Chapter 1. The Stranger

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-Eveeeeeeeee, Eveeeeeyyyy.
- Yes mum!
- We're out of salt, go to the market and get some! She said.
- Let Oliver go! I said
- He's asleep, come on we don't have time!
- Okaay! I said while taking my bib and made my way to the door!
I opened the door and found him leaning on it.  He looks so tired... I opened my mouth to speak but the words didn't come out, his heart was racing and he looked me straight in the eye.. He was bleeding a lot, my heart was racing.  Well, I know where I'm going to take him... my God, how heavy this stranger is, how heavy and huge, he throws all his weight on me, I feel he's going to squeeze me.
- Come on We're almost there. I said but he didn't reply he was breathing so fast it felt like he was going to die, his steps were heavy and he was about to fall....
- No no no please I'm too small! I said and looked up at him, he was so tall I couldn't look him in his eye that time cause his dark black hair was covering his face, he muttered a few words that I didn't recognize, but we had finally arrived at Selena's inn! I knocked the door a lot and fast until she finally opened!
- Selena! I said.
- what is happening! She freaked!
- Do you have any vacant rooms! I asked
- Yesss!
- Help meee i quickly said and she immediately took the arm of that stranger and helped me with a campaign, then we headed up to the room where we put him on it's bed!
We stopped breathing for a little while that stranger had already lost consciousness, at first we thought he was dead, but I checked his pulse and made sure he was still alive!
- Evey who is this! Selena asked.
- I don't know!
- What do you mean by don't know! I said then she came close to his face and pulled his hair from his face and stared for a while..
- What! I asked!
- Nothing nothing....she quickly said.
- Selena what happened to your face!I asked her after noticing the blueness under her eyes, she sighed in pain
- Edward again! I asked and she nodded..I went to hug her and for a while we forgot that stranger who was still bleeding!
- Oh no! Bring some alcohol and some tissues please! I said and she immediately went out to bring them. I went to him and took off his heavy leather jacket as well and under it his torn shirt and found that his body was full of wounds, but the biggest of them was the one who was bleeding.
Selena came and had warm water and alcohol with her and a clean tissues, then she immediately started cleaning his wounds, and Selena kept looking in amazement as if she knew him well.
- what Selena! Do you know him! I asked
- No!
- Then why you look at him like that!
- I'm just wondering I've never seen him in town before!  Do you know his name? She asked
- No..I found him at the restaurant door and he didn't say a word all the Edward here!
- Yes,... but he's sleeping!
- Why are you so nervous? I asked her cause she already looked nervous!
- What about your mother! She asked quickly, which means she doesn't want to answer the question, I know her well
- she's waiting the salt... oh god the salt!! Do you have some!
- Yess, don't worry!
- I have finished cleaning the wounds, but this wound is large and will need ‏stitching bring me a needle and thread!
- Do you know how to do it? She asked
- Well... i'll do it as i do it with a chicken!
- Okay... she nodded , I'll get him clean clothes, I think Edward's clothes will suit him. Then she left the room, i took of his boots ohh I guess he hasn't showered in a long time but no problem will do it later, Selena came back and got the floss and the needle and then kept looking at him weirdly with her big eyes and it got really scary.
- Selena what's wrong with you! I wondered
- Nothing!! I'm gonna prepare him a soup! She said.
- Good! I said then I cleaned my hands with alcohol then I started stitching up his wound.
- No no i can't see that I'm gonna throw up. Selena said and left the room quickly.
When I started sewing, he started to ache and move. He opened his eyes and looked at me for a long time. I felt scared..Well, don't worry, it's almost over. I said but he didn't replied he leaned his back and he fainted again. I finished then cleaned the wound again, the i called Selena to help me to dress him, he was too big to both of us, but he was sleeping like a child and didn't tired is too much.
Selena and I went downstairs and we had to do a lot of things, she takes care of the inn and I'm in the restaurant so I had to go back to the restaurant and I told her I'd be back in the evening.
I spent my whole way back thinking about what happened, I don't know what to tell my mother about all this time I spent buying salt, but it didn't bother me too much, all that occupied my mind was that stranger who was sleeping? and why did he come to my restaurant specifically?  How did he give in to me like that?  God!!! who is this stranger??
I run that restaurant with my family, my father, my mother , Oliver, my older brother, only two years older than me, and I... Selena is my only friend, I've known her since we were eight years old and we haven't parted since then.
- Why all this time to bring the salt? Oliver asked!, I wasn't paying attention to him, my mind of course wandered but his annoying voice made me pay attention to him.
- Bring it yourself next time. I said
- You were with Selena right? He said. I looked straight into his eyes, aah poor Oliver he's mad about Selena, i know, she know and everyone knows.
- Hmmmm... Yes!
- Did she say anything about me?
- No... yes yes!
- Really!! What!! He said with shining eyes.
- she wants to see you in the evening.
- Why.
- I have no idea! I really don't know, she doesn't want that and of course she didn't tell me anything but I found it a good excuse to go to her again to see that stranger sleeping there......

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