Chapter 10. Sin Miedo a Nada.

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                          (Without fear of anything)

                          (Without fear of anything)                                               

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The whole day was very difficult. It had a very strange start. I hadn't spoken to Edward since that day. A close conversation like this began with the arrival of this woman who asked about him. It wasn't long before I heard a weak knocks on the door, I went to open and found a blue-eyed woman I knew well.
- Good morning... is Edward here? The old lady said.
- Yes, come in. I said and I helped her to sit down on a chair.
- Who are you beautiful? Are you his wife? She asked
- No, I just work here, I'm going to wake you up, wanna get you something?
- Water please...she said, i went to get her the water then i went upstairs to wake him up, I entered quietly and he was in a deep sleep. I woke him up gently but of course he didn't want to wake up.
- Edward... Edward. I whispered he didn't gave any reaction.
- Edward wake up... come on someone asking about you!. He finally opened his eyes looking at me.
- Who! He asked.
- An old lady i don't know her!
- Old lady? Who!
- I don't know come on, get up!, I said pulling him, and he finally got up and was about to leave but I stopped him.
- Wait...wash your face first!
- Yess ...yess. He said.
He was clearly unbalanced from his hangover last night, so I helped him even though I swore never to go near him again! But our curiosity about this woman, both of us, made us put our disputes aside. He even kissed my hand after I poured water for him to wash his face. I didn't say anything until he went downstairs to her.
Before he went to her, I grabbed his hands and stopped him, asking if he needed me with him, but he told me, "I will tell you then, wait here." I stood up to follow that meeting from afar. He went to her and stood staring at her face and didn't say anything. When that woman saw him, she stood up and went to hug him tightly, He didn't move or show any reaction, just looked at me and nodded me, well I understood .... I went to a garden to rest a little, sat on the swing and decided to rest today I'll not do anything until the evening. I closed my eyes to remember! Does he still remember me, or have forgotten me since the last time, see whether I will see him again or not, all of these thoughts came to me and I did not know how long it passed until Edward surprised me by sitting next to me and he was different Edward that I left since awhile!
- Edward what happened! I asked but he didn't reply he was just looking at me then he started to tearing! What!!!
- Edward whatt! I freaked out actually....
He started crying, then he threw himself into my arms and cried as if he was having a breakdown. I didn't think. I hugged his head with both arms. For the first time in my life, I saw him like this. He was all very weak, like a lost little child. I was trying to calm him down, but he didn't stop crying and he didn't speak either. I didn't ask him. I left him until he calmed down. completely. He finally calmed down. It seemed like he needed to cry. He got up and looked at me. I wiped away his tears and straightened his hair.
- What happened! I asked
- she's my mum. He said.
- I don't know what to say....but I'm grateful that she's okay!
- I wish she's not!
- What!! Why.... at least she's alive it's your mother definitely this is a good thing!
- You know nothing Selena!
- That woman left me when I was one year old, one year old, Selena!!! do you understand!! she doesn't know anything about me, and now she wants me to stay by her side and live with her! This will never happen! He said nervously and started to tearing.
- I don't understand....
- Thomas is not my father....he's my stepfather! He said and i got shocked, I always knew Tom as Edward's father he also raised me and was a really good person!
- He married my mother when she was pregnant with another man.... another bastard, He was the one who took care of her and me, after that bastard left her. She never loved him, but he loved her so much, he was crazy about her, and after she gave birth, she left him. She left him because she never loved him. She didn't love me. She also left me with him. She didn't love him or love me. She left us for her happiness. She just never cared for me despite he cared about her and now after she became alone she wants me? I really don't know her... really!! I only know her name!
- I'm sorry Ed! I said and I couldn't I hugged him and he hugged me back, we remained silent for a while, then I raised his face to mine, just as I expected, we shared the same misery.
- Listen Ed, she's your mother after all, you've to accept her, Also respect her.. don't look me like that!! she's an old lady now, give her all the respect, please Ed.
- I can't, she doesn't deserve!
- ITS YOUR MOTHER *I shouted*, You should be grateful that she'll alive and she wants you with her, I've been without a mother all my life, it's so hard!
- I don't know what to do!
- Ammmmm... I mean care about her, don't leave her alone, get to know her closely! come on Edward it's your thing! right! I said and he seemed convinced, but he really needed his time to think. It's not easy, of course. He was also without a mother all his life. It's true that he had Thomas, but a mother is definitely something different!
- I've to think about it! He said
- Okay! I said shrugging. Then he held my hand and kissed it... fine Ed that's enough!
- I've to go. He said
- Me either!  I said but he left first, left me confused, should I tell Vitor about Evey and her cousin Albert? I should also talk to Evey, why didn't she tell me about Albert! Why is she with him in the first place! I decided to tell Vitor, if he was the one who decided to leave her then he should know, and she also decided that too right?, so I'll go to Vitor and tell him.
I got ready so quickly and i made my way to Vitor, I don't know what was happening, but I felt a strange feeling. I thought I was being watched by someone who's following me! No, no, I don't think so....I don't care. I just want to go to Vitor. When I went to Vitor's I knocked the door and entered, he was busy at work.
- Good morning! I said.
- Selena! He said and hugged me.
- How are you today?
- Good! And you!
- Good also, listen I wanna tell you something.
- Go ahead! He said and was busy in working, I was about to speak, but someone I didn't know entered and interrupted me, and called Vitor's name. We looked at each other for a moment, but he didn't speak! I looked at Vitor and he looked a little confused, but then this person spoke quickly.
- Hey, I'm Arin.
- Selena.
- Selena this is Arin my friend. Vitor said
- Aah your friend? I Wondered since when Vitor has friends here!? Well...well, Arin, this is an Acadian like us, this is very clear, but why didn't Vitor tell me about it! See what they are planning!
- What are you thinking! What are you planning! You can tell me! I asked Vitor, and they looked seriously at me but I quickly said
- Fine, You're Acadian that's clear!
- Who are you! Arin asked.
- I'm Selena! I said
- Selena!!! Vitor said nervously.
- I still don't know you! Arin said
- I don't know you also! I said looking at Vitor.
- Selena stay out of this. Vitor said.
- How can she stay out, she already knows what we are! Arin said.
- I'm Acadian too you fool! I said looking at him and he freaked out for a while then he hugged me so tightly almost crushing me.
- No way! Arin said
- Whatever you plan, I am with you, and this is an order! I said and I was about to leave when Bitor shouted my name to stop but I didn't, and what stopped me really is Arin's words when he said "Without fear of anything!", I turned around to him wondering!
- Without fear of anything! I repeated, then I left ignoring Vitor calls!
Without fear of anything, I decided to go back to the inn to collect all the money I have and give it to Vitor and Arin, I know it's not that much but it would help, Without fear of anything I'll help them as possible as I can, Without fear of anything I..... I saw someone i know well, and without fear of anything i didn't think twice, I took the hardest decision of my life, a decision that makes me lose everything.
I went to the guy who's following me directly I know him well.
- Hey you! Take me to your Master! I said.  He looked at ms, he already knows me but he acted like he don't! But he was so idiot like Dario before said, cause we already saw each other before!
- Perdóname! He said.
- Oh please! I know he's your master! You fool! You speaking Spanish like him! I said and he looked at me then he passed me without talking but I followed him and stopped him.
- Please I want to speak to him, it's really an important thing! I said. He quickly nodded
- Okay come with me! He said.
They walked together to his carriage then he opened the door for me, I looked at him for a second then he extended his hand to help me to step up and then he closed the door after me, and he started to walk, after while we stopped , he opened the door for me , and it was a huge palace, I remembered that he's a rich man I guess, but living in a palace!! How far rich he is?! The gave me his hand also to step down.
I followed him passing the huge gate, then we pass another huge gate that leads to a huge garden. He was there!... I kept watching him, he was busy with his Polo stick! and his friend was there also, his friend noticed me first, he wondered for awhile looking at me, I looked back but I quickly turned my eyes to Dario who was totally busy! The other guy waved to Jordi, to come, that was his name then! Jordi went to them and then I found Dario looking at me! He finally noticed me....
He smiled at me oh! Smile at me again like that and I'll assume the consequences!  He was wearing a white shirt and a brown trousers and my scarf around his neck, he started to walk towards me and was so fast! I couldn't move I just waited him. When he reached me he stayed for a while to catch his breath then came more closer to me and then hugged me tightly then kissed me in front of them, I got a little shiver I couldn't even hug him back! Then he looked at me...
- I thought I wouldn't see you again. He said
I looked at him for awhile, oh how I wished if I could throw myself in his arms and crying but I couldn't...
- I want you for a moment please. I said.
- Bueno, let's go inside.
We went inside to his big office, I didn't even wonder why he's having an office room at his house despite he told her before that he makes weapons! but no, he seemed that he's one of those nobles, it doesn't matter now, I don't care at all , I only care about one thing...
He opened the door for me, I entered and he after me, then he told to the  servant something in Spanish i don't understand but i think that "no one enters".
He closed the door then he held my arm and pulled me to his chest, he hugged me between his arm, oh for the first time in my life a wish that I wished come true! I couldn't hug him back, I couldn't cry also, I was like a dead body.
-  I missed you so much , how are you!! Are you okay bonita mia. He said.
- I'm fine, what about you? listen I wanna ask you something! He looked at my face curiously I think he noticed something.
- What! what's wrong with you?
- Do you still keep your words?
- What words?
- That you want me?
His face becoming more angry slowly slowly.
- What do you mean!
- You what i mean Dario!
- Sure but...
- I agree. I said cutting his words, he opened his mouth to say something but I continued...
- But you've to know one thing before.
He grimaced and his face becoming more serious then hi sighed then he said
- Ahaa really and what is that ?
I looked down to breathe also then looked at him again...
- Selena whats....
~ I'm a virgin! I quickly said looking at him. He gave me no reaction, he just kept staring at me, then he looked at me in insulting way, I knew it well and also his tone was different this time.
- So you selling me your virginity! he said.
I pretended to be strong but I was already dead after his words, but I looked directly into his eyes saying 'Yes' then I rolled my eyes at the big window! He looked down didn't believe what he's hearing! but then he looked at me again...
- How rude!!! How dare you ask me something like that. He said nervously but not shouting and he passed me to his wooden office then stood at the other side of it, I turned to him
- Oh please! you asked me this before a twice!! remember!
- But I thought that is...
- And  I already told you it's not my job but you didn't believe me! Cause I'm a whore, so here I'm. I said and his face still has the same look, then he nodded giving me his back...
- Yeah right , and how much do you want for your virginity? He asked with a very insulting tone.
- 1000 pounds. I quickly replied I actually didn't thought about how much I need all what I want at this moment is to vanishing, he turned his face to me then he looked up and down and said...
- Ah! Hahah how cheap! Your virginity cost only one thousand! How cheap! He repeated it again he was intended.
- what is the difference! This is what you wanted from the beginning! I said.
- The different is that I lov...... he paused!
- If it's not you, it will be anyone else, what do you think!?
- Selena leave!. *He shouted* , leave please, I don't wanna see you again... he said.
I sighed...
- Fine! I said, then I walked into the door but he stopped me saying
- Hey!
I stopped looking at him..
- Take this.. he said giving me my scarf without even looking at me, he just extended his hand with it while looking at the other side... I walked quickly towards him and took it nervously it's means a lot to me, it's my mum scarf, so I took it immediately then Ia went to the door and when I opened the door he called Jordi.
-  Jordiii, take the lady wherever she wants
- I'll walk. I said leaving him.
Without fear of anything, I lost something dear to me, some pleasant memories of short times when I was happy. When I reached my room crying I realized  that I don't want the money. I want you, Dario. I'm not sure, but I feel like I've made a real mistake on him, I feel like I hurt him even if I didn't mean to. I only want you.

**If you made it to that chapter, I thank you and appreciate it. And then tell me what you think about Selena? What do you think about what she did? Also what will Dario's reaction to this?
Leave me your thoughts, comments and also don't forget to listen to the chapter theme...xoxo.

Sin miedo a nada - Alex Ubago.

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