Chapter VIII: Second Target

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A zillion apologies for not updating in a billion years again.... I just wish I had more time to update this book....

Also, I know this story's getting really, really boring, and I'm trying to get the suspense up as fast as possible to keep things going.

Anyway, I do hope you guys enjoy the chapter! :)


Elsa's P.O.V (Point of View)

I spun around. But Jack had already blended into the darkness of the night, along with the documents.

I clacked my teeth together in frustration. If only he knew what I was going through. All the pain, all the suffering.

Should I just tell him? No, I can't. He couldn't possibly understand, and might cause the situation to become more catastrophic than it already is.

I dragged my weary self back home, to clear my mind in some way.

I'd barely closed the door shut, when it happened.

A burning pain tore through my head once more, and I felt as if my skull was ripping apart slowly. My knees soon buckled, causing me to collapse onto the cold, wooden floorboards.

Before passing out, a blinding light flashed before my eyes. It was another flashback, to remind of the terrible deeds I'd done.

The murder of the second victim.

*** Flashback Starts ***

The death of Isla hit the entire police force with a horrifying smash. The news was broadcast all around town, intriguing everyone.

The cops had ruled out suicide and an accident as the cause of death, which left them with only one suspicion.


But even that seemed near impossible. Some folks actually believed it was.... paranormal.

The police were absolutely baffled by the case, because there were no witnesses around to prove anything, thus it remained a mystery waiting to be solved.

No one knew how it happened. No one....

Except me.

But there was a huge mystery I couldn't solve myself. I didn't kill Isla. At least I had no intention to, I never meant her any harm.

I felt as if I was possessed by a demon or spirit of a sort, without having any control over my arms and legs, including my powers.

However, I was completely aware of my actions, as I witnessed 'myself' taking my friend's life mercilessly.

And that menacing, disturbing voice....

I can't put my finger on it exactly, but for some reason, it sounded vaguely familiar.


"Is something the matter, Elsa?"

Looking upwards, I was met with the friendly, turquoise- colored eyes of Nathan.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Everything's fine." I replied, averting my gaze away.

"Are you sure? You've been acting very tense and out-of-sync lately."

"I... I just miss Isla."

He took a seat beside me. "Yeah me too. I miss our good times together, those amber eyes of hers that always sparkled, and that bright smile...." His voiced trailed off.

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