Chapter 8: The Ugly Truth.

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Dario,Maybe Casio was right

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Maybe Casio was right... she's just like any other girl who playes with men. but how? She was never lying, I'm sure! Her eyes never lied... her breath, her hand touches... I don't understand. I waited for her, as she told me, in the place she had chosen. I waited a long time until sunset... She didn't come, nothing appeared, as if I was dreaming! Also, that kiss never happened! Why did she promised me then!! I don't understand!
- We've to go! Cassio's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. We had to go. The king wanted me, and it was Easter week. I had to return to Seville quickly. I don't know if this was the real reason for not going back to her, or if I felt for the first time in my life that I was a fool and had been deceived by a girl who's working in a bar! I don't know if it's my pride who prevented me or anger!
All the way I was only thinking about her, why didn't she come... I close my eyes and remember her, her arms around my neck, her looks hen her friend interrupted us! Was this all actually a lie? We finally arrived, same ceremonies , same welcome, nothing new. I went to the king to inform him of the latest developments between me and Robert. He seemed a little tired... I brought the doctors and stayed with him until the evening and he fell asleep. I had to go to rest... I went to my suite, she was waiting for me there, I saw her at the reception ceremony, she was hiding among some women, I knew that I would find her here. She was in perfect shape, just as I always liked to see her. She was lying on the bed and playing with her hair. When she came in, she smiled and ran towards me and hugged me tightly. She was squeezing my body. I was so tired that I lost my balance for a moment. I wrapped her , "I miss you," and she whispered in my ear. ... I sighed, "Me too." She placed her usual kiss on my neck.. All this was usual, but it was not usual...
- Ana, not now.. I'm tired. I said and I went to throw my body on the bed, put my face on the pillow, and she followed me and sat next to me on the edge of the bed.
- Are you okay? She asked.
- Anaaa! I warningly. I wasn't ready to hear anything or even talk actually...
- I beg your's okay res and convenience only. She murmured while she taking off my jacket then my shirt.
- What about a massage for more comfort? She said and i only nodded.
she gently started to move her soft fingers on my back, damn! she always know what I want without even speaking,she started from the top slowly and was whispering with a song in a low voice so as not to bother me, damn!! how much I wish Selena was in her place! Damn I'm still thinking about her. Then she started gently going down ... I turned my back on her.
- Oye! (Hey!). Ana!
- My lord.
- Have you ever been in love? I asked, she looked at me with her wide blue eyes then she shoke her head refused.
- my lord I'm only yours. she said.
- You lying! I said then i put my face again on the pillow.
- I just love you! She said, I didn't replied, I know she's lying the effect of my question on her was otherwise, her eyes revealed something.
- Nour Eldin! He was very similar to you, lord, you remind me of him. She said I quickly raised my head looking at her.
- Morisco? (Spanish Andalusian Muslim).)I wondered she looked at me and nodded the she rolled her eyes away...I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked sad! I've never seen her like this before. She sighed, then got up, took off her robe, went to the side of the bed, and started taking off my boots.
- The same prince bought us. He was a sailor. I used to go to him at the harbor every day at sunset. We would eat and drink. He would bring me fruit every day... then she stopped talking for a while and then laughed.. I wondered! She looked at me and then laughed... Okay, I understood. she remembered her their first kiss...She came and sat next to me, put my head on her feet and started running her fingers through my hair.
- Where is he now!
- He's gone.
- Where!
- I don't know!
- Coward!
- No! She quickly replied... forgive me my lord!.. I'm the coward actually. She said then smiled.
- He wanted me to go with him, but I refused!! I don't know if I was afraid or not brave enough., I was s young! even though I'm trusting him, but... You, my lord... knew everything at that time! it was my fault! I am the coward. She said.
- Aren't you regretted? I asked, she shook her head.
- No! I mean for now! My life is different now, and I am happy about it! But, my lord, do you know what I really regret?
- What!
- breaking his heart...he doesn't deserve it... at all! She said then she quickly wiped her tears before y could see it but unfortunately I saw it! She stood up and put on her robe.
- Where are you going! I asked, but she tied her robe.
- Won't you tell me about her!? Come on.. what about her!
- Who!
- The ones that live in your mind! She said!! She surprised me, I looked at her and didn't replied.
- Bueno, maybe later, I'm going now, I may come back in the evening or not... you decide. She said and left..Damn! She's really lives in my mind...

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