Chapter 11. Why Don't You Come Back?

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At Sevilla.
She never left my sight for a moment. I feel sorry for her, but I also feel insulted. I don't understand her reasons, and she didn't try either. Her silence every time killed me. Those weak looks killed me. Throughout my return to Seville, she was on my mind: What did she do or what she is doing? Could she have gone to someone else? No, I don't think so, who was with her, who was waiting for her! Who is that person whose arms she threw herself into his arms in her return? I'm right! .....Why!
I postponed everything that was waiting for me in Seville. I wasn't in a good mood for anything. I went straight up to my room... She was waiting for me as usual. I threw my whole body into her embrace and didn't speak. She didn't ask either. We remained like that for a seconds . She whispered, "You are not well." I just nodded, she held my face and looked at me, "oh my dear! Let's get some rest". She said as I threw my whole body on the bed.
- I know you well... You did something you wasn't okay with! She said while taking off my boots.
- That's right...Carajo!
- And why?
- I don't know!... I avenge my pride maybe!
- Was she worth it!
- Never!
- Come on... tell me what you did, let's think together. She said while looking directly into my eyes, I couldn't resist....
She took off my jacket then my shirt and then she sat and put my head on her chest and started to run her fingers through my hair. I started to feel relaxed.
- I haven't seen you this angry in a long time, is it worth all this! She asked!
- Yes she worth it.
- She!
- Selena.....
- Well, what happened with Selena?
- I made a mistake against her, but she is the reason, she is the one who pushed me to do it! I said
- She offered herself to me! for money! Do you believe it? Ana!!! Carajo!! She refused me at first!
- Tranquilo(relax)...and what did you do!
- I refused... she came to me, she made her offer and I refused, I'm not that kind of those men! what the hell did she think! I'm not a bastard!
- I know but remember she doesn't know, you the one who asked for that first! She said.
- The next day I went to the bar she worked in at the morning....she was working but there's no much people in, when I entered she didn't notice but I kept walking towards her till she noticed me, she looked at me then looked at her glass which she was cleaning! trying to ignore me, I noticed that also!, I stood in front of her for awhile but she kept ignoring me.
- She was definitely embarrassed!
- I guess!
- Then?
- I agree. I said rolling my eyes away of her, she shocked and paused what she was doing looking at me didn't believing! She was breathing very fast then she said
- No * nervously*. She said but I didn't care, I don't accept rejection so I continued, I agree but only on two conditions and I'm gonna give you all the money you need... then she cut my words saying "No".  
- Wow! I like her! *Ana said and I smiled*, then she threw the towel that she was hold on the floor then she walked away but I stopped her by my words, I didn't even move...
- -So you sold it to Edward then! Or another man who paid more!!
- Dios Mio! You hurt her!
- I'm also hurt Anaaa Carajo!!!! I shouted and she apologised.
- I'm sorry my lord but I feel sorry for her!
- She stopped and forced herself to not cry then she turned back to me looking into his eyes , I saw that in her eyes, I hated myself at that moment....
- What! What's your conditions? Ana asked.
- That's exactly what she asked.
- Perdóname but it's a deal so it's her right to know it at least. Ana said... I paused for a while, Yes! She's right.
I looked at her for a while then I rolled my eyes away...
-  What do you need money for?
- I don't have to tell you anything! She said, I didn't replied, I just kept looking at her, giving her an order to speak, she also rolled her eyes away then she started to talk...
- I need to help my friend and her family! They have a lot of debt and I have to help them, I have nothing to offer. They helped me a lot in my childhood! She said forcing herself again to not to cry cause she knows she's lying to me, I felt that tone in her words I couldn't resist I quickly asked her...
- Why you just didn't asking for money?!
- It's not your business * she shouted, so the people looked at us.
- Don't shout. I said.
- I don't take anything for free. She said in awe.
- Dios mío, what did you say!! Ana asked, and how can I tell her that I definitely surrendered!!
- I accept it! I said and then she stopped running her fingers in my her, so I got up to pour myself a glass of wine, and she was looking at me with wide eyes and didn't move from her place either, so I continued talking...
- Fine then, it will be at my place cause....*I paused for a second while rolling my eyes at everywhere at the bar*
- Cause I'm not coming again! I said. She wasn't surprised, she was sad, she didn't move her eyes from me, she did cry, or even talk. but I kept pushing on her, I wouldn't force myself to stop! if she wanted it so I'm also want it! I said
- I'll send you Jordi tomorrow morning , just be ready and wear something decent! I said.
- My lord......*Ana murmured*......You've been misunderstood her.... what did you do!!!!
- She was waiting for me in my room the next day. When I entered, the room was dark, unlike it's usual... She quickly turned around and turned her back to me... I didn't care at first, I took off my jacket and threw it on the chair next to me. I went to her and grabbed both of her shoulders and turned her towards me... She was looking down, she didn't even looked at me! She sighed and started to untie the laces of her dress. I grabbed the laces and started to untie them as well, but I stopped!
- What happened!!!
- Nothing happened....I couldn't! I just stopped!! She was in full femininity in front of me and I couldn't  even touch her!! I shouted....
- I threw her the money beside her and I left! that's all. I said.
Then Ana got up and walked towards me until she stopped in front of me... She kept looking at me with looks that I understood well that time!
- I'm jealous...this time is different...she loves you, she loves you and trusts you so she came to you...only you! My lord! You're madly in love with her that's clear. This is what saddens me unfortunately. She said and then laughed. "Ana," I whispered. But she contiued her talk: Why don't come back! I bet she will be waiting for you this time!
- It doesn't matter now, someone was already waiting for her when she returned to her inn. I said, and she shuts me with a kiss but I couldn't go on with her this time, I rolled my face away.
- I must get to know that Selena who took my lord's heart and mind from me. I swear I feel jealous!... Go back to her, she needs you. Ana said. Then she walked towards the door....I called her name , she looked at with a sad smile then she left.....
I went out to the balcony and looked at the moon, she never left my mind...Luna, you who see her... take care of her.


Chapter Theme: Maryline Namaan - Lech Ma Bterjaa.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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