54 - Where Renjun is Instagram famous

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"Nam Jihoon's mother said that our so-called colleagues were a pair of man and woman who asked to see if she had any of Jihoon's belongings in her house."
Renjun glanced at the café's backdoor he had shut tightly after exiting the building to call Chaewon. Despite being such a pain in the ass, he didn't think that Byongho would follow him outside after seeing how serious Renjun had been before leaving the kitchen. "Did she?"
"Yes. Before vanishing, Nam Jihoon sent her a letter with an odd piece of paper, asking her to keep it safe for him." Chaewon took a second to breathe. "She gave the letter to them."

Renjun swore underneath his breath. "Does she remember what the piece of paper said? It should've had the name of a street the building is located in."

The previous pieces they had obtained had informed them that the place was located somewhere in the Seodaemun district in Seoul, and the number and opening code of the locker they were looking for in whatever building was their target. However, it was impossible for them to figure out where to search without the name of the street.

"She didn't. She said that she gave the letter to them without looking inside because thinking about her son makes her sad", Chaewon explained. "Maybe we could try to search the place online?"

Renjun shook his head even though he was alone on the street. It was a rainy, grey day. "All we know is the district, and the number and the code of the locker. I sent the information to my private investigator but he said that it's difficult for him to find anything with such limited clues."

Chaewon sighed. "But the people who got the letter know where to go now. What if they find the cure before us?"

Renjun's stomach turned. "We have to keep trying to figure something out." He rubbed his forehead. "After my shift, I will listen to the conversations we have recorded and try to figure out if there's anything we have disregarded." Maybe listening to their latest conversation with Cha Kunwoo could provide them with additional clues - anything that could narrow down their search.

Renjun refused to acknowledge the possibility that they wouldn't be able to track down the cure after getting so close. His fingers twitched - he couldn't give up now, not after working so hard to find the second part of his soul again.

"Don't lose all hope yet", Chaewon spoke to him softly through the phone as if she had just read his mind. "Luckily, whoever is after the cure, doesn't know the locker number so even if they're in the correct place already, they don't know the exact location. If we just figure it out quickly, we can go to the correct place immediately whereas they have to search the entire building."

"That's true but for now, they are the only ones who know where to search." Renjun glanced at the door again. Getting back to work felt useless when it was possible that while he prepared americanos, someone else would find the cure and then he would be doomed to live the rest of his life separated from the second half of his being.

"I'll call Nam Jihoon's mother again and ask if there's anything she could tell us", Chaewon promised. "And when you're done, you'll listen to the recordings and we'll move forward from there, right? We'll figure it out somehow."

The call ended and Renjun went back in, only to be bombarded by Byongho who wanted to take a picture of his sulky expression and upload it to the café's Instagram page to attract more customers who wanted to see the Dreamy Café Guy in real life.

"I just found out that you have a fan page", Byongho explained and followed Renjun to the coffee grinder. "Look!"

There really was an Instagram page dedicated just for pictures of him working in the café. Some of them were re-uploaded photos from the café's own page while others were taken by customers. There was even one picture of him walking on the street which was quite creepy considering how Renjun hadn't noticed anyone taking pictures of him outside the café.

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