Prologue: The Point of No Return

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And just that, I'm back with another instalment of the Hell's Tribe MC series! I hope you all enjoy Maggie and Blaze's story, and just know this was the hardest for me to write. Maggie's character was such a change from any female MC I've written in the past, and while it was fun to explore her character, it also posed considerable challenges for me—hence the very long gap between books 6 and 7. In any case, the first 3 chapters of A Wild Ride are here and regular chapter postings begin right now!

*Please note if you read book 6 (Sleigh Ride Together) my Christmas novella, the prologue and chapter 1 of this book have already been featured there.* Reading book 6 will give you a better understanding of where this book picks up, so give that a quick read if you haven't already. Chapter 2 is the first chapter of new content.

I hope you all enjoy it!


The blood on my hands had stained my steering wheel an angry red. My hands were shaking uncontrollably, my body was unable to remain calm or still after what I had just done. I wasn't sure how I was even able to drive right now, but after what I'd just done to Owen, I knew there was only one place I could go. As desperately as I wished I could turn to somebody else for help with this, I had fucked up beyond the point of return tonight, and there was only one way I may be able to get myself out of this, one hand left to play.

The familiar roads were beginning to creep up upon me and even though I hadn't driven down them in almost seven years, I barely needed to pay attention before my muscle memory was leading me back to my childhood home. The last time I had been here was hell. I swore I would never come back to this place, back to these people who were for better or worse, my only family. For years, I kept that promise to myself—no matter how hard or lonely it got, no matter how broke or desperate I was for help, I had lived the last few years completely on my own. I never thought I would find myself here, especially not after committing murder.

Holy fucking shit. I had murdered someone tonight.






My entire body felt like it was on fire—and not in a good way. I swear to god it felt like I was already in hell, burning at the stake as punishment for my actions. I had killed a man. I may not have meant to, or gone into the bakery tonight with those intentions, but fuck—I had done it and I'd do it again under the circumstances.

The horrid reminder of what I had done only a few hours ago made my stomach twist with disgust. I barely made it to pull my car to the shoulder of the road before I was projectile vomiting out of the window, emptying my stomach on the side of the road. When there was nothing left, I resorted to a few minutes of dry heaving before I finally grabbed a hold of myself, pulling it together just long enough to get back onto the road.

I was just outside of town at this point, but that was far from reassuring. If anything, being so close to Tooele after so many years away was only adding to my nerves.

I mean, the fact that I had just killed a man earlier tonight wasn't helping either, but suddenly, I cared more about the fact that I was about to reunite with my parents again rather than the fact that there was a man lying dead in a bakery by my hands.

Fuck, this was a shitty holiday homecoming.

I couldn't help the way my driving naturally slowed as I approached the street where my childhood home stood, but I was desperate to buy myself some more time before I had to face them. I pulled my car into park a few houses down, taking multiple deep breaths as I tried to collect myself and the events that had transpired earlier tonight.

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