I only know how to embaress myself

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Waking up to the soft rustling of the leaves and birds chirping threw me off. I was used to waking up in the tent with soldiers milling about, instructions being yelled and horses neighing. It was the most peaceful sleep I've ever had. No dreams, no bloody nightmares nothing. I had no desire to move but to fall back into sweet slumber. I laid there for quite a while as the sun rose higher into the sky, wrapped in a warm cloak that smelt like pine and roses. Pine and roses! I struggled to get up, with the cloak entangling around my knees. Placing my forehead against the trunk, all the events of last night came back to me. Why do I lose my head when I see him? I had lived in the army barracks all my life and before that in a military school for boys. Never had I behaved that way. I picked up the cloak which was tangled around my feet. It was made from softest wool, dyed to a perfect emerald green. The gold thread and blue wool had been used to make a meander all around the corner. Whosoever had made this cloak was very skilled and it must have been expensive as well. I had to return it to its owner. And the very thought of the owner was mind boggling. As I trekked to the camp, with the cloak under my arm. I couldn't help but think. Does he know? But how would he know. I had lived in a military school for six years. And shared a room with Aeneas and another boy. No one suspected me. No one in the whole world had ever looked at me and seen through the disguise. It probably had to do with the fact how similar I looked to my father. I had his eyes and forehead, while the rest of my face took after my mother. But that had been enough for anyone to look at me and not doubt me at all. They would always say, "Atlas looks a lot like his father." Aeneas in fact never knew, even though we had spent so many sunny days together picking pomegranates in the groove near the school. So, Prince Hero seeing through the disguise was impossible. Maybe he was just interested in men? That was something that answered all my questions. It made sense. A part of me was happy he hadn't seen through my disguise as I could get seriously blackmailed because of that. But a part of me was sad. I don't know why. I wandered back into camp. Luckily there wasn't a huge ruckus though Aeneas was quick to admonish me. "You could have gotten killed!" He wasn't stopping for a breath. Poor Aeneas had almost reached his wits end when it came to me."I swear this was more dangerous than the time you decided to go scale a cliff." He muttered, looking at my morose face."I gave up quickly as well." It had been scary as I looked down. I felt as if this was the moment I would fall to my death and drown the cold dark seas of Crete. That was also the day I learned I had an irrational fear of falling off cliffs. It was stupid. But I wasn't taking any risks."Why did you leave?""Uhhhh, I couldn't sleep!" Aeneas nodded his head, "I think it's time for you to go pray at the Altar of Hermes.""Hermes?" "Yes, he is the god of dreams as well. Maybe he would take pity on you and get rid of them once and for all." It stuck me like a lightning bolt. That's why Prince Hero knew I dreamt of him. He could dream walk. Great, just great. Like why did all the male descendants of Gods get nice helpful powers? Like Pollux and Castor could fly. Heracles had super strength. Perseus got gifted a magic sword and the sandals of Hermes. Women on the other hand got stuck with useless gifts. Infact they weren't remembered at all. The only exception was Helen, who was lauded for her beauty. How great. I wanted to fly as well. Maybe not too high though. Cliffs were scary. Aeneas guided me towards the tent where all the leaders had assembled. We all sat down to discuss how to proceed. Fighting in winter months was something we had done a lot in Megaras, so everyone was looking up to father to guide us about it. I barely paid attention as father and Aeneas went about explaining how we would have to procced. I was still thinking about last night. Uh, why was he gay. Like why. I mean I had no problems with sexual preferences- to each their own. I tried to divert my mind. I started examining the cloak I had in my lap. The gold thread wasn't dyed but was actual gold. The gold in the cloak could be worth more than a pair of oxen. And goldwork like this had to be done with a lot of care. There would hardly be more than a dozen women in the entire mainland of Greece who would weave with such dexterity. Who had woven it for him? Maybe it was his mother, Queen Leda or maybe a lover? Wait no he is gay. Why is he... sharp pain shot up my foot. I could barely suppress a shriek.I looked up at Aeneas, whose foot was on my own. He jerked his head and I followed towards the council. Father was again staring at me, his face betrayed no expression, but I could sense the anger in his eyes. "Do tell us about what you have been thinking about, Atlas?" Prince Pyros seated at the table pointed his knife at me. "Uhhhh..." If I tell them I was thinking about a man they would think I'm gay. Which I'm not. Nah don't mention men at all. Tell something, Aeneas mouthed. I never liked too much attention on me. Not on the battlefield or anywhere else. It made me feel awkward. "Oh, come on answer the question!" Lord Zeus's sake I hope you get struck by a lightening bolt and die a slow horrible death. 

"Come on Atlas, don't keep us waiting."  

"You." I blurted out. The smirk immediately fell from Prince Pyros' face. Aeneas buried his face in his hands. "Lord Zeus save me." 

"What?" he thundered.I scrambled to save myself from this awkwardness. "I was wondering when your heel would heal." He had been hit by a nasty poisoned arrow from Prince Lysandros. "Listen to me Atlas and listen to me well and good..." "Let it go Pyros, Atlas just over worries." King Alexander interrupted thankfully. Prince Pyros took a deep breath, sighed and stabbed his knife in the table top.He muttered something under his breath, while I felt I should just melt through the earth. That would be nice. No more pain from existence on this earth. We left soon afterwards. Father didn't speak a word to me. And I was thankful for that. "Stop daydreaming, Atlas. You know you start mumbling in the real world as well." Aeneas passed me a bundle of warm clothes for the winter. I hated the cold weather. Snow would make the battlefield slippery and more dangerous for chariots to fall. Even if you are not seriously injured lying in the snow would guaranty making matters worse. Also have I mentioned that the water turns icy cold so taking a bath was the most undesirable part of the day but you couldn't skip. All that blood and dirt had to be scrubbed off.It was late in the evening but I decided to return to the city. I wanted to surprise Carme and Día with their bows. All the one's that we could find in our house were designed to be wielded by men. Also, Carme wanted carved roses on her bow. Under the instructions of Prince Isander who was still recovering they had made great progress. Apparently, archery was also one of their gifts. At least some women had been blessed with helpful powers.Getting bows carved in Cassadia was expensive but the work was amazing. The wood was supple and beautifully carved. The two ends covered in boar tusks. They were beautiful bows. As suspected Carme and Día loved them.They offered to demonstrate their skills as I cheered them on. And they managed to hit the bullseye every single time. They had made so much progress in so little time. I was so proud. All of us, Prince Isander included decided to go to the inn for food. Carme and Día were happily munching away on honey cakes. They looked immeasurably happy. At least I hadn't failed in being a good guardian. We left the inn to go buy Carme and Día warm clothes. Winters were harsher in Cassadia due to the cold salty wind from the seas. We placed everything in the ox cart that we had hired. And walked along it back home. Eda was already telling us about what new client she had found in the city and was detailing exactly how she would prosecute his case as she walked ahead of us. "I have to get him. I mean how disgusting do you have to be to sell medicine made from inferior ingredients just to make money." Prince Isander nodded enthusiastically. "But I know for a fact that he only eats at this tavern that allows like only extremely rich people in so it's difficult for me to get in." she muttered. She nearly stumbled into Prince Isander while she was muttering to herself. She whipped around, "You are immeasurably rich, aren't you?" "Well depends on what your version of...." Eda just grabbed on to his good arm and lead him down the path back towards the Agora. Prince Isander wasn't one to go so easily as he protested all along the way."I'll be back later!" she yelled. "Make dinner for me!" she added. "Hey wait! I'm not going to be a part of whatever..." and they were out of ear shot. Well, that's well. At least Isander could be trusted to keep her out of trouble. Nanny luckily had already made food for Eda. I have no clue how she always manages to know what to do. Tucking in Carme and Día they wanted to hear stories as they fell asleep. And for some reason the person who they wanted to know most about from the battlefields was Prince Hero.So, I told them about his spear wielding skills and whatever general trivia I remembered about him. There were a lot of rumours going about him in general. Uh...Prince Hero was literally everywhere. Was it necessary for him to haunt my dreams as well? 


I'm finding it harder to name chapters more than writing the said chapter... #sadlife if you see wierd chapter titles assume I'm at my wit's end.

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