Chapter 14: Our First Real Date

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After Mark and I stopped by his house to get our swimsuits, we made our way to the closest waterpark. Luckily, it was huge with lots of slides and a lazy river. I haven't been to a waterpark since I was little. My grandparents would always take me to the one in Cincinnati at least twice during the summer. I think they felt bad that they couldn't afford a big vacation for me, so that was their way of trying to make my summers at least a little fun. 

Mark and I chose a couple of seats to place our things down at. We both had our swimsuits on under our clothes already, so we started to undress. All he had to do was take his shirt off and I took my shorts off, leaving my baggy shirt on. "So, what do you want to do first? I'm thinking the water slide over there," I inquired. "Hold on, why do you still have your shirt on? You're not taking it off?" he asked. 

"Nah, sunburns and stuff you know?" "We have sunblock, (Y/N). What's the real reason?" I looked down and played with the hem of my shirt. "Well, I've never had the ideal bikini body," I nervously answered. "Is your body currently in a bikini?" he asked. "Yeah..." "Then you have a bikini body! Listen, if anyone has a problem with it, which I'm positive no one will, I'll set them in their place. You should be able to feel like you can wear whatever you want. And frankly, you're pretty hot, so." 

I smiled at his little speech and nodded. "You know what? You're right," I answered. I proceeded to slip my shirt off, exposing my body for everyone to see. Mark stood back in awe of what was presented in front of him. I was wearing a maroon bikini with high waisted bottoms that hugged my figure perfectly. "See, what did I tell you?" he said. I giggled at his response and blushed a little. 

As we were making our way to the first water slide, a group of young girls were approaching us. They were all giggling and running up to Mark. "Hi, are you Mark Fishbach?" one of them asked. "Yeah," was all Mark responded with. "Oh my gosh, we watch your videos on Instagram all the time!" "Oh, thank you. It's always nice to meet fans."  "Can we get a picture?" "Of course." 

They asked me to take the picture, and I happily obliged. I understand fully that Mark gets recognized often. When I got done taking a few group pictures of them, I handed the phone back to the girl it belonged to. "Oh, I have one more question," the blonde of the group said. Only she said it in like a flirty tone, and I didn't like that. "Yeah?" Mark responded. "Can you sign my tit for me?" Hell no she didn't. I was ready to go ape shit but kept my composure. "I'm sorry ma'am, but I don't sign body parts. I can sign something else if you like," Mark respectfully answered. "Ugh, I thought you liked meeting your fans," the blonde was disgusted. 

"First of all, I do. I just don't like signing women's breasts. I may be a celebrity around here, but I have boundaries just like you. Also, it's disrespectful to my girlfriend who is standing right here. I'm sorry this isn't what you were expecting. You ladies have a fun time." Mark took my hand and started guiding me away from them, leaving them speechless. 

I heard the blonde say that Mark was an asshole and her friend tell her how disrespectful she was. I'm glad her friend was putting her in her place, she deserved it. "Girlfriend, huh?" I playfully said while we were still walking, our hands still holding. I could tell that I made Mark nervous by my little comment. "Well, I mean. Uh, I was just saying that to get it through her small head that what she was doing was disrespectful. I didn't mean to-" I cut him off, "Hey, it's okay. I kind of like it." 

He glanced over at me and shyly smiled. "You do?" he blushed. "Yeah, I do. I guess I can call you my boyfriend now?" I responded. "If that's what you want then I guess we're official." "I'd like that." We both shared a smile towards one another before making our way up the stairs to the water slide. 

Our day at the water park was amazing. Every slide was unique in its own way with all the twists and turns. Some had tubes that went with them, and others didn't. I hadn't had that much fun since I was a little kid. Although, my adult side adored the lazy river. Something about floating along the waves was so relaxing. I adored everything about it. The best part was I spent all of it with Mark. He was able to bring out the best sides in me when they needed to come out. Just his presence alone was enough to make me feel comforted and happy. 

Mark and I were drying off at our chairs for a few moments. We didn't realize it, but we had been there for many hours. It was now evening time and I was starving. "Hey, are you hungry?" I asked Mark. "Yeah, I actually am. You?" he responded. "Starving." "Well, they have a fairly large concession here. And there's seats upstairs at the deck area. You want to just eat here?" "Yeah, that doesn't sound too bad." "Okay, awesome. Well, you just go get changed and pick a seat up there. I'll meet you there with the food." "Sounds great." 

I made my way to the dressing rooms with my things. Thank God we thought of bringing extra clothes or I'd be eating dinner in wet clothes. Usually I wouldn't mind, but this was a legit date after all. I wanted to look at least decent for dinner. After slipping out of my bikini, I put on a short white dress I brought. My favorite part about this dress was the top part. It was like a crocheted style and it was very flowy at the bottom, coming just above my knees. I then brushed my hair out and threw it up in a messy bun. 

After checking myself in the mirror, I decided to make my way upstairs to find us a seat. It was a weekday, so all the seats were empty. In a way, I prefer it this way. I never enjoyed when a place was so busy you couldn't hear your own thoughts. The emptiness was peaceful, and the view was absolutely beautiful. I decided on a table next to the railing so we could get a good view of the sunset. 

After a few moments, I noticed Mark coming up the stairs. He spotted me instantly and walked towards the table with food in his hands. "I wasn't sure what to get, so I got us a large pizza and mozzarella sticks," he said. "That's perfect! Pizza's my favorite," I responded. 

Mark set the food up for us and sat in the seat across from me. We immediately started to dig into the delicious food. "Wow, I hope we aren't bothering the other guests," Mark joked. I laughed at his remark. "It's nice just the two of us, though," I said. "I agree. I love your dress, by the way. It looks beautiful on you." "Thank you. I like your outfit too. It looks really good." He was wearing a navy-blue collared shirt and tan cargo shorts. I can see he had the same idea as me since he dressed nice, too. 

The sun was starting to set, and it was breathtaking. The beautiful mixture of orange and yellow against the earth was something I couldn't take my eyes off. "Look how pretty the sunset is," I turned back to Mark and noticed him staring at me. Not in a creepy way or anything, but more loving. "Hmm, yeah. It's beautiful," he hummed. I smiled at him before taking another bite of pizza. 

"Why don't we walk over there and get a better view?" he pointed to the edge of the deck. "Oh yeah, good idea," I responded. We made our way over to the edge and both leaned against the rail. "It really is pretty," he said. "Yeah, I love sunsets," I responded. "You know, I don't believe in a God or anything, but I think the universe brought us together for a reason." "Yeah? How so?" "I don't know if Felix ever mentioned anything about me back then, but I went through a breakup a couple months before that night at the club." "Oh no, I didn't know." "It was for the best, but it still hurt. That girl, she was very abusive to me. Physically and mentally. I never talk about it because I feel like no one believes me. I mean, I was at one of the lowest points in my life, but then I called you. And since then, I've felt like I was on top of the world. I feel like the universe sent me you." 

"Wow Mark, I never knew. I'm so sorry." "It's okay. I'm much happier now that I have someone like you by my side." "Me too. I'm so glad we did what we did. Of course, it was a shitty thing but something amazing came out of it for me. And I never would have dreamed this would happen, but I'm so glad it did." Mark smiled at me and pushed a strand of my bangs behind my ear. I shrugged at his touch and smiled back. We looked lovingly into each other's eyes and leaned towards each other. 

Our lips met in a loving kiss. We've kissed before, but this time it was different. It wasn't lustful or just a little peck. It was a true kiss. A kiss that sends butterflies through you and makes your body feel like static. It felt like we were the only ones in the whole world in that moment. I always thought a true love's kiss was something made up in fairytales and shit, but I think it's what I was experiencing in this very moment.  

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