Banquet Hall

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The banquet was going on well. Wine was flowing freely and the smell of roasting fish and beef had filled the room. Everyone was basking in the warmth of the hearth, sharing stories and plans. Sitting apart from all of this in the balcony overlooking the city, Aeneas and me. Both of us sipped slowly from our glasses of wine.

"I can't believe we are going to war so soon." He muttered. "I still can't believe King Leandros decided to change his bride on the day of his marriage." I muttered. "Arranged marriage and all but what in the name of hades." Aeneas shook his head in agreement. "I'm getting some food." He said getting up from his seat. "Get me some food as well." He didn't turn around but I knew he had heard me.

The city seemed to be unaware but nothing stayed in the Palace for long. Gossip about today's event would spread out to every nook and corner of the Polis before the sunrise tomorrow. I really didn't want to leave. Eda would be here all alone. And I would be back to a battlefield where some of the best Heroes ever to live would be facing me. I heard footsteps coming up behind me. But they were different from Aeneas's footsteps.

"I didn't expect you to possess such a morose look." Prince Ilomenalas held out a plate of food. It was unkind to refuse food offered by your guests, so I took some grapes from the plate. There were a lot of vineyards around the Polis of Megaras. The fertile river plain of Ceres along with abundant rain had made it a perfect place to grown vine grapes, barley and Olive trees.

"I didn't expect Cassadian Princes to run around gathering allies." I replied. "Fair enough." Prince Ilomenalas sat down where Aeneas was a few minutes ago.

"How long do you think it would take for us to win this war?" he asked as he bit into an apple. The tray abandoned to the floor.

"Depends on who all are we going up against and how ready are they to consider a peace treaty."

"Well as far as the rumours go, there will be a lot of Kings, Chieftains, Princes and Heroes. Most prominent ones obviously being King Heraklion of Argos, Prince Alcamander of Pylos, Diomedes- chieftain of the Meges, Prince Cadmus of Ithaca." I nodded, but my body went stiff. Half of them were excellent and battle worn warriors and the other half were good strategists. Most of them also traced their descent from Gods and Heroes. King Heraklion was a son of Apollo and an extremely skilled archer. Prince Alcamander was the son of one of the 3 graces, I couldn't remember which. Cadmus was a grandson of Ares.

I sighed. It's going to take a long while with all these big egos stuffed in a tent together. Ilomenalas leant forward, "Don't worry Atlas. The island of Crete isn't short of Heroes and warriors. We have Erasmus, son of Machaon. Prince Pyros of Ophen. King Alexander of the Northern Islands. Prince Isander of Lycians. And we have you."

"Don't put too much stake on my skills, Prince. I am nothing more than a Captain in the Cavalry of Megaras." I stared at the cup of wine that I held in my hands. Most of these were Heroes who had proved their mettle in the battlefield. They had been trained by the great Chiron.

"You are too humble, Atlas. Don't forget that your mother was a Commandry Princess of Cassadia and a daughter of Zeus." The grip around the cup tightened. "You have earned a name for yourself with your skills as a swordsman. Your father is Leon, the General who has won a hundred wars. There is no doubt you will belong in the ranks of the greatest Heroes once everyone will see you on the battlefield."

"I do not aim for glory on battlefield, Prince. I would much rather live a quiet life and die." I replied getting up. I had no intention to talk to him anymore. He would never understand my viewpoint. Infact no one in the world could.

"Yet it seems that the fates have a different plan. You might just be fated for Eternal Glory, Atlas." Prince Ilomenalas got up and walked up to me. "It would be a great honour to fight alongside someone of your repute."

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