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Lady Hera was the Goddess of everything that was out of reach for me. I had no clue as to why she would come after me. I knelt immediately, my head bowed. I hoped she was here to just give me a quest. I could do a quest. Maybe this was my moment to shine. Quests were hard but brought great glory to a Hero's name.

"Rise." She replied in a bored voice.

"Yes, my lady." The fog still swirled around us dark and deep. Something wasn't right, usually Gods just went on with the details of the quest and left but it seemed like she was here for something else.

Lady Hera was also not kind. As I stood up to my feet, I remembered she found vindictive pleasure in torturing the women Zeus went after and their children. My grandmother had died giving birth to my mother. And my mother being a woman was mainly ignored by Lady Hera. But me. I'm a whole different story all together.

Let's recount, Heracles turned mad and killed his entire family. Aeacus's citizens were killed right before a war so that he won't have an army to defend his land. She cursed Leto to be banished so that she could not give birth in peace. Then there was a nymph who got killed. And a mortal princess. Good Grief. If she was after me as a grandson of Zeus I might just have to run as fast as I can from here.

She walked around me as if she was doing a military inspection. Those were quite tiring back in the school. You had to wear an armour as fast as you can and get in line for inspection. She shook her head.

"My dear child you have been making a mockery of my realm." Her voice so full of anger I didn't know what to do but kneel again.

"A woman your age should be married by now. But you are busy running around fighting on the battlefield." Sniffing her nose in disapproval she went on.

"And look at your skin, tanned all over. Who is going to marry you?" Gah, don't say a word. Don't yell at her. You already did that with Apollo and ended up with two kids. They very nice and loveable kids but don't say something. Don't say anything or else I'll find myself married to some crusty old yucky man. Or turned mad.

"And your hair- That shade of red is ghastly." Red hair was associated with courage and bravery for men. Hero's like Achilles had Red hair. But a woman with red hair meant temper and unfaithfulness. Lady Hera seemed to be here today to pick on my self-esteem.

"But then it is my job to get women their husbands so I think I can still do something about you." She waved her hand and a tree right in front of us twisted and turned into a chair. Keeping her staff against the trunk she glared at me. Does Lady Hera do this often. I mean she won't go around like a match maker.

"You are surrounded men all day! All of them Kings and Princes. Why don't you get married to any one of them?"

"Uh, No." I replied. I hastily added a "My lady" because of the way she glared at me.


"Just because you are surrounded with food won't mean you would eat." I hoped she would get the message and leave.

"How about Aeneas?"

"Aeneas and I have a fraternal bond."

"Huh never mind that, Prince Pyros then. He is rich and has a large kingdom. Pity that his face got ruined by a scar." I looked at her in amazement.

"I'd push him over the cliff rather than marry him." Marry Prince Pyros. I gagged. If someone had to make my life a misery that would be the best way to go about it. And I'm pretty sure Pyros would find an innovative way to kill me before that miserable day arrived.

"Uh, you are too picky." She frowned resting her delicate face on her hand.

"If it's too much of a problem, I can leave now. I don't want to burden you with this." I cheered internally, getting up and brushing my knee length chiton.

"Stop." My feet frozen to the ground. She stood walking over to me as her chiton billowed like leaves in the wind. Red lips twisted up in an angry frown. I seriously hope she is not considering getting me married to someone I would hate.

"What is up with Hero's and not getting married." Wait did she call me a Hero?

"Not you." She yelled.

"But I am one!" I hadn't fought for this long on the battlefields to hear this one day. She laughed.

"Women are not HEROES!"

"But I have done everything that Hero does. I have fought battles and helped people and I did everything my father asked me to even if I didn't want to." My heart was beating faster. I haven't sacrificed everything in my life to be shamed and my achievements derided because I was a woman.

"Such pride." She hissed her face dangerous close to mine.

She smiled suddenly walking back to her makeshift throne. It was a dangerous smirk. One that veiled serious threats.

"You know what. I'll make it easy for you." She waved her hand. The fog parted to reveal a figure that was at least 4 paces taller than me. He had a shaggy beard with no hair on his head. Black lines ran across his body. In his left hand, he held a Scythe as tall as himself.

"If you defeat my faithful servant, Argos." I gasped, remembering the myth of Argos and Io. All those black lines fluttered open. They were eyes, of different colour and shapes. They peered in different directions and suddenly turned towards me. Okay that was creepy. I pulled out my sword.

"If you defeat Argus by dawn then I'll let you go. Otherwise I hope you find Hades comfortable." She stood up vanishing in a flurry of peacock feathers.

Defeating a hundred-eyed monster with a scythe. That won't be too hard. I charged with my sword raised. 

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