53 - Where diplomats don't watch movies

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"So, like, what do you actually do as a diplomat?" Chaewon stood in the middle of the living room, her arms crossed behind her back and her eyes glued to Renjun's father. She was standing in a circle with him, Yun Jianfeng and Doctor An, all of whom were taken aback by her calm attitude.

Renjun's father was standing in a perfect posture, cold blankness hiding away all hints of confusion.
"Why do you ask?" He sounded suspicious.

Chaewon shrugged. "I've never met a diplomat or politician before and I doubt that movies portray your job in a realistic way. So, I've been wondering, do you have a lot of long meetings where you sign insignificant papers and drink whiskey while pretending to be in the middle of something very important?"

Renjun's body was frozen in place and he couldn't move an inch from the doorway. No one spoke to his father in such relaxed manner and he had no idea how father would react to some random girl chatting with him as if he was just another neighbourhood uncle.

"What an insolent girl", Yun Jianfeng scoffed in Mandarin under his breath.

Doctor An stared at Chaewon like she was an intriguing sample underneath a microscope, and the intensity of her stare made Renjun wish that he could hide Chaewon from all of them.

The frown on Renjun's father's face deepened and Renjun grimaced, preparing for his father's wrath for being insulted.

His father cleared his throat. "Most of the paper work is important."


Chaewon nodded thoughtfully. "That's nice to hear. If state pays you enough to live in a house like this, it's better for the work to be meaningful." She looked around the spacious living room that had been re-decorated just a month ago. "Or is it mostly old money that keeps this place running?"

"No shame", Yun Jianfeng snapped, switching to Korean.

Chaewon's wandered to him as if she only then remembered that the money hungry businessman was still in the room with them. "Yeah. I mean, it's good for Renjun's father to not be embarrassed. I'm sure that he works hard."

It took Yun Jianfeng a moment to understand what Chaewon had said to him and when he finally did, he looked furious. Renjun's father, on the other hand, didn't know what emotions to allow on his face.

"How has a peculiar girl like you befriended someone with as high-class background as Renjun?" Doctor An was still monitoring Chaewon's reactions closely. "You two are surely very different."

"Wouldn't it be boring if we were too similar?" Chaewon asked in return, assessing Doctor An just as carefully. "And don't you think that you're trying to fit him inside a rather narrow box? I would feel claustrophobic if people tried to categorize me based on whether or not I can turn into an animal or not."

The air in the room seemed to halt. Yun Jianfeng and Doctor An exchanged a look and Renjun's father leaned forward.

"You... know?" he asked in an empty voice.

Finally, Renjun managed to get himself moving and he leapt over to grab Chaewon by her arm.

"What is going on?" he asked, trying to tug Chaewon behind him but she refused to move anywhere. He peeked at the girl out of the corner of his eye. "Maybe we should get going now before - "

"What does she mean, boy?" Yun Jianfeng questioned in Mandarin. "Does she know what we are?"

Renjun hesitated for a second before nodding. "She has been acquainted with doublers since she was a child so she can be trusted."

Yun Jianfeng was not convinced.
"And what is she?" Doctor An asked in Korean. "I noticed earlier that she doesn't seem like a normal human."

"That's hardly any of your business", Renjun answered right away. "Her personal life has nothing to do with any of you."

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