Chapter 16: The Doorbell

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I got out of bed to get a drink of water. My mouth was dry, and lips were chapped. Making my way downstairs, I could have sworn I heard a banging coming from the living room. I hesitantly turned on the lights and was presented with nothing that could've made the noise. "Mark?" I called out. It was only about 1:45 in the morning, so there's no way Mark was home already.

No one answered to my call, so I shrugged it off and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen, I pulled a small glass out from the cupboard. Mark had one of those refrigerators with the ice and water dispensers on the door. When I was younger, I dreamed of a refrigerator like that. I always thought it meant you had made it in life or something. Within seconds, the glass was full of cold water. 

I took a sip of the drink and quenched my thirst. The liquid running down my throat was more than satisfying for my dry mouth. After finishing the water, I turned around and started to make my way over to the sink. Suddenly I looked up, and what I saw made me let out a loud gasp and drop the glass onto the floor. It broke into tiny pieces all over the floor.

Felix was standing on the other side of the kitchen, just watching me. I backed up against the counter and gripped onto it. As soon as I caught my breath, I was finally able to speak. "W-Why are you here? I'm calling the police," I started to dart towards the entrance of the kitchen. Felix was faster, though. He beat me to it and blocked me from leaving.

"No, darling. There's no point," he said sinisterly. He pulled out a large knife and pointed it at my neck. I started to back away from him slowly, but he kept walking towards me with the knife. "By the time the cops get here, you'll already be dead," he stared into my eyes the whole time. I was backed up against the counter once more, gripping onto it.

"Listen, just leave. I won't tell anyone about this," I pleaded, tears forming in my eyes. "Now (Y/N), do you think I'm that stupid?" he questioned. "If you're mad about the restraining order, I'll toss it away. I won't go through with it. Just please don't hurt me." "That's what you think I'm so mad about? You're so stupid. No, I'm mad about everything. Why do you think I cheated on you? I cheated on you because I knew our relationship was in turmoil, and I knew that deep down you would cheat on me, so I beat you to it. I knew that you were always going to be the whore you were before we got together."

"Fuck you," I spat. Felix struck me across the face. "Don't fucking talk to me like that!" he screamed at me. I held my cheek in pain, and I was sobbing at this point. "And look at you. Living your best life, huh? You really think Mark loves you? He's using you, just like everyone else that comes your way will. What kind of relationship comes from a fucking threesome?" "But he does love me," I cried.

Felix snickered and rolled his eyes. "Why don't you open your eyes and wake up?" he calmy asked. He grabbed me by the shoulders and got harsher with each statement. "Wake up! I said wake the fuck up!"

"Hey, wake up," Mark was gently shaking me. Suddenly, I was back in our bed. Mark was standing on the side of the bed, hovering over me, looking at me concerningly. I noticed I had been crying and my breath was shaky. "Are you okay? You must've been having a nightmare," Mark said to me. I caught my breath and realized what happened. Thank God it was just a bad dream.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I said. "Good," Mark responded. He pushed a strand of hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. I spoke too soon; a sudden feeling of nausea overcame me. "I'm sorry," I said quickly and made my way hastily to the bathroom. That frozen pizza must not have agreed with me or something, because I was puking a very large amount.

Mark came up behind me and pulled my hair out of my face. His other hand started to gently rub my back. "Are you sure you're okay, sweetheart?" he asked me. I flushed the toilet and sat down on my bottom so I could face him. "Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm not sure what came over me," I responded. "Do you need to go to the emergency room?" "Oh, no, I'm fine. Pizza must've been bad or something."

"Yeah, those frozen pizzas are never too great." We both chuckled slightly. "Why don't you brush your teeth and I'll get you some tea?" Mark asked. "That sounds great, thank you," I said. While he helped me on my feet, I noticed I could smell alcohol on him. Not necessarily his breath, but him. I know he works around it all night, but I've never noticed it before. It was a very strong and distinct smell.

"Hey, did you spill alcohol on yourself or something?" I asked. "No, why?" Mark was puzzled. "I can smell it on you." "Really? I never thought I came home smelling like alcohol, but maybe I'm just nose blind to it or something." "Huh." "Well, I'll change and shower, too. I'm sure it's not the most attractive smell." I giggled at his response before he walked out of the room.


Mark came out of the bathroom in nothing but basketball shorts on. He had made me some chamomile tea for my stomach, which I sipped on while he showered. By the time he was out of the shower, I had already finished most of my tea. It was delicious and eased my nausea.

"Are you feeling better, darling?" Mark asked as he laid next to me in the bed. "Yes, thank you so much for the tea," I expressed. "It's no problem. My job is to take care of you, so that I shall do." I blushed at his comment and gave him a soft smile. "Do you want to talk about your dream at all?" he asked. "I don't know," I shrugged. I really didn't want to, but maybe I needed to help me feel better about everything.

"You know I'm always here for you, right?" he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and stared lovingly at me. "I know, Mark," I responded. I was hesitant to tell him about my dream, but ultimately decided on it. With every detail, I could tell he was growing more and more upset for me. His eyebrows furrowed and he rubbed my thigh to show that he was listening.

"It was just a dream, sweetheart. I'm never going to let anything like that happen to you. And dream Felix is wrong because... I do love you," Mark stated. I was shocked at the fact that he said he loved me. It felt early but oddly enough the right time too. The moment of vulnerability felt like a perfect time to finally express how we feel towards each other.

"You do?" I asked. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" he asked. "I don't know. I honestly never thought of myself as the lovable type." "Why wouldn't you be? You've got those beautiful eyes that would make anyone fall madly in love with you. Your personality makes you such a likable person, someone that everyone wants to be around. Just... everything about you is flawless to me. I truly love you so much." 

I started to tear up at his comments. No one has ever shown this much love for me. My tears were not from sorrow or anger this time. Instead, they came from true happiness. I kept my gaze away from him, because I hate when people see me cry. It didn't stay away long though; he grabbed my chin gently with his index finger and thumb and brought my face up to look at him. "What's wrong?" he asked with concern. 

"No one's ever loved me like that," I responded. "I seriously don't know how. You're amazing, (Y/N)." "I love you too, Mark. And I mean that. It feels like for the first time in forever, I'm saying that to someone and I genuinely mean it. I love you so much." Mark and I looked at each for a moment before embracing in a deep kiss. 

We pulled apart and gazed into each other's eyes for another moment before kissing again. Our kiss deepened more than before, and before we knew it, we were making out. His fingertips trailed down the side of my body as my hand reached up to place itself against his stubbled jawline. "You know what else makes me love you so much?" he breathed out. "What?" I smiled. "The way this beautiful body looks when I'm fucking it." 

We attacked each other's lips once again and he made his way on top of me. His head moved down to the crook of my neck, and he started sucking on it. I grabbed a handful of his hair as I moaned slightly. His hard on was already prominent beneath his sweatpants and rubbed against my inner thigh. "God baby, you turn me on so mu-" Mark was cut off by the doorbell ringing. 

We both froze and stared at each other in confusion. Who the hell is here this late at night? The doorbell rang a few more times, as if whoever it was needed in to save their life. Mark and I both got up and tiptoed down the stairs. I stayed back at the foot of the stairs while Mark inched closer to the door. The doorbell continued ringing until Mark opened the door slowly. 


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