Chapter VI: Secrets

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Jack's P.O.V (Point of View)

"Elsa wait!" I shouted, dumbfounded, as I watched her dissappear through the sea of people and waves of traffic.

"Emma, stay here would you?" I advised my sister before inching my way through the crowds of people, in pursuit of Elsa.

She couldn't have gone far, I just hope I don't find her gory remains smeared in the middle of the road.......

After minutes of wandering around on the busy streets, I eventually found her in a run down alleyway, trembling with fear from head to toe.

"Elsa! Why did you rush off like that?" I questioned, but only silence came creeping out of her lips.

She just froze altogether, as if she was in a trance.

"Elsa....?" I tried asking her again.

"I'm... I'm.....a...murderer...." She whimpered rather softly, but I couldn't make out anything she was mumbling about.

Something was definitely bothering her, but what?

"Elsa," I began, "tell me what's wrong, please."

She looked up and I could see the tiny beads of tears that had gathered in her eyes.

"I.... can't..." she whimpered, pressing her palm to her forehead. "I just need to return to the station......".

"Are you sure you don't need any medical attention?" I inquired, taking another glance at her. "You don't look so good."

"I'm.... fine..." she replied. "I just need to get back....".

With that said, we quickly picked up Emma and made our way to the station.


"Has she always been like this?" I asked Tori.

"According to the Chief, Elsa's been through quite a lot." She explained.

"If you don't mind me asking, why?" I was very eager to know the truth behind her queer behaviour.

"Well I don't know much, due to her being extremely secretive." Said Tori.

A dead end. So much for discovering the truth.

"But," She continued. "I do know one thing,"

That sparked my interest back. "Yes?"

"The fact that she supposedly lost both her parents and her younger sister."

My eyes widened instantly when the reason had finally been revealed. That explains everything.

I know how it feels like to lose someone you care about. There's a slight chance that I'll be able to help her now.....

"Some of us take it harder than others." interrupted Ralph.

"What do you mean exactly?" I questioned, unsure of what he meant.

"Elsa's not the only one. Many of us who work or worked here have lost their loved ones. Most of which who are parents." he explained.

"Ralph and I lost our mother and father 10 years ago..." Sighed Tori, a wave of sorrow washing over her.

"In the bombing incident.... right?" I breathed, remembering the terrible tragedy that happened on that day.

"How would you know about that?" asked Ralph, startled by my question.

"My parents are gone too..... in the same way." I explained.

"We're sorry to hear about that...." replied Tori softly. "Many innocent lives were lost in that tragedy, our parents, Elsa's, Isla's, William's, Nathan's, Eric's, and yours."

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