43 - Where they dance

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"Can we rent a boat and sail to chase the starts?"

"Oh. Then, can we go to the pier to see the stars from there?"

"Do you wanna hike up Hallasan for the sunrise?"
"But it's gorgeous in the mornings!"
"I don't care."

"Can we get more soju?"

"Well, I'm getting it anyway!" Chaewon shouted, turned on her heels and started running away from Renjun and up the hill towards the corner store they had left mere minutes ago.

Renjun turned to glare at her back but didn't run. Instead, he walked slowly after her, cursing her drunken behaviour under his breath.

The hill was steep and dark, and there were only few street lights here and there. Luckily, Chaewon's running speed wasn't very fast so at no point did Renjun lose the sight of her back. By the time he reached the corner store they had bought water and hangover medicine from, Chaewon was already inside bothering the confused shopkeeper.

"– and it wasn't until I was a bit older that we moved away. I wanted to be an idol and my brother is super smart and his teachers said that he could make it big so my parents decided that we should go to Seoul."

Apparently, Chaewon had decided to share the story of her life with the poor old dude, who was trying to get a word in without success. Some of the words the girl used were unrecognizable to Renjun, who had only learned the standard Korean and Seoul dialect.

It did make sense that the dialect she grew up with would come out when she was drunk – especially when she happened to be drunk in the very island she was from.

When the shopkeeper noticed Renjun, his eyes twitched between the two of them.

"I was supposed to become an idol, so I'm pretty good at singing and dancing!" Why was Chaewon speaking so loudly? "I can sing for you if you want!"

Renjun took a hold of her elbow. "I don't think that he wants to hear you sing."

"Jun-ah!" Bright smile spread on Chaewon's face. "Are you visiting Jeju-do as well?"
Renjun didn't know what to say.

Chaewon turned to the shopkeeper. "We could dance! Do you know how to dance?"

The old man shook his head quickly. "I do not dance."

"Pity! You look like you might be light on your feet." Then, she looked at Renjun again. "Do you know how to dance?"

A hint of gold swirled in Chaewon's eyes but when she blinked, it was gone. "You're lying."

Renjun pushed past her. "How much for the drinks?"

Chaewon had managed to hound two bottles of soju before Renjun had reached the store. He paid for them and quite literally pushed the girl out of the store, keeping a hold of her arm as they started their journey towards the Chen house for the second – and hopefully final – time.

"So, you do know how to dance?"

Renjun had hoped that she would've moved on to the next topic. "I suppose so, yes."
"I wouldn't have guessed!" Chaewon exclaimed. "Why haven't we spoken about this before? Where did you learn?"

"I was in the dance club in school and danced with my friends." Renjun shrugged. "I see no point in reminiscing about the old days."

When they arrived in their destination, Chaewon fumbled with the keys for a long while before opening the door. Inside, she almost fell while taking off her shoes. While washing her hands in the bathroom, she hit her head to the wall.

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