for him to come back. He soon returned with a Milford High School yearbook. As he sat back down, he skimmed through the pages. "Let's see... ah yes! This was my senior year," he showed me the page and pointed at his yearbook picture. 

He looked completely different. His hair was much longer, but it was straightened out and flat on his head. He didn't have his beard; he had the smoothest baby face that I couldn't imagine him to ever have. I choked on my food a little as I laughed. "Oh my god, I remember now," I said. "My friend had the biggest crush on you. You were in the band, right?" "Yes, ma'am," Mark said. "My friend and I were in the choir, and she saw you at one of the concerts and thought you were the hottest creature to ever breathe." "Let's see, you would've been a sophomore, right?" "No, Mark, please." 

It was too late because he had already turned to the page. "Aww, you were so adorable," Mark cooed. "Shut up," I responded as he showed me the picture. It was back in my punk phase. My hair was dyed black with a red money piece, and I had on the darkest makeup possible. I also had a nose ring, but just a little diamond stud since that's all my grandma would let me have. 

"Wait, this is the funniest shit," Mark said. "Why?" I was curious. "My friend also had a little crush on you this school year. I don't know if you remember him, but it was Tyler Sheid." "You mean big sports guy Tyler Sheid?" "Yep, he was always too intimidated to ask you out." "Intimidated by me? I always thought him and his jock friends talked shit about me behind my back." "He didn't with me. He thought you were so cool and pretty. I don't want to offend you, but I thought you'd tear anyone apart that even looked in your direction." "Don't worry about it, I always made fun of my friend for having a crush on you because I thought you were a huge dork." 

"Oh yeah?" Mark closed his yearbook and leaned back smirking. "Hell yeah," I responded giggling. "Well look at you, now. You think I'm the hottest guy to walk the earth." "Yeah, and I'm not so intimidating when you get to know me, huh?" Mark crossed his arms and gave out a little chuckle. "I guess we were both assholes back then," he said. "Well, everyone in high school is," I responded. "I'm definitely not the same person as I was. My anger issues were so bad back then. I've worked on myself since then and I do a really good job at keeping it under control now." "You really do. I mean, knowing that now makes me so proud of you. The way that you've handled being around Felix when you visibly want to rip him apart is astounding." "Thank you, that really does mean a lot." 

Mark took both of our bowls after we had finished our meal. "So, I figured that we could also watch a movie tonight if you're up for it," Mark implied. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," I said. We made our way into the living room and sat next to each other on his couch. The couch was silky and so comfortable. It felt like sitting on a cloud in the sky. The TV turned on and Mark swiped through multiple streaming services before deciding on Netflix. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" Mark asked. "How about a horror movie?" I suggested. "I was really hoping you would say that. Have you ever watched the movie 'Unfriended?'" "Yes, I love that movie!" "Unfriended it is, my dear." He clicked on the movie and turned the lights off so we could watch it better. "You know, Netflix is very hit or miss a lot of times," I said. "Oh, I agree. I only keep it for Stranger Things honestly," Mark said. "Oh yeah. When Stranger Things ends, I don't know what Netflix is going to make to beat that show." "Yes! It's just so good, and so aesthetically pleasing." 

I snuggled close to Mark, and he wrapped his arm around me. That smell of pinewood and mint hit my nose once again. It was almost intoxicating because of how good it smelled. Being close to him gave me a feeling I've never felt with anyone else before. Like I was safe just because I was in his arms. Felix nor any man I've been with has ever made me feel like this. Is this what true love felt like? 

We sat in silence as we were both focused on the movie. It got to the part where it showed Val sitting still in her bathroom next to a bottle of bleach. Her video camera then loudly fell over and even though I've watched this movie so many times, the jump scares still get me from how loud they are. I jumped slightly and Mark giggled at my reaction. "I thought you've watched this before," Mark laughed. "I have, but the jump scares are really loud," I said. Mark giggled some more. "Don't worry, you have a big strong man here to protect you." "Uh huh, I sure do." 

As the movie went on, another jump scare came up. This time I jumped and let out a little shriek. Mark busted out laughing. "Jeez, you really are such a baby when it comes to horror movies," Mark teased. "Oh, hell no, you'll pay for that," I teased back. I got up and pounced onto him. We proceeded to play fight, fighting for dominance in the process. I playfully punched him in the abdomen, nothing that would hurt, and he grabbed my hands and pushed them. We were both grunting as we were pushing towards each other, me still straddling on top of him. 

Mark was finally able push me off and onto the floor. I was laying on my back as he was on top of me, pinning my hands down above my head. We were both panting and smiling. "Okay, you win," I was defeated. "Fuck yeah!" he exclaimed. We were still panting from being out of breath. Our eyes met as our faces became inches apart. Mark looked down at my lips quickly and licked his own before his gaze met my eyes again. He slowly closed the gap by bringing his face down and sensually kissing me. 

I kissed him back and our lips danced beautifully together. Our kiss went from sensual to heated within seconds. I grabbed the back of his head as he ran his hand under my thigh. He moaned into my mouth as his tongue found its way in. We were both panting and moaning messes at this point, our hands exploring each other's bodies. Mark released our make out session. "Let's finish what we started last night," he growled. I nodded and bit my lip. He lifted me up with him and carried me up the stairs with me kissing at his neck while he made his way to the bedroom. 

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