Chapter 18: Code Blue

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"We got a 10-32 here at 317 11th Avenue. Suspect is currently detained and unarmed. Three victims have been found at the scene; all are unconscious. Two males and one female, one male has suffered gunshots to the head and the other male on the right side of his chest. The female has suffered one wound to the head, potentially from falling. All victims are currently being transported into ambulances, and the hospital will determine their condition. Can we get Officer Mills here immediately for investigation?" 

I could faintly hear the police and other commotion as I started to come to. My vision was blurry; all I could make out were the blue and red lights from the police cars and the fact that I was lying in a stretcher. EMTs were pushing me in the stretcher to get into the ambulance. I brought one hand up to my head and felt liquid. When I brought my hand into my view, I noticed it was blood. I wasn't able to react, but inside I felt terrified. 

"Hey! We got one conscious!" I heard a police officer yell out. One female officer ran over to me as I was still being pushed on the stretcher. "Hey, honey. I know we don't know each other, but I'm promising you everything is going to be okay. All you have to do is stay with us. The hospital is going to take care of you. You're going to get through this." That was the last thing I heard before I was lifted into the ambulance with an EMT in the vehicle with me. 

My vision was finally stable as I took in the scenery around me. It wasn't much, it was just the back of an ambulance. The EMT was a woman who looked to be about in her early 30s. She took no time to gently lift my head up and wrap my forehead in gauze. "Okay, dear, can you tell me your name?" she asked me. "(Y/N) (L/N)," I responded. "Good job, honey. Do you remember what happened to your head?" "I just kind of blacked out, I guess from shock. I must've fell down the stairs and hit it." "Okay, good job." "Are Mark and Sean okay?" "Is that what the two men's names are? Mark and Sean?" "Yes." "Are you all friends?" "Yeah, well Mark is my boyfriend, but Sean is our friend." "Which one's Mark? What does he look like?" "He's got darker hair and he's half Korean. Sean is Irish, and he has gages in his ears." "Ah, so you're with the handsome one. I should've known, someone as pretty as you." I giggled slightly at her response. 

"Do you know if they're okay?" I asked once more. Her slight smile faded, and she let out a sigh. "Listen, I'm not going to feed you bullshit. We can't confirm anything at the moment. They're both unconscious, but the nurses at the hospital will be able to get a better reading on their vitals and everything. I don't want to scare you by saying that, but it's the truth. But if it helps you, I've seen people survive some crazy shit. So, I believe that Mark and Sean can get through this." I started to tear up. Crying in front of strangers was something I despised doing, but I've always been emotional. 

She reached over and rubbed my shoulder. "I know it's scary, but you got this," she reassured me. "Thank you," I shakily responded. I felt the moving vehicle come to a slow stop, which most likely meant we were at the hospital. The EMT went to the back door to open it. "We're here, it was nice meeting you, (Y/N)," she said to me before helping the other EMTs with the stretcher. I gave her a small smile as I felt myself being lifted out of the ambulance and onto the pavement. 

As soon as I entered the hospital, nurses started surrounding me and took over the EMTs positions. One asked me similar questions that I was already asked, but that's expected. I was asked my full name, who the president is, and what city we're in. The stretcher came to a stop into a room with curtains around it, which I assume was the emergency room. They checked my vitals, looked at my pupils, and finally lifted up the bandage to see the damage. 

"We're going to have to do stitching," one of them said to me. One nurse stayed as the others walked out since everything seemed fine with me. The nurse that stayed was a male nurse. There weren't many facial features I could point out, since he had a face mask on. All I could tell was that he was a lanky, tall white man. He appeared to be in his mid to late 40s and had brown hair peeking out from his hair cap. "Okay, dear, I'm going to talk you through everything I'm doing so you know what's going on," he said to me while washing his hands. 

"Okay," I managed to get out. He put on latex gloves right before going into the medical cabinet on the wall. I assume everything he pulled out was necessary for the stitching process. I'm not intelligent when it comes to the medical field. "Alright first, I'm going to clean the area with hydroperoxide, which is going to burn a little," he explained to me. He applied the cotton pad to my wound and immediately, I felt a slight stinging sensation on my forehead. I flinched slightly at the sudden pain. "Are you doing okay?" he asked. "Yeah," I whispered. "Okay, now I'm going to apply this numbing ointment. It'll help you not feel the stitching. You'll still be able to feel some of it, but this ointment is definitely going to help." 

The rest of the time of him doing the procedure, he made small talk with me. He asked me about my work and seemed very fascinated by it. I honestly couldn't tell if he was genuinely interested, or if he just acted that way to distract me. I told him all about my writing and how I stay anonymous, and he seemed to be intrigued the entire time. The numbing ointment did work, but I still felt the pulling of my skin, which wasn't a very pleasant feeling. I never thought I would have to know what that feels like, or even be in the situation I was currently in.

"Okay, and just like that we're done!" he said enthusiastically. "Where are Mark and Sean?" I asked calmly. "You'll get to see them soon; we just have to make sure you're okay first." "Alright." "Now, I got to ask you the annoying questions, so we know what to do from here. Are you currently on any medications?" "Just birth control and medication for my migraines." "How often do you take them?" "My birth control, every night before bed. And I only take the ones for my migraines when I feel one coming up." "Alright. Any allergies?" "Only penicillin." "Okay. Any chance you're pregnant?" "I'm sexually active, but I take my birth control consistently. Though, I don't use any other form of protection, typically." "Okay. Do you have any current pain? If so, can you describe it?" "Yeah, my head hurts, like a sore feeling, and I feel nauseous." "Okay, dear. That's everything. I'll get you some medication and water for the nausea. Is there anything else you need at this time?" "No, thank you." With that, he nodded and smiled at me before leaving the room. 


A couple hours had passed by. The nurses were nothing but good to me. They checked on me every half hour and made sure I was well taken care of. My nausea had gone away from the medicine, and I was feeling much better than before. I still couldn't stop worrying about Mark and Sean. No one had given me any information on what was going on. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. 

"CODE BLUE EMERGENCY ROOM 4. CODE BLUE EMERGENCY ROOM 4." I knew that announcement all too well in a hospital. They called it when my grandpa was in the hospital for the last time. Someone's heart has stopped. I saw multiple nurses rushing past my room to the emergency. With the little strength I had, I managed to pull myself out of the stretcher I was in and onto the floor. I was fully aware that this could be anyone, but I had to make sure. There was a slight limp in my walk and my legs felt like jello. I made my way to the room labeled 4 and pulled back the curtain. Multiple nurses crowded the person in the stretcher, but I was able to make out who it was. 

My heart dropped. A nurse came over and tried to guide me away from the crowd, but I struggled to remain in the spot I was in. Suddenly, the line on the machine went flat and stayed that way for some time. The nurses couldn't do anything else to save him. A blood curdling cry escaped my lips as I fell to my knees. Sean was gone. 

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