Chapter VII: Mission Impossible

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Jack's P.O.V (Point of View)

I sat up on my bed with a jolt. The pale moonlight showered down on me through the window with a luminous glow.

What time was it?

I averted my gaze to my alarm clock resting on the chest of drawers.

It read 11.30 pm. Time to put my plan into action.

I slipped into my uniform, grabbed my pistol loaded with cryo bullets, and began making my way down the creaky flight of stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible.

Once I'd reached the foot of it, the kitchen light flicked on without warning, causing me to jump up in fright.

A shadow crept slowly towards me, closer.....

And closer....


I heaved a huge sigh of relief at the sound of Emma's drowsy voice.

"Why.. are you in your uniform?" she asked, rubbing her eyes while yawning. "Where are you going?"

Placing a hand on her shoulder, I simply told her what she wanted to hear.

"I need to run some errands at the station real quick." I explained.

She pushed it further. "What kind of errands?"

I racked my brains for a convincing response. "I just need to sort out some very information documents."

"Oh, okay....." replied Emma. "When will you be back?"

"Soon." I responded. "Just go to sleep, and if anything happens, alert the neighbors, alright?"

She nodded, before moving up the stairs. "Bye, Jack."

"See you later, Emma."


I parked the car just three blocks away from the station, as my eyes darted around for anyone that could possibly sabotage my plan.

Luckily for me, the coast was clear.

Moving up the steps, I expected a locked door of course, but instead, I was met with the total opposite.

The huge metal padlock that hung on the slightly ajar door was completely obliterated, up to the point where it was no longer functional.

Is someone else in here? What are they looking for?

I shrugged the matter off and disappeared into the darkness of the station.

However, there was one thing I failed the notice. With the moonlight as my only light source, I was unaware that part of the padlock was covered in....


I kept my guard up, feeling my way through the desks and chairs. First things first, I had to remove any evidence that could give away my existence here at night.

The security cameras.

Earlier today, I made myself familiar to the locations to each and every one of them, including the cleverly hidden ones.

Acting quickly, I froze the camera lenses with a thick layer of frost, which would stay frozen as long as I was in the station.

The object I'm looking for lies in North office.

As I approached a corner near the office, I heard the jingling of keys, followed by the clicking sounds of a pair of high heels.

My heartbeat grew louder and louder, beads of sweat dripping from my forehead.

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