Chapter 6. Daisies grew in the Heart.

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- Dario....Dario!! Oyeee Dario!
- Si!
- We only have 3 days here, we must go back quickly, we have a lot to do!. Cassio said and I nodded looking at him.
- You're not listening! We really don't have time!
- she lives in my mind! I said and he smiled!
- Dario wake up!! He said, I only looked at him!
- They asked about you in Sevilla, they need the final answer, and they also want you for the fiestas. Cassio said.
- Fine! i can't stop thinking about her, i don't know what's the special thing about her, but she's definitely have! Her long wavy black hair, her wide dark brown eyes like the color of the honey , also she's hiding something! I wasn't paying attention to Cassio, she was occupying my mind. Why did she reject me that night? She was talking very intimately with that man! Did I make a mistake by asking her? I don't know!
- Well, she's not much different from the Moriscos! I looked at him aggressively, -
- you talk too much! I said
- Well, I'll do my investigating about her ! Anything to finish what we came for!
- Don't!!! Don't even think! I want to know everything by myself! she is like the ocean and sailing is my hobby! I said
I got ready and decided to went to her, I must know why she rejected me, what is she hiding! i called Jordi and he came!
- I want to look like a commoner, not a noble. How do I look? I asked him.
- You actually didn't!
- That's why I'm asking you idiot! I said and he went like mmmm ' bueno' (okay), he said then He ruffled my hair, "you should take off your leather jacket and wear mine", he said and we changed ours!
- Olee,, now you look homeless! He said , I ignored him and went to look at the mirror
" A perfectly homeless" I murmured.
- Jordi, give me your horse. I said
- But....
- Now, and no one follows me!
- As you wish! He said then i decided to leave to that inn, i just wanna know her well!
I was on my way to her. I passed the market looking for her. She was usually in the market at that time. I kept looking for her until I found her. Oh Dios mio,(my god), she was buying flowers!! Flowers for what? The daisy flowers, she actually looks a rose! I kept watching her from a distance, I tied the horse to the stable and walked towards her, but first i put my hand in my pocket to make sure that I've the sac and decided to talk to her! I walked beside her, she didn't noticed at first till i stood beside her.
- Good morning! I said, she immediately looked at me but said nothing she just looked then passed me walking away, i followed her even after that silly reaction but hmmm i like her so much!
- I like your daisies ! I said and she stopped.
- Are you following me? She said
- Me! No! *i shrugged* why?
- I don't know, you actually did! She said
- Heeey tranquila! I said, she wondered saying " i don't understand"!!! I looked around.
- I'm sorry... it's just... my mind...
- Gata salvaje! (A wild Cat!). I murmured but she also didn't understand and decided to walk and i walked beside her, she didn't talk and i kept watching her till i decided to ask her about what happened last night.
- Soo Is that Edward is your husband?
- Husband!!!! She wondered.... No No... he isn't, i just work for him. She said.
- So why did you refuse my helping to you? I asked if was so curious and angry how could she!!!, she looked up at me, The sun flooded her face. She raised her hand in front of the sun in an attempt to avoid the sun, but she could not, so I stood in front of her to block the sun from her. Our eyes met for the first time, frankly... she felt ashamed. It appeared openly on her for the first time since I saw her... I looked at her for a long time, something inside me came alive again and this had never happened before! these daisies grown in my heart! She turned her face away while putting her hair behind her ears.
- Because it's not your business! She said
- How dare you!!! I said nervously while holding her arm angrily! She looked at me then she moved my hand away...
- How dare me!!! How dare you!! She said then she walked away, of course i followed her, I'm the one who should end this conversation!!!
- I'm trying to help you!
- Why do you even care! She said nervously turning to me!
- Because.... I just I care!! I'm actually confused! Why do I care! Why?
- Don't ever talk to me in that tone... everr! I said seriously! Like Carajo! How could she!!!
- I don't want to talk to you! You're following me! You're the one talking here! Tell me what you want, I won't waste my day with you! She shouted!
- Don't shout!
- Stop following me then! She shouted and tearing again then walked away!
- Hey wait!... she stopped turned to me looking angrily! Not only was anger, but sadness, I saw in her eyes more sadness than her, I shouldn't have spoken like this!
- I bet that's belongs to you! I said handed her the sac, she looked at the sac then looked at me!
- What is this!
- Open it! I said then she came and took it , she looked into it then she shrugged
- No it's not. And then she was leaving, but I held her hand, "I renewed my offer." I said, I looked down and then looked at me ... Dario how stupid l'm ! When I said this !!!
- That's enough... please! She said then she ran away! I didn't follow her that time, it seems I misbehaved! Her reaction, with that deep sadness in her eyes, made me stop, stop acting like a bastard and behave like Dario...Juan Dario.
I spent the way back thinking, how can I fix this, I can't stop thinking about her, Carajo! (Damn!). My appointment with Robert!! I won't be able to go to her tonight. i feel bored just thinking about my appointment with that arrogant! But there is no way!!

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