Chapter 2. There's Always a Problem

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Selena, I finished making soup, I kept praying that Edward wouldn't wake up at that time, there was only a little left until the bar opened, Evey would come in the evening and I'm afraid about her of Edward or some of the drunks who are coming in ...

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I finished making soup, I kept praying that Edward wouldn't wake up at that time, there was only a little left until the bar opened, Evey would come in the evening and I'm afraid about her of Edward or some of the drunks who are coming in the evening, God!! what I'm doing now! I took the soup and went upstairs to see that stranger, but to me it was not strange at all. I entered the room and he was still asleep, I put the soup next to him and sat in front of him contemplating those wounds, I put my hand on his muscles and began to hum an old song my mother used to sing to me, I continued singing until he woke up suddenly and grabbed my hand tightly, he squeezed it from the tightness of his fist and he was looking at me angrily.. holy god! i know that look very well, i stood up quickly and pulled my hand.
- You're an acadian right? I asked him
- who are you! He asked.
- you're definitely an acadian, your eyes, hair even your hand everything in you said that.
- who are you! He asked again.
- oh! Your voice's our secret now! I said doing and shushed him with my finger and he is about to get mad!
- Make sure no one here knows you're an Acadian. i said and he grimaced probably didn't understand anything and I think that because the high fever that he was about to have.
-This soup will help you get better, trust me. I said, he was battling a fever it was so obvious he couldn't speak. Then we heard knocks on the door then Evey entered the room.
- Heyy. She said
- Hi dear, I replied and stood up looking at him., He has a fever, he will need cold water. I said.
- I'll take care of him. She said and looked so innocent oh Eveiii!
- I'm Selena by the wat and I work here!, she's Evelyn  , she saved your life. I said looking at him, I've to go now. I said and left the room.
I went downstairs and start cleaning up and preparing to open the bar, that's my job since I was fourteen, I've been working and living here since I left Evey's house, that inn was to Edward's uncle and became his after him, oh that annoying...I hope that day will come when I can leave that shitty place, after a while the place starts to get crowded, Edward is still sleeping and I work with Reddy and Barry also work with me but only partly while I work and live here with that crazy Edward.
- Hi Selena! Reddy said.
- Hi Reddy, how are you today! I replied.
- Aah good, the place is crowded today right!
- Weekend dear, it's the weekend end. Hey Reddy take my place! I said and i ran to my room that placed behind the bar, i went to check on my face, after what happened last night, i put some powder on under my eyes to hide those blue marks underneath, I finished and I forgot to check on Evey, Edward doesn't know that she's here, nor that Acadian.

i went upstairs but I found on my way, I tried to pass him but he stopped me by holding my arm.
- what!! What do you want! I said
- Good morning! He said in a sleepy voice.
- Really!! It's evening! Come on i've a lot to do! I said pulling my arm from his hand.
-  Ok wait wait! Let look at your face! He said and came closer to my face and gave it a long look.
- I'm sorry! He said
- Sorry? Oh stop it please
- I mean it!
- Edward enough! Please enough I'm done with your lies, get away from me. I said and I ran to downstairs, I don't want to see him, he's doing that always when he's drunk he's person and when he gets over he's another...well i postpone my visit to Evey.
I went back downstairs to work, and these guys who always loud with strange accent and always making problems also they don't want to pay the bill,  I went to talk to them, they keep comes to the bar for three days and do the same things, and that one in between them keeps looking at me... I hate that.. It's enough for me what I see from Edward.
- Hey younmen, come down please and try to enjoy your night here and all your orders are on the bar! I said and they started to cheers up except that  who's always looking at me, he was just smiling, I looked curiously at him for a seconds then I went back to the bar,It didn't take a few minutes for the ties on my dress to fall apart, shit! Not now!!! i ran to the passage that leading to my room while I was holding my ties from back, and i felt that someone is following me , aah Edward for sure! i ran till I reach my room i tried to close the door by one hand but I couldn't he pushed it! i turned to the door then i found him! the mysterious man who always keep looking at me! I didn't freak, if I could handle Ed, I could handle anyone, I took a few steps back and I looked at him until I hit the wall behind me.
- Don't be afraid! He said.
- I'm not!.. why you here, what do you want! I asked.
- I'm helping you! He said then then he held my shoulders and turned me to the wall and then started to tie my dress slowly.
- What's your name?
- Dario.  then he tightened it, i groaned.
- Stop... stop. I said
- I'm about.
- No i can't breathe. I said and he turned me again to his face, we were too close to each other and he didn't stop looking his seductive  looks at me!
- Heeey the show is over. I said
- A thank you maybe? He wondered!
- Get out! I said and he smiled and greeted me in a noble way! Aah he's one of those rich nobles for sure and then he left. I looked at dress through the mirror, aah he did a good job i murmured to myself, then i left to the bar.
The bar was so crowded and work got tiring that's how it was the weekend for me, Oliver walked into the bar, damn it!  What brought him here!!  I whispered to Reddy to quickly go to Room 9 and tell Evey never to come down until I get rid of her brother. He went upstairs and i went to Oliver to stop him.
- What brings you this hour, Oliver? I said
- Evey said that you want me! He replied
- I said that... aah yes listen Evey will stay with me tonight? I said
- Why!
- Because... because I'm tired.
- No way. He said then i held his hand and we went outside the bar.
- Oliver please I'm very tired and i need her beside me tonight! I said begging him.
- You know our mother well!
- You're a big enough. I said in a seductive way! He leaned to kiss me but i pushed him gently.
- Oli, oli not now please! I said but he put a kiss on my cheek.
- Come on! He angrily said.
- Oliver please!
- Okay! But you gotta have a dinner with me! You owe me! He said.
- Done! I cheerfully said, and he hugged me tightly. Aaah Oliver!! Then he winked at me and left, when I turned back to the bar i found that there were a good listener to this scene! Dario and thank god that was Dario not Edward or it'll be a big trouble! I looked curiously at him for a while then I wondered.
- What! I asked.
- how much he paid for you? I'll pay the double!
- get off my way!
- come on 25 ? I'll give you 50! he said
- -i said go away
- What? 100€ Okay no problem.!
- There's a problem, there's always a problem You jerk!. I said and I tried to pass him but he held my hand to stop me... I went back to him wondering.
- Where are you from Dario? You don't belong to here! I asked.
- oh you remember my name! He said.
- I always remember the names... especially the rude ones. I said but he laughed and that laugh drove me crazy!
- I'm waiting.... I said.
- Andalucía. He said and his face became a serious.
- aaah i see, you're a noble ha?
- no.
- what do you do for living?
- i make weapons.
- I pulled his hand and i felt it then smell it
- you're lying... your hand is too soft.
- He pulled his hand quickly
- Why I would lie to you! I don't care if...*I cut him*
- I don't know... anyway come back tomorrow and you'll get what you want. I said while putting my hand on his beard and looking into his eyes.
then i went back to the bar and went quickly upstairs to check on Evey and the Acadian , and i found her are sitting on the couch while he's still asleep.
- Evey how are you! I asked her and she came and hugged me.
- Thank you thank you. She said
- No no no, now I've to have a dinner with Oliver!
- Come on Selena, he's too cute.
- Aah yess, how's your friend! I asked about the Acadian!
- He didn't talk much when he woke up, but he did say one very strange thing. She said and I freaked and freezed for a seconds.
- What Selena!! Why you freaked!!!
- Nothing what did he said!!
- He held my hand and put it on his heart and said "You saved my life, I'm all yours".
- *I sighed i know what she will say now*.
- Doesn't that remind you of anything? She asked.. come Evey say it i know she's so smart say it.
- I.. I don't know what? I said
- That day we met, don't you remember?  You said the same.
- really? i said that! i don't remember actually!!!
- You did!! Honestly You both look alike. She said and I'm done!
- cause we've the same black hair?! I said jokingly! She gave me a ver serious look!
- Maybe! She said
- Well, you'll sleep in my room tonight!
- No I can't leave him!
- Why are you so caring to him?  We don't even know him!
- He needs help!
- Okay , I'm about to finish and I'll check on you later!
- Fine! She said and i went downstairs to the bar to finish, and i found that Dario and his friends are left.
Two hours later, and the whole place was empty, I started cleaning up after the lights went off, Edward wasn't there, I don't know where he went but that's fine, I'll finish and go to bed, what a tiring day! I went to lock the doors and found Edward walking in, damn it drunk like every night, I ignored him and he went to finish cleaning but he followed me he can barely stand, Selina! he whispered! I turned to him and he was about to fall, i ran to held him, i helped him to sit on the bar.
- hungry! I asked
- No!
- Then go to your room!
- Come with me!
- Oh! I sighed... good night Ed! I said and i was about to leave but he pulled my arms into his and tried to kiss me , ii kept pushing him although he's drunk but he's also so he's tough! I kept pushing and hitting him so he slapped me and It was a hard slap that made me fall.
He paused for awhile then he leaned to check on me, my lips were bleeding, He helped me stand, I didn't want to cry in front of him but I couldn't help myself, I ran to my room crying, he followed me but he didn't catch me, I locked the door behind me and he kept kicking it with his foot and calling my name.
- Get out! I yelled but he didn't stop, " Get outttt" I cried but he didn't... I sat on the ground and put my hand to my ear, I don't want to hear it. I closed my eyes.. I remember everything now....

❤️Chapter theme: Dalida - Les Temps des Fleurs.❤️

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