Chapter Ⅳ: Memories and A Gift

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Jack's P.O.V (Point of View)

I practically looked like a drowned rat when I reached the steps of my home.

But luckily for me, I couldn't feel the cold, unlike most normal people, who would probably have turned into popsicles in this kind of weather.

I was soaked to the bone to such an extent, until my own younger sister could barely recognize me.

"Woah Jack. What happened to you?" asked Emma, handing me a fresh towel from the dryer.

I slunk down on the sofa with an exhausted sigh. "Long story, Em."

She was seated on the floor in front of me. "Go ahead, I've got plenty of time." She replied eagerly, crossing her legs.

Why does she have to know everything about me?

I mean, it's not like anything else that interesting happened today, unless you count the part where the entire station lost power, and I tripped over a billion things by trying to reach the exit. But I wasn't gonna tell her that.

Or maybe there was something.

I remembered lending my umbrella to a girl. Elsa Winterson.

"So....?" Queried Emma, leaning in. "I'm waiting. Why were you wet? Where's your umbrella?"

"I kinda lent it to someone. Just a girl who also works with the police."

"Are you sure she's just some girl? What's her name?"


"You know that you're gonna have to take me to meet her someday." said Emma, her lips twitching into a mischievous smirk.

"Oh, and why is that huh?"

She gave me a friendly punch on the arm, which still stung a little.

"You know....."

I clearly understood what she was talking about. But I decided to play dumb for once. After all, there's never gonna be a you-know-what between me and Elsa.

"I don't." I replied firmly. "Anyway, how's your day? I hope you weren't too much trouble for our neighbors."

"Nah, it was cool." responded Emma. "Also, I was snooping around Mommy and Daddy's bedroom today, and I found something really cool."

She skipped off to our parents room gleefully, and returned with a large box in her hands.

It was probably just some old antique inside, just by looking at the old, tattered box.

But the strangest thing was that it had my faded name written on it in my Dad's handwriting.

Also, it came with a really queer message that read "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT OPENING THIS TILL YOU'RE A POLICE OFFICER." scrawled on the box with black marker.

"Where'd you get this, Em?" I asked quizzically, examining the box in my hands.

"Uhh.... in one of Daddy's underwear drawers?" She replied sheepishly, tilting her head down, a dash of pink leaking into her cheeks.

"What?" Are you kidding me Emma?

"You're a police officer aren't you? So just open it already...." She pouted, with a hint restlessness flooding her voice.

"Okay, okay."

I peeled away some strands of flimsy tape and lifted the lid of the box.

Inside, resting on some sheets of paper, was a...


There was a note attached to it.

"What does it say?" asked Emma, jerking my arm impatiently to take a closer look.


I wrote this letter to tell you that there's a possibility that your mother and I might not make it out of this dangerous mission alive.

If we don't come back, I hope that you'll take care of yourself and your younger sister.

Also, here's a little something for you, just in case you followed our footsteps in becoming a police officer, which I know you will. Use it only when needed.


I held up the pistol and examined it. Wow. Dad had really great taste in weapons.

"Hey Jack, you missed something." said Emma, peering inside the box again.

I took a glace. There was something.

"Is that what I think it is?" I gasped, picking up the item.

"What, what, what?" pestered Emma.

"It's cryo ammunition."


"Basically means frozen bullets." I answered, gawking in awe at them.

"Cool......" admired my sister. "So are you actually planning on using them?"

"Maybe. If I really have to."

Emma looked at me with her eyes widened. She took a deep gulp of air.

"Jack, what really happened to Mommy and Daddy?"

I was very reluctant to bring up that incident. My heart was shattered when I was told the same thing for the first time.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

She nodded slowly.

"Well, it happened about 10 years ago,"

"Our parents were out on this so called mission, where they had to apprehend this criminal. The entire police force was lead into an abandoned factory to track him down."

"What happened next?"

I recalled what happened next in my mind. The terrible incident, that changed my life forever.

Tears were swelling up in my eyes. I couldn't continue any longer.

"Sorry Em." I choked out the words.

"Is it okay if I.... continue some other time?"

Emma looked down.

"You don't have to. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

She turned to walk away, with her eyes reddening too.

Some memories, should be left forgotten.......

Author's Note

Hi everyone! How's the chapter? I hope you guys liked it! :)

If you did, please do leave a VOTE, as I really appreciate all the amazing support you guys have given me!

Also, feel free to comment your opinions, and if you want me to continue this series! :)

Big thanks to all those, who read, voted and commented on my stories! :)))

Bye~ :)

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