Chapter 7: Free

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"Hello?" I answered my phone. "Hey," Mark started, "is everything okay now?" "Well, not really. He's onto the fact that we slept together, but I didn't deny or confirm it. I'm staying the night with a friend to give him and I some space." "Yeah, space is probably best. So, are you going to break up with him? Just know that I respect your decision either way." I took a moment to respond but ultimately made my decision, "Yeah. It's going to be for the best. There's no love on either side anymore and there's just no fixing our relationship." 

"I understand. You have to do what's best for you, (Y/N)." "I know..." "I was just having a thought and um; you're going to need a place to stay when you leave. You're more than welcome to stay with me as long as you wish." "I might just take you up on that offer, Mark. Thank you." "Of course, anything for you." I smiled at his statement and found myself twirling my hair in one finger like a little schoolgirl with a massive crush. 

"I'm sorry if I ruined your friendship," I apologized. "Well, I'm just as guilty in it aren't I?" Mark snickered. "Yeah, I guess you're right." "Honestly, I gained a better friendship out of it, so I have no regrets." "Me too. I'd love to talk more, but I really should actually do some work, so my publisher doesn't think I've died." "Alright, I'll talk to you later." "Bye, Mark." 

After I hung up, I realized that Christa was staring at me the whole time. "So..." she playfully said, "What did lover boy want?" "Shut up," I threw a pillow at her, "it's not like that." "Not like that? Girl, I watched that whole interaction just now and you're totally into him." All I did was giggle before pulling out my laptop, "All right, I seriously have to finish up this article." "What's this one about?" "How you know you've found the one for you..." 

I realized that I wrote this article about the beginning of mine and Felix's relationship. This writing didn't feel honest, like I would be lying to thousands of women and young girls. An idea popped in my head. It would be risky since the deadline was today, but I knew I could do it. I pulled out my phone and messaged my publisher. 

(Y/N) - Hey, I know we agreed on this whole finding your soulmate idea for this article, but how about a different route? An article about how someone can be everything you've ever hoped for, but in the end it's not what you ever needed. And how that can lead to something you truly needed all along. 

I patiently waited for Jules's response. Finally, I heard my phone ding and immediately reached for it. 

Jules - It's risky, but I like it. It's real. It's exactly what women need to read. Deadline is still 3:00. Do not disappoint. 

(Y/N) - I got this, trust me. 

With only two hours to write, I poured my heart into this article. Every click of my keyboard was so satisfying to me. Writing was my passion, and I always made sure my publisher was on board with having me write about topics I was passionate about. Two hours passed quickly, but it was just enough time to write what was needed and revise it. I sent the article to Jules right at 3:00. 

I was satisfied with my work and so was Jules. She sent very positive feedback and ensured the article would be posted tomorrow. I closed my laptop and set it on the table in front of me. For the rest of the evening, Christa and I watched movies and drank a little bit. I know I sound like an alcoholic, but I'm really not. Everyone just has their ways of relaxing during hard times, and mine was Mike's Hard Lemonade. 

Christa and I decided to call it a night. I grabbed a bottle of water before bed because I didn't want another hangover in the morning. Going up the stairs seemed like a task. Unlike last night, I was very drunk. I collapsed into the bed in Christa's guest bedroom. As I was sipping on the water, I was scrolling through different social media platforms until I made a decision I would regret doing later. I opened the messages app and immediately started texting Mark. 

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