Chapter 9. The Clouds between us.

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Evelyne, - It's so weird and wild, sometimes I feel like I don't understand him, in fact, I don't understand him at all

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- It's so weird and wild, sometimes I feel like I don't understand him, in fact, I don't understand him at all...He is distracted a lot, he's silent a lot. There is something inside him that occupies him and he doesn't want to tell me about it. He always tries to hide it... I feel that he is sad. I said but Selena wasn't listening at all, she also distracted.
- Selena... Selenaaaa.
- Haa, yess
- What.... tell me what you!
- I don't know anything believe me , since he left the inn, I don't see him much. I only know about him through you! She said,
- Anyways! That's not what's worrying you, something other than Vitor is what's worrying you. Selena said and yes this is what surprised me the most. Indeed, Vitor is not what worries me, despite what he hides, but I can handle him! Sooner or later I'll know. I never doubt my abilities. What makes me doubt my abilities is Albert and his unexpected actions!
- Once I'm sure of something, I'll tell you... Now go in and rest. I said When we stopped in front of the door of the inn, she looked at the door and then looked at me sadly then she signed. Poor Selena. She also wants to leave, but she is always hesitant. She wants to leave Edward, but where to! She refused to return to my home, she also will not be spared the Oliver's harassment and , even working with me she refused . I want to help her but I don't know how.
I decided to go to Vitor before I went back to the restaurant. I hadn't seen him since yesterday and he was probably working and hadn't had breakfast yet, so I also brought him some food. I arrived at the workshop and entered and there was no one there. I called his name but he didn't appear. A few seconds later, a stranger, whom I had never seen before, emerged from inside. We looked at each other and neither of us spoke! I looked at him carefully. His features weren't strange at all. He looked a lot like Vitor! What!! Is that his brother? ...
- Who are you? I asked and then he looked at me up and down before he spoke.
- Who are you! He asked the same.
- I'm looking for Vitor, are you his brother? I asked and he shook his head but he didn't say anything.
- Who are you then? You look like him so much!! Almost the same height, hair, even your color. Do you know Selena? I asked but also he shook his head and didn't replied
- You don't talk much either. I murmured and I was about to leave, but then Vitor entered and I stopped where I was!
- Vitor! I said He paused for a moment as if he was surprised. He didn't even look at me, but looked at the person standing behind me first, and then looked at me... Look what's happening here! So I preferred not to speak at that time.
- Have... Have you met each other? He said but none of each other has replied
- Evey this Arin... Arin this Evey... Arin is a friend of mine. He said... and what about me!!! What am I to him! I didn't answer, I really wanted to hear it from him! But who this guy that made Vitor go silent? Who is this and what authority does he have at you, Vitor! I decided to leave... I turned my face towards his friend, who looked at me quickly and tried to make a smile that I didn't really want, then I left... I didn't even look at Vitor. I left, deciding not to come back until I understood what was going on inside him!
I walked on my way home and he followed me. He called my name, in fact, he was whispering at first. When I didn't pay him attention, he called my name aggressively . He grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the narrow alleys. This action made me even more angry!
- Stop.. Stop.. I said STOP!! He shouted.
- LET ME GO!!!!
- Calm down and stop shouting!
- let me go!!! What do you want!!!
- Why so angry! What happened to all this anger! He asked, his eyes were so dark and scary, I got scared a little bit actually!
- You really don't know? You don't know?!!! I no longer understand you, Vitor! Actually I don't know you! I don't know you completely, you disappear a lot, you never talk... You haven't talked to me anything since the last time we were together!! what is wrong with you! I said. He was about to say something, but I didn't give him a chance to speak. He was still holding my hand, I quickly pulled it back and kept hitting his chest while screaming at him!
- You disappears whenever you want, appears whenever you want, tells me I love you sometimes, then ignores me completely and now!! Now what, who am I? what am I to you!!!! Why are you doing this to me! And now this is your friend who appeared out of nowhere, "Arin, my friend" and me!!! AHA! And me! Vitor what about me!!! who am I for you? I said, still hitting him on the chest, but he grabbed my hand and angrily stopped me, looking at me deep into my eyes with the same dark and scary eyes.
He didn't speak, but his eyes told me everything, exactly as I expected. Unfortunately, he was too hasty in confessing his love for me. but how! I can't lie about that moment between us. I could never lie about it was absolutely true but rushed. maybe he wasn't sure of his feelings for me even when he kissed me! Was that kiss a lie!!! Why did you do this to me Vitor...
- I was rushed too. I said
He left my hand, and he was still looking into my eyes.... We both left at the same moment but in different ways, I didn't look behind me, and most likely he too. I felt angry to the point of screaming. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I was already in the street. I wanted to cry too. I wanted to hear his voice telling me anything , anything to calm me, that's all was I wanted, but it didn't happen... he just left! like the clouds after the rain stopped!
I quickly went home, ran to my room so that no one would see my tears. I put my face on the pillow and kept screaming. I screamed a lot. I screamed until I calmed down. "How stupid I am, how stupid I am, how stupid I am, how stupid I am." Okay, that's enough for now, I said to myself and I layed on the bed and kept looking at the ceiling. Nothing happened. It was just a kiss, nothing more, and Vitor was nothing like the rest of the men who come to the restaurant everyday more...Evey, you're doesn't matter. Forget this, what I have to do in the coming days.
I heard knocks on my door. It was my mother. I quickely wiped away my tears and adjusted my appearance to avoid that question, "What's wrong?"!!
- Eveyyyyyy.
- Yes mum come in.
- Good morning. Mum said.
- It's noon already mum!
- I know ! But you've been waking up like this for ever ! What's wrong with you?
- Nothing mum, I'm just a little tired.....
- are you okay? What are you suffering from? Shall I call a doctor for you? She said, I looked at her and started tearing, I quickly wiped away the tear that escaped from me against my will and turned my face away, but of course she didn't leave me. She grabbed my face and turned it to her.
- Evey!
- I feel tired ... and also stupid Mama ... I just need some rest and I'll be fine!
- Well I'll leave you resting. She said she was about to leave, but my curiosity made me asked her what had brought her to wake me up, as she usually does not wake me up!
- What's going on?
- It's Albert again!
- Aaah again!!!!! I don't want! I don't want him!! I can't see him as a husband. That's enough mum!! that's enough !!! I don't not want to marry him or anyone! I shouted
- Eveyy calm down!
- No no Nooooo I don't wanna marry him, nooo. I was shouted till she slapped me to calm me down.
- Evey stopp! She said and slapped me. I looked at her then I started to cry, I fell in her arms and cried a lot. I didn't cry from the slap, but because I saw Vitor in front of me while he was silent. Silent when I asked you what do I mean to you and didn't tell me anything, coward! I repeated the question , but he preferred silence over me! She was calming me, she walked with her hand on my hair, as she was doing as when i was a child when I was fighting with Oliver. I got up and looked at her while I wiped my face with tears, enough tears so far ... enough.
- Well, mom, I agree ... I only agree to meet him...alone at first, I must get to know him well, and then I decide whether to marry or not! And this is my decision. I said
- But...
- That's my final decision! I said and she nodded, She understood me! For the first time she didn't discuss me in the decision I take! This is strange, sure this is because of my condition, but she stood up!m and told me that she'll speak to his mother and then return with his decision as well ... I know he will agree, I know Albert from childhood, we were raised together, he is a copy of Oliver, but a reasonable version.
The response came quickly, as I expected, with approval. For a moment, I felt that I had been trapped and I wasn't suitable for this relationship. I just wanted Vitor... No... I don't want him. It was a chapter in my life and it's over. Now I'll follow my mother's advice, why not give Albert a chance to get to know him as an man. Well let's see.

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