Chapter 4. Secret Adventure.

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Evelyne,The best thing about dinner was that it was over, I was bored as usual they were talking about marriage and kids and building house Nothing new but Albert's looks that became very annoying, We sat down for tea after dinner, all of us, even...

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The best thing about dinner was that it was over, I was bored as usual they were talking about marriage and kids and building house Nothing new but Albert's looks that became very annoying, We sat down for tea after dinner, all of us, even Oliver, who doesn't really like tea, see what they're up to! Well, Evey, you already know what they're planning. I tried to ask them to go to my room, but my mother's looks at me were disapproving. So I sat down and listened to their conversation without any interest, just nodded in the affirmative at what they were saying.
Anyway I picked up my things... my things... my book, some aids and some herbs he could drink, i put them on my bag i wore it and went down on the wooden pole so slowly after i locked my door, i ran to the inn and thank god no one saw me, I reached the inn and it was so crowded as usual, i looked at Selena and she was busy with the crowd, she winked at me, i winked back and i went upstairs to his room without any one could see me. I entered the room and he was sleeping, he was feverish and sweating heavily, I started drying him and putting cold water on his face until his temperature drops, he was shaking incomprehensible words, but he seemed to be very angry, I looked at him for awhile , why I do all this why I'm helping him and he's such an arrogant person! Selena could already be right, I'm the one who brought him here and I'm who cured him before, so I have to finish that favor to the last or this is my secret adventure.
Time passed while I was sitting on the chair in front of his bed while I was reading, I was lying my feet on the bed, he didn't wake up much, but he seemed to be wrestling with lions in his dreams, I didn't know the time, I was already busy reading until I moved the book from before my eyes and found him awake looking at me! damn it! he terrified me... I looked at him and didn't talk. i think he was asking about the crazy woman who came back after screaming at him before!
- Well... I want to apologize for what I've done. He said. I looked at him for awhile, trying to understand!
- Was Selena the one who asked you that? I asked.
- Who's Selena? He asked... aaah definitely lying! I think they had a conversation later.. That's clear.
- fine! I said.
- Did you accept my apology or what? He said
- I said fine!
- What fine!
- I accept it! I said then he rolled his eyes away looking around, i did the same till our eyes met again.
- What's your name! I asked
- Vitor. he said nervously.
- Mmmmmm Vitor!! I'm Evelyne! I said and nodded.
- What that name! I asked
- What!
- Vitor! Your black hair too! I said and I approached him and while i was looking at his hair, I was close to his face and he was staring at me, "you remind me of someone!" I said.... "Are you Romanian?" I asked him. he immediately looked directly into my eyes so I quickly walked away.
- Ah Selena! You have the same hair! Same color, same weight. I said, He gestured for me to approach and i did, then asked...
- Is Selena Romanian?
- Yes she said that.
- So yes I'm Romanian too! That's why we look a lot like each other! He said
- Aaaah logical then! I said and he nodded.
- Do you want to eat? Here I have soup and some baked goods, they're delicious! I made it myself. I asked.
- I just want some water! He replied, I helped him drink water.. my God, he looks so boring as my night here looks like. I went to sit down and finish my book, I really don't know what to do here! He's silent, doesn't talk, and doesn't even want to share anything with me, I'll probably go from here.
- Do you want to read? I asked.
- I can't read. He replied.
- do you want me to read to you? I asked and he shrugged, I started reading, and he was looking at me, I think he didn't understand anything from what I read, even though it was a simple story, but he gave me that impression that he didn't care!
- Well , if you don't care I can stop. I said but he didn't replied he just kept staring at me.
- say anything! you make me uncomfortable!
- What makes you comfortable? He asked
- What that question!
- I don't know, i just asked!
- Do you really want to know! I asked and then he looked at me for awhile then he shrugged.
- If you want! He said
- Hmmmm... cooking, maybe reading...and helping people!
- Uh.. you're so innocent girl!
- Girl!!!
- What!
- Nothing.... I've to go! I said and he looked at me weirdly actually he's so weird but I've to go..I feel that communication between us is very difficult, I got ready to go picking up my things and he was looking at me and he never spoke, neither did I speak or tell him anything I wanted to end this secret adventure as fast as I can, I don't understand him and he doesn't understand me so I had better go.
I was about to leave, but his voice stopped me, asking: Are you coming tomorrow? I looked at him weirdly and asked him
- why!... He hesitated a little and then said:
- to check on my wound! I don't know how to deal with that kind of wounds!
I approached to his face and said:
- Despite I don't believe you, cause that's not your only wound, but I will think if I could come or not... I'll see. I said and I left him.
i went downstairs and i winked to Selena who looked so busy, she waved to me to wait her but I couldn't, i had to leave before anybody could notice me and could tell Oliver that I'm here... i left quickly to my home, I climbed the pole of my window, and from there quickly to my room and then my bed in a miserable attempt to sleep and not think about that stranger and that secret adventure.


I couldn't wait and think any longer about that earring, the place was already crowded and I had to get ready quickly, I put on a black and white dress and of course I put on the earring and went outside to start work and Lula my friend from the market came to help me today, she always comes to help me on weekends Week, today was the weekend so it was crowded. i was very happy with those earrings actually even though I don't know who brought it! may be Edward or Oliver oh! Evey!! Evey was at Vito's room and i should go upstairs to check on her, i was about to ho when he entered with his friends, i was looking at him while his eyes was searching for someone till our eyes met! ah he was searching for me i guess! he nodded his head greeting me by a light smile, i smile back to him forcing myself to not showing him how happy I'm! wait am i happy!! ok why am i happy! ok! he looked so fine anyway. He sat with his friends on their table and asked for the wine and started drinking, talking, laughing.
He slowly walked towards me then he reached the bar saying
- Ammm.. hi?
- hi, yeah, you look shiny tonight.
- thank you.
- Red wine please.
- here's, i put the glass in front of him , he took it and gave me his back looking at the girls ignoring me.
I kept cleaning the glasses looking at that back while Edward came.
- what are you doing!
- what do you think? ha!!
- is that a new earrings?
* Dario turned to us so Edward decided to take me from my arm and we went behind the bar so no one could see us!
- so you take the money and buy yourself this shit! - I didn't buy it's Lula's earrings!
- oh really and i should believe that crap!
- you can ask her!
- that seems so expensive, let me see.
- no! And I tried to walk but he followed me and at this moment Dario saw us!.. he followed us. I looked directly into his eyes, i was actually seeking help!
Hey! Dario said.
- what do you want? Edward said.
- i just looking for....
- for what! Edward said nervously cutting his words.
- are you okay? Dario asked me!
- yes I'm... i said I couldn't have said otherwise, Edward was drunk and I could foresee what would happen if I said otherwise Oh nothing good would be perfect for me forever.
- Maybe I lost my way.. sorry, he said and left..So how he thinks of me anymore..How ironic! he actually considers me as whore!
I was about to leave when Ed held my arm stopping me.
Edward please let me go.
- where did you get the money for that tell me!
-it's for Lula, i asked her to wear it for tonight . - aah really, so gave it back to her.
- fine.
I went out to the bar so the crowd started to whistling, he was at his table stand giving his back to the bar, so when they whistling he turned to me, I smiled to them .
I took off the earrings and gave it to her. - here's, take your earrings.
- my what!
*I pushed on her hand,* -Please your earrings that i asked you for.
- aaah good
And she immediately wore it.
Dario was watching all what just happened and decided to leave but before he asked one of his friends to talk to Lula and ask her for something, i was looking at him awhile then looking to Lula who's talking to Dario's friend, I didn't know what he said to her but she smiled and nodded to him. After that she came to me asking for leaving, I said yes anytime!
Then she left with Dario and his friends and he never looked at me while all of this or even when he was leaving.
I was looking at them and my heart would explode with anger, I saw of Eviey as she was leaving, she winked at me! What happened she's supposed to spend the night here why did she leave, uh Vitor what happened again, I couldn't catch up with her to understand what happened Edward was looking at me angrily so I didn't move so he wouldn't notice her!
I looked with all the anger in the world at Edward and the voices were getting louder around us, how I wanted him to throw some punches to leave me alone Oh! Vitor! Well not now, Ed!.

Chapter theme: Charles Aznavour - Emmenez Moi.

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