Chapter 13: Restraining Order

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The next morning, Mark and I went to the station to apply for a restraining order. We both decided to dress a little nice just because it felt like the appropriate thing to do. I was wearing a black t-shirt with baggy jeans and black chunky sandals. Mark was wearing a red flannel with black jeans and black running shoes. I must say we do clean up nicely when we have to. 

We entered the police station and walked up to the front desk. The receptionist noticed us and greeted us with a friendly smile. "Hi there! Did you have an appointment wish us today?" she asked. "Oh, I don't think so. Officer Mills told us to stop by this morning to fill out an application for a restraining order," I explained. "Oh yeah! (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N) and Mark Fischbach, correct?" "Yes, ma'am." "Okay, I'll let him know you two are here. Just have a seat in our waiting area." "Thank you so much." 

Mark and I sat down in the waiting area. My leg was shaking, and I was picking at my nails. I tended to do this a lot when I was nervous. To distract myself, I grabbed a magazine that was next to me and started to flip through it. I ended up on a page with Felix's face on it. The article was titled 'Movie Director Felix Kjellberg and Mystery Girlfriend Broke Up?!' I scoffed at the page and showed it to Mark. "See, what did I tell you?" I spoke. Mark shook his head after reading it. "They really do know everything, huh?" he implied. 

Officer Mills stepped into the waiting area, making Mark and I immediately stand up. "I'm so glad both of you could make it today," Officer Mills said. "Oh yeah, us too," I agreed. "Follow me back to my office so we can get started on the paperwork." We followed Officer Mills back to his office. It looked just like you'd imagine a police officer's office to look. Pretty much bland and lacking color, but he had some nice knick knacks and a picture of his daughter on his desk. 

He took a seat at his desk while Mark and I sat in the two chairs set up on the opposite end. I took a deep breath to ease my anxiety. I'm not sure why I was so anxious. I know that everyone is here to help me, so I don't know why I have that turning in my stomach like something bad is going to happen. 

Officer Mills crossed his arms on his desk and looked at us with a serious look on his face. "I need to go through the basics with you two," he started. "Today you are applying for a restraining order against Mr. Kjellberg. Once your paperwork is complete, I'll take it to the courthouse, and they will schedule a court hearing in which you and Mr. Kjellberg will have to attend. You'll receive a letter in the mail, as will he, explaining what the hearing is for and when you need to attend it. Make sure you are the-" 

Officer Mills was cut off by my phone ringing. I reached into my pocket and took the annoying thing out to see who was calling me. Shit, it's Jules. I nervously cleared my throat. "I'm so sorry, do you mind if I take this? It's my work," I asked. "No, go right ahead," Officer Mills said. "Thank you so much. And again, I'm so sorry." 

I hurried outside of his office and answered my phone. "Hey, Jules," I sighed. "What the hell?" Jules was very distraught from the sound of her voice. "Listen, I know. Just listen to me, okay?" "(Y/N), there better be a very good reason why you haven't returned my messages for 3 days! This is so unlike you." "I know, I'm sorry. Felix and I broke up." "Oh... shit." "Yeah, and since then he's been stalking me and this guy I'm staying with. We're at the police station right now to get a restraining order against him." "Damn, that is a pretty good reason. I'm sorry I got so snappy with you. Take the time you need, just please keep in touch." "Thank you, Jules, I appreciate it." 

I clicked the red button to end the call and slid my phone back into my pocket. Mark and Officer Mills were conversating when I walked back in. "I'm so sorry about that," I apologized. "Don't worry about it," Officer Mills responded. "So, what kind of paperwork do I need to fill out?" "Oh, just this application. It basically asks your personal info, as well as the info you know about Mr. Kjellberg, and your reason for applying." He handed me a sheet of paper on a clipboard along with a pen. 

I started to fill out the application. It reminded me of filling out paperwork for a doctor's office or something. All it was asking for was basically my information and why I'm filling it out. I don't know why, but I thought it would be more complex than what it is. Finishing it in no time, I signed the bottom of the paper. I always hated the way my name looked written out, whether it was in cursive or print. 

When I was finished filling everything out, I handed the clipboard back to Officer Mills. He took it from me and neatly placed it into a yellow envelope. "Now I just need your written consent right here that it's okay for me to transport this as needed," he said, handing me a contract looking thing. I nodded and signed the bottom of the paper. He handed Mark the same form once I had signed. "I just need you to sign here saying you are the witness here today," he explained. Mark understood and signed the spot without hesitation. 

Officer Mills thanked us for signing and placed the paper in the envelope along with the application. "So, what happens from here?" Mark asked. "At this point, you wait for that letter in the mail I talked about. It'll tell you when the court hearing is. Just make sure you show up to that court hearing," Officer Mills explained. "We'll definitely be there. Thank you so much for all your help." Mark shook the kind man's hand before the same man shook mine. "If anything happens between that time period do not hesitate to call me. We will come straight to you." 

We said our thank yous and goodbyes and left the police station. The process was much easier than I thought. It also didn't take all day, which I'm very thankful for. There was still plenty of sunshine to enjoy. It truly was a beautiful day. An idea popped into my brain. "Do you want to go to the beach today?" I asked Mark. Mark was already driving at this point. "We've already passed it though, love," he responded. "Yeah, but we have to stop and get our swimsuits anyway." 

"Okay, I have a confession," Mark said. I looked at him in silence, awaiting his confession. He gave me a glance and a sly grin before putting his gaze back on the road. "I actually don't like the beach," he confessed. "Oh, how come?" I wasn't judging him at all, just curious. "I don't know, just never took a liking to it I suppose. I mean, all that sand's just annoying and there's always drunks just roaming at any time of the day and don't even get me started on the ocean." 

"You don't even like the ocean?" "I'm terrified of what's in the ocean. The ocean itself is very beautiful, but we don't know what's in there. It's scary." "Yeah, you make a valid point." "Oh, but space? Now that's something I could talk about all day." "Space is pretty cool." "Oh, so cool! I would love to go to space one day just to see what it's like." 

I giggled a little as he rambled on about his love for space and why space is so cool. Listening to him talk was something I could do all day. Well, in this moment I wasn't fully listening to be honest. Some words stuck out every now and then, but I was really just watching him. I know that may sound weird, but I couldn't help myself. The way his mouth moved when he talked, the way his eyes squinted when he smiled, the way his hands helped his words when telling a story. I was sitting there taking it all in for just a moment. He was just... beautiful. Not just physically either; he was the kind of beautiful that was rare to find in this world. I've never looked at anyone and thought this about them. Is this love? 

"Oh, anyway here I am just rambling about my love for space. Did you want to go to a water park instead?" Mark offered. I snapped back into the moment once I heard his offer. "Yeah! The water park sounds really fun," I replied. "Awesome! It'll be a great date for us." Mark took my hand while keeping his other one on the wheel. Just the feeling of him tracing his thumb in circles on my hand shot butterflies through my stomach. Oh yeah, there was no doubt that I was falling in love with this man. 

Heyyy! Look, I know this chapter's late, please don't hate me. Last week just wasn't my week to be honest, but I'm back this week! And I'm promising right here that the next chapter will be out THIS FRIDAY! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :) 

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