Chapter 3. Good Old Friend.

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Evelyne,The sound of birds was annoying enough to wake me up, I had slept on the couch yesterday after I reassured that his temperature had dropped, he didn't woke up he was just hallucinating

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The sound of birds was annoying enough to wake me up, I had slept on the couch yesterday after I reassured that his temperature had dropped, he didn't woke up he was just hallucinating. I stood and my back was a little sore, I tied my hair and found him looking at me, i looked at him wondering, but he didn't say anything. "Good morning" i said and he also didn't replied how rude!!, i went to check his temperature so i put my hand on his forehead and he looked up at me in a angry face, uhhh why so angry!!
- good, let me check your wound. I said and he also didn't replied and it felt so awkward actually, i lifted his shirt up but he moved a little bit he refused!
- Oh! Come down and don't move.... aah see i made this! I said referring to his wound, he looked at it then he looked at me, I ignored his looks and started to clean it again, i finished and he didn't say anything!
- Uhhh you never speak! Say anything!!
- Who are you! He asked and looked so angry.
- I'm Evey, oh Evelyne but everybody calls me Evey and you! I said.
- I didn't ask for your name.. who are you and why am I here and what are these ridiculous clothes! He said with all the rudeness, which angered me so much, is this his way of thanking!
- how rude!!!! I shouted and I stood up in front of him.
- I saved your life yesterday! you were dying, i brought you here.. i cured you i stayed awake all the night treating your fever and all i got from you  is rudeness.. I should have let you die! I said it and he didn't speak and that angry look didn't leave his face, I felt embarrassed and I had to leave and that's exactly what I did.
I picked my things and opened the door and left his room, that rude barbarian does not deserve what I did for him, damn it!! i met Selena downstairs , probably she was coming to check on us, but Selena dear he didn't deserve believe me. she looked at me wondering and asked about what happened, why I'm so angry like that!
- that rude barbarian up there! he spoke very rudely, that he didn't even thank me after I told him that I saved his life, he was so rude to the big, unworthy, unworthy!! I said.
- Calm down!! I'm sorry, maybe hallucinating because of the fever? She said.
- No... No no, he was very conscious, he asked me who I am, I told him my name... I asked him for his name, he didn't reply, he was very rude, he just said he wanted to know who I am!!  That idiot I already told him who I am!!
- Evey I'm sorry I don't know what to say!
- Don't say anything, I'm leaving and I don't care about him or his wounds from now on! I said while leaving, she tried to stop me but i left finally.
I left and Selena was calling me but I didn't answer, I went straight to the house, I don't really know what I'm going through there but I was very angry, I also don't know what Selena's got into with that man, I don't know why she felt she knew him! and when she kept staring at him like this, I know Selena well since we were kids, she said to me the same as that man said, "I'm all yours" when I saved her from the soldiers who were after her!  Since then we haven't parted!  She came to live with me. She didn't know anyone and she had nowhere to go.. We didn't separate from that time, even when she left the house We didn't part either. She will tell me everything for sure, I know.
I slipped into my room and thanked God that my mother didn't notice, I don't know what Oliver told her about yesterday but I don't care it's over for me, I threw myself on the bed and kept staring at the ceiling, Why am I so angry!  It really is worth all the anger!  Is it worth that to put all my anger on Selena!  I heard a knocks on the door and it was already my mum.
- still sleeping? She asked
- Yes mum.
- Come on we've a lot to do!
- I'm not doing anything today.
she came close to me to check on me, she looked at me while guessing.
- you haven't changed yet? She wondered
- And where would I be!  I'm not going anywhere!
- Well, get up, take a shower, get ready, we'll have some guests today!
- Who! Albert and his family again!
- Yes, come one! She said while leaving my room...good!  This is what I was lacking for! silly Albert and his mother!!! I got up to take a shower in an attempt to get rid of the absurdities of that day....

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