67 - Where sharks smile like businessmen

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Renjun hated being the center of attention. He didn't like being ogled at and he despised it when someone forced him to be in the spotlight. Even back in school when he performed with his friends, he would've preferred no one to see their showcases. He just wanted people to leave him alone.

That was the thing he hated most about working in the Dalah Café - being stared at and not being able to escape the constant attention of the customers who thought that him looking angry was 'cute'.

Having the MC of the winter gala announce his and Yun Liying's engagement in front of everyone was so, so much worse than anything he had ever had to endure in the café.

Oceans of hungry, curious eyes peered at him and Yun Liying as they stood stiffly side by side next to the MC on the small stage. Renjun could even feel the stares of the string quartet that sat behind them, waiting for a cue to start playing again. The spotlight almost blinded him but it wasn't enough to stop him from seeing the crowd in front of them.

"- so let us give a round of applause to the happy couple!" the MC, a middle-aged pretty woman, guided the audience who started cheering as instructed. The host turned to smile at Renjun and Yun Liying. "Would you like to share a dance?" she asked and winked at Renjun theatrically. Some of the audience members laughed at her cheesy antics. "This must be an emotional moment for you two!"

The audience cheered.

Once again, Renjun couldn't stop his brain from being flooded by the drunken memory from his and Chaewon's trip to Jeju Island.

"Can you promise me something?" Chaewon whispered while sinking deeper into her grandmother's bed. Her cheeks were red.
"Yes." No matter what she would ask, he knew that he couldn't refuse.

The light in her eyes darkened. "Don't dance with Yun Liying."

Chaewon raised her eyebrows "You're not lying." She tried to suppress a yawn but failed miserably. "I thought that you wouldn't say anything."

Renjun saw that her eyelids were growing heavy and guided her head towards the pillow. "Of course, I told you the truth." He pulled the blanket over her.

She yawned again.
Renjun leaned over her to caress her cheek. "I don't want to dance with anyone."

"Not even me?" The words came out as an incomprehensible mess.
He could feel a smile on his face. "Except for you."

Just before the host had the chance to cue in the string quartet, Renjun broke out of his frozen state and shook his head aggressively.

"We won't dance", he said a lot louder than he was supposed to. The cheering of the audience fell flat when the people heard his words.

Yun Liying grimaced, glancing at the side of the stage where her father stood with Li Qiang. When Mr. Yun frowned, Yun Liying let out a perfectly practiced giggle and waved off Renjun's strict tone and the MC's awkwardly lifted eyebrows as if Renjun's refusal was the funniest thing ever.

"We are a bit shy", she said, making her Korean sound even more heavily accented than it really was, before leaning her head towards Renjun. Her head didn't touch his shoulder but based on the soft gasps of the audience, they were buying her show. "We just wanted to share the happy news with everyone before leaving."

The host took the lifeline Liying was offering to her. "Ah, that is true, I heard that you're leaving Korea already tonight! That must be exciting for you!" She glanced at Renjun, probably scared of what he would say if she gave him a chance to speak. "Then we should let you two lovebirds go now and enjoy the evening before you have to take your leave!"

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