Prologue: Cold Blood

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Unknown P.O.V (Point of View)

How long had I been out? Where was I? What happened? At least three dozen questions popped out in my foggy mind.

My hands and feet were bound tightly to a chair, to prevent even the slightest of movements.

I needed answers. I needed to think. However, my train of thought was soon interrupted by a cold gust of wind.

I closed my eyes and turned my head away. I don't need to look. I know she's there.

"Why are you doing this?" I tried to choke back the fear in my trembling voice, but even that seemed near to impossible, as the thought of what she would do to me corrupted my mind.

She grabbed me by my jaw and tilted my head back so I had no choice but to open my eyes and look up into her icy, cold gaze.

Her eyes glistened in the dark like sapphires, accompanied by her half-inch long lushes eyelashes.

They were so beautiful, so....mesmerizing, that one could get lost in them.

I too, would've been sucked in by her deadly vortex of beauty, but definitely not after I'd realized who she was.

A murderer.

"I think you know the answer to that yourself." She replied seductively with her velvety-like tone, as I could make out the villainous smirk in her voice.

With that said, she turned and blended into the darkness of the room.

A few moments later, I heard a faint tinkle. The distinctive sound of a knife or blade being sharpened.

Oh no.

I had only a few minutes of my life left to live.

My ear-piercing scream for help shot through the midnight silence as she, the one who shouldn't be named, held up her weapon to my throat.

"Don't bother. By the time someone arrives, I'll be long gone...."

She paused momentarily.

".....and you'll be long dead."

I gritted my teeth together in anger, but sadly, I knew she was right.

"I'm sorry I had to do this sweetheart. But sometimes, life doesn't always go as planned."

The sweet, gentle tone of her voice almost, just almost convinced me that she was sorry for everything, and that she was going to set me free.

But a malicious smirk curved itself onto her heart shaped lips.

With one swift blow, she plunged the ice shard straight into the centre of my heart.

I instantly let out a groan of agonizing pain, life draining out of my limp body as each second ticked by.

Pain pulsated through my body like a bullet train, and I was rapidly losing consciousness. My eyelids were beginning to drop like window shutters, clouding up my vision.

I tilted my head down slightly. All that filled my blurred vision, was the color of blood.

My blood.

"And that's why, sweetie, your life is ending soon," She sniggered menacingly, brushing the surface of my skin with her icy, slender fingers.

What she said next were the last words I ever heard.

".......because of me, The Snow Queen."

Author's Note

Hi everyone, so I hope you enjoyed this! :)

If you do, please leave a VOTE or comment your opinions and if I should continue as I really appreciate your support! ^-^

Also, if you like my stories, check out my other book- High School of Frost & Snow if you haven't read it yet :)

Thanks so much for reading once again! :D

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