Chapter 19: The Beginning

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Were about to hit 5k yayyyy!!!! I hope you guys are enjoying book 7 and can't wait for you to read more and find out how this story unfolds. 

Will Blaze finally get the truth from Maggie? Will she trust him enough to reveal what actually happened with Owen?

Keep reading to find out!


"Okay," Maggie huffed, pulling my Tribe t-shirt over her head to cover her naked body after we went at it for round two.

Fucking that woman was an addicting feeling, one worse than any drug or alcohol I'd ever tried.

"What do you wanna know?" She questioned, crossing her legs as she leaned up against the headboard of my bed.

I knew I should be thinking about finally getting the truth out of her, but all I could think about was how fucking good she looked in my clothes. Maggie wasn't your typical pretty, she had messy hair piled on top of her head most of the time, and never wore makeup other than that black shit that coated her eyelashes and messily smudged underneath her eyes by the end of the day. She always wore sweats or baggy clothes, and now especially, they were hanging off of her. Maggie must have lost at least ten pounds since she first came to town and it was borderline concerning.

"Everything," I told her. "Start from the beginning."

I couldn't distinguish the look on her face. It was a mixture of fear, remorse and something else I couldn't quite discern.

"Well, I came back to Utah after I got fired from the restaurant I was working at in Chicago. I stole some money, some expensive caviar, some truffles—you know, the good shit. I tried getting a gig somewhere else in town, but my boss from the other place threatened to black-list me from any decent restaurant if I didn't blow him. I told him to go fuck himself and he spread the word that I was a thief. Apparently, he had some major restaurant connections, cos the only place willing to hire me was fucking Olive Garden. "

"Jesus," I groaned, already hating the sound of this.

"I stuck it out as long as I could, but I decided to come back home. I hated the idea of showing up here with my tail between my legs, but I didn't have many options. I ran into Lizzie inside a coffee shop on my way through St. George. We knew each other from school but were never really close. When she told me she was looking for a roommate, I thought it sounded better than showing up here."

"So, you stayed in St. George?" I questioned.

Maggie nodded, looking down at her hands as she fumbled with her fingers. "She got me the job with Owen shortly after that. He needed a head baker after his last one quit on him and he gave me the job on the spot. He didn't ask any questions and neither did I. The money was good and I knew he was Lizzie's boyfriend, so I didn't question it."

I pretty much knew most of this already from what she'd told everyone before. She may have been telling the truth about some things, but we all knew there was more she was hiding.

"When did shit go south?" I asked her.

"About two months into living in St.George, I found out about Owen's wife. She came into the bakery one day looking for him. I told Lizzie that night when I got home from work, but she wasn't surprised. She knew he was still technically married, but was under the assumption they weren't together anymore. I shrugged it off at first, it wasn't my shit to worry about. Owen's wife kept coming back in, and it was clear to me that they were very fucking together. I guess he was worried I'd tell Lizzie about it so he confronted me one night after work. He told me if I kept my mouth shut about what I saw he'd double my pay."

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