Chapter 7: Don't ask...Just Promise.

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Selena,They say time changes everything! As the years pass, we forget everything, the good and the bad, but I didn't forget! Throughout these years I haven't forgotten anything! Since I was 8 years old until now, I have never forgotten anything

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They say time changes everything! As the years pass, we forget everything, the good and the bad, but I didn't forget! Throughout these years I haven't forgotten anything! Since I was 8 years old until now, I have never forgotten anything. A month has passed since Vitor arrived, and he keeps talking about revenge. He wants revenge and I explain to him that it isn't that easy. His condition has improved a lot, his psychological state as well, and I don't know whether this happened because of his improved health or because of Evey....Evey, she's the one who worries me? I'm afraid she will know everything. She will never forgive me. She will never understand that I was forced. I didn't choose to lie to her. I've never chosen anything in my life, All I hope is that Vitor doesn't tell her anything, just keeps our secret , I can't bear any other problems.
I woke up, got ready to take a shower, filled my bathtub with hot water and scattered daisies in it. I sat in the tub laughing... daisies! I remembered him, "I like your daisies!" I haven't seen him since that day. He didn't come to the bar, and I didn't see him anywhere or his men! Most likely he has returned to his town. I will not deny that he often comes to my mind. He was different, his way, his talks , and his looks, but he was a bastard after all, like all bastards who comes to a bar at night, he wants what everyone wants! "my body"! Everyone thinks I sell my body for money. I'm tired of talking and explaining. Now I prefer silence . He's no different from them, even if he looks different and speaks noble. He really looks like a prince, but why does he come to a place like this? Daisies make me calm down. This is why I bought them Dario!
I quickly finished my shower. I had a lot to do. It was summer and the weather was getting better, so the place was getting crowded every day. I put on my dress. It was burgundy and had small white flowers. I went to prepare breakfast for me and Vitor, but he wasn't in his room! I started cleaning until he came in and didn't notice me from behind the bar, Vitor! I called him and went to catch up, something was different about him!
- Good morning! I said
- Good morning dear!
- Dear!?... Vitor.. Your hair?
- How it looks? Nice right?
- Hmmm... A ponytail? I've never seen you like this before!
- Yes! Evey made it! She said it's nicer than before!
- Evey said... i said curiously then i asked
- Where were you! I made you breakfast!
- I've already eaten! Listen, I want to tell you something, I....
- No no wait!!! Where you ate and where you were!!
- I told you at Evey's!
- Evey? Why!
- I was repairing her restaurant's oven for her, then she brought me the breakfast so I ate! What's wrong with you!
- Then she made you this ponytail!
- Right!
- Do you work in blacksmithing?
- Yes! And i need to find a job! I need to get money quickly, I talked to my men and I need to get them back together!
- I'm also saving money.
- Nooo! That's my work here okay, You have nothing to do with it, stay out of it completely! Do you understand! I don't wanna lose you too.
- But Vitor it's my...
- I said No! Selena.. Stay away, that's all I want from you, it's over. He said angrily!
- I don't wanna lose you too, you all i have now.
- Nothing will happen, I promise...just trust me. He said... i nodded, I trust you but i don't trust Robert or Edward... Oh! Edward!!
- Fine... Uncle Jude... He needs someone to help him in his blacksmith workshop . I'll tell him about you and he will welcome you. I am sure. Now go, so Edward doesn't hear us. He is about to wake up. I said pushing him to the stairs.
- I can finish him by one hand. He said jokingly!
- No no you can't.
- What about the breakfast??
- You already ate remember? I said and we both laughed.
I went to check on Edward and thanked God that he was sleeping then decided to go quickly to Evey , she must tell me what was happening, I arrived at her and she was in the kitchen, I entered through the back door so that Oliver couldn't see me, I entered but she didn't notice me...
- So how's your Oven? I asked
- Selena!!! You freaked me!
- Why! I'm only asking about the Oven!
- I was gonna to tell you anyway!
- Then?
- Then mind your own business, I needed help and he helped me so!
- Fine I'm leaving! I said ignoring her but she stopped by hugging me from my back
- I was going to tell you, I swear, but I'm busy for this period so much, i swear, what about Friday evening at the lake?
- Friday? No way you know
- Saturday morning?
- I'm in. I said and we both laughed.
- Well I have to go now!
- No wait, i have some fresh juice! She said and offered me some, i quickly drank it and when i was about to leave, i turned around to her
- Evey, I also want to tell you something. I said , she looked at me asking "What"!
- Saturday morning. I said leaving and while hearing her said " Nooo comeback".
I walked quickly to the inn before Edward woke up, as the place was starting to get crowded, also I don't trust Lola while she's alone! Today's energy was good! Vitor is getting better, Evie is getting brighter, and I haven't seen Edward since the morning, and the weather is so beautiful, I really hope it stays that way until the evening. I arrived and the place was already full. Lola and I started working. Edward had woken up, He was aggressive and I ignored him the whole time. I noticed that I didn't t wear a Ramsey bracelet . I only feel safe when I wear it, so I quickly went to my room to look for it and put it on. I entered my room and put it on. It's interlaced red and black strings with a little white, are went well with my dress.
I heard a knocks on my door, definitely Edward! I went to the door to open it to find him! He looked different from the last time I saw him! Damn, he's in front of my door, but how did he get in without anyone notice h.....he quickly interrupted my thoughts by quickly entering and closing the door behind him! I took a few steps back and looked at him in disbelief. He wrapped my waist and pulled me close to him, then kissed me. Damn, he kissed me and hugged me until he wrapped both of his arms around me. I couldn't move. I tried a push him away but he's already tougher than me, but I didn't stop trying until he stopped and looked at me..
- Miss me! He said i found myself nodding ... "No no you can't be here... Ed... "he shut me up by kissing me again, it was so hard this time, he wrapped my by his arms, i couldn't actually resist, i wrapped his neck, he held me up till he pinned me to the wall.
- Carajo! (Damn!). I missed you so much! He said looking into my deep eyes!
- What are you doing here! Why you came again! Please put me down! I said and he did, but he didn't move even i could feel his warm breathing towards on my face.
- I apologize for what I did before! He said, My heartbeat was racing, i could clearly feel it strongly I was afraid that Edward would notice something.
- Dario please, you can't be here, you must go now!
- I'll, but first promise me that I'll see you away from here.
- Why!
- Don't ask! Just promise. He said and put a kiss on my cheek, I laughed! no one has done that in a long time!
- Que! (What!). He said uhh I don't understand what he's saying even though he knows it!
- Que que!! I'll leave first then you'll follow me i don't want anyone to notice you! I said and pushed him back making my way to the door then he asked while holding my hand stopping me...
- Promise me!
- I promise....I said it and felt a feeling I had never felt in my life! The feeling of... No, no, I don't know.
- When I'll see you and where! He asked
- Tomorrow!? At the lake?
- What lake? I don't any lake!
- Close to here, anyone will help you, just ask. I said pushing him back so he lost his balance and fell on top of the pile of my dresses that fills the floor, i heard him laughing while i closing the door, i went to my place behind the bar and after while he went out wrapping his neck by my scarf!! Noooo he laughed at me the he sat at the bar in front me... "red wine please" he asked smiling, i smiled back "Yes" i said and when i turned around to get him the wine i found Lola watching us with aggrieve way! Damn! I ignored her while putting the glass in front of him, he took it saying " thanks" , i nodded the i continued my work normally so that no one would notice us.
- How's my look! He asked while referring to me to put another glass
- Short hair?
- Short hair long beard how it looks? He asked
- Perfect! Lola said! Damn! She also listening to us! I looked at her but didn't answer but he looked at her smiling the he turned his back to me.
- Come on! How it looks! He asked again i shrugged
- Well i prefer long hair! I said trying to stop talking but he seemed willing to not!
- Fine, we will see! He said and winked at me! I quickly rolled my eyes away, he turned around to the crowd giving me his back seconds before he turned to me again saying "Carajo!" Then he covered his face by my scarf then put his glass angrily. I looked at him then i looked at the men who entered, it was two men, the same who came before the man with the blue eyes and the one who always looks angry! He looked at me whispering,
- I'll wait you tomorrow, don't be late!
- Is that an order! I asked nervously!
- Oh.. ammm no! Just don't be late he said shrugging! I nodded then he winked at me again and left , He clearly ran away from these men, most likely not wanting them to see him. I searched by eyes for Lola and Edward, but I couldn't find any of them, i kept searching till our eyes met! One of these men, the angry one! He was looking at me angry like scanning me, he actually sacred me, I rolled my eyes away then i looked at him i found him still staring! What's wrong with him! But then the other man looked at me ! He greeted me, I looked at him with no reaction! Who the hell are those guys!!! I ignored them by working, I kept working by myself that night until the end, finally Ed and Lola appeared... together!! They were coming downstairs together from above, oh most likely from Ed's room, okay! I didn't care actually and all I was thinking about was Dario's morning! Looks like there's a lot to tell Evey! Probably about my first kiss? We will see!
- Is his return made you so happy? That was Lola, her question interrupted my thoughts.
- Who!
- Dario!
- What does he have to do with me? What are you saying!
- I'm not just saying, look at your face! it blushed just by saying his name!
- Listen Lola, Why don't you mind your own business? I also see that you are doing well with Ed anyway!
- Ah really! Dario was my business at first!
- What!!
- What about your scarf!? How did he got it!she asked, i paused for awhile... why I've to tell her! Why I've to explain myself to anyone!
- It's not your business! And also Dario isn't your business anymore! I said and i left her for her thoughts.
Night has come and everyone has gone, even these two strangers are gone too! Really strange!! they definitely don't fit in places like that! they looks so high and they also doesn't speak to anyone here, they were just drinking and staring. Dario? I don't know...why he came back and what he wants. Well, tomorrow, not long, I'll meet him and find out. I promised him anyway. I started cleaning as usual every night. Vitor didn't appear also he seemed that he felt into a deep sleep. He seemed happy those days. Ed finally came and took all the money i have, He didn't give me anything that time! I didn't ask him for money. He was agitated and angry, and I didn't give him a chance to speak until he finally spoke.
- What happened between you and that man? He asked I know what he means but I don't want to tell him anything.
- Which one of them? I talk to all the guys here.
- Darío! He said aggressively, damn Lola, she told him everything... bitch!
- Nothing! He just asked for wine and I served it! I said and I turned my back to him to walk away from him, but he grabbed my hair and stopped me.
- Edward leave me!!! I shouted
- Never leave while I'm talking to you! He said, i released myself and i pushed him
- Don't ever put your dirty hands on me. I said and i started to hit him on his chest but then he held my hand and slapped me so hard that i I couldn't stand and fell hard on my arm. He paused for a while looking at me. I noticed that I was bleeding from my mouth. Time stopped around us, everything around us, I forced myself to stand and it was the most difficult moments I had ever had in my life. I looked at him he approached to help me..... "If you touched me I swore I would kill myself". I said and then i tried to walk with difficulty when I reached my room. I entered and closed the door, i locked it well behind me. The world was revolving around me... I fell on my bed, not knowing anything...

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