Chapter 2: Can of Worms

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The first chapter of new content deserves a major shoutout to @StephanieFerguson156 for writing the intro! Thank you for your constant support, suggestions and friendship. I owe this chapter to you!



I sat on the familiar old couch in my parent's familiar old living room with my toes dug into the familiar old carpet, listening to the familiar old clock on the wall ticking away. It should have been comforting really, maybe nostalgic; but all I could feel was that somehow this was just the beginning of something that was about to get really ugly, really fast.

"Maggie," my father urged.

I had remained silent for much longer than I meant to, but it was like I just couldn't find my voice.

"Were you and Owen sleeping together?" he pressed.

Letting out a deep breath, I decided that the only way I would get them to stop asking more questions was to lie. Maybe not the best option, especially given the lengths my father and his brothers had gone to in order to help me, but I felt like I had no other choice. Admitting the truth would be opening a whole can of worms that I was not currently equipped to deal with on top of everything else.

"He was sleeping with Lizzie, I just worked for him," I told them firmly.

That might have been true a few months ago, and maybe if it had stayed that way I wouldn't have ended up here, but it was too late to worry and wonder about the what-ifs. This had happened and I had no choice but to suffer the consequences, no matter what they might be

"Why'd you take so long to answer the question?" My mother wondered.

I scoffed, hating the tone in her voice when she asked that. It was condescending and dismissive, almost as if she half expected me to lie and shouldn't have even bothered asking me the question at all.

In her defence, I was lying, but a little benefit of the doubt from my own mother every now and then would be nice.

"Don't you fucking lie, Mags," My father warned, pointing a finger at me.

Letting out a breath, I shook my head in disbelief.

"I have to live with the fact that I just killed a man. Forgive me if I'm not acting the way you two want," I exclaimed. "I haven't slept in days, and I'm mentally and physically exhausted. You can either choose to believe me, or you can tell me to fuck off, but do not sit here and interrogate me for answers that I've already given you."

I was straight out lying to their faces, and while part of me felt guilty about it, I would feel worse having to admit the truth to them and have them not believe me. Sometimes, a lie was more to benefit the person you were lying to rather than the liar themselves. This was one of those times.

Letting out a breath, my father turned to my mother and shrugged. Her expression was still tense, but when they both shared a look of defeat, I knew that they had given up on this for now.

"Fine," my father breathed. "I'm done talking about this shit. It's over and done with now, and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Agreed," I nodded.

I turned to my mother, hoping she would have followed suit, but her arms were crossed over her chest and her eyes narrowed in hesitance.

"I know there's more to this than you're letting on, but I'm too exhausted to bother with you anymore, Maggie," she mumbled.

Ouch. I had to admit, that one hurt.

"I appreciate everything you guys have done for me and I'm sorry that all I've ever been is a disappointment," I said, somewhat sarcastically.

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