𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 64.

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Suddenly she saw him in the distance at the very end of the hallway and she sprinted off after him.

Soon a wall collapsed right in front of her,she stumbled backwards and jumped over it as she continued running after him.

She saw him run into an open door so she did the same, noticing he has shut a pair of heavy door on her and locked them afterwards.

There was a thick window next to the door as she aimed her gun at it, firing but the glass was bulletproof.

She groaned, hitting the glass with her fists, noticing David's smug face.

He was trying to provoke her..

She was now fumming, her chest raising at a rapid speed when she suddenly noticed a fire extinguisher that was right next to the window.

She didn't hesitate to grab it, and barge with it into the glass.

It worked, creating a a bigger crack.

David's face fell and she hit the glass again and again until it shattered.

She jumped through like a hungry lion, making David run again.

He ran down another hallway, knocking cabinets and tables over, creating obstacles for her but it didn't slow her down.

She was jumping over them, charging after him.

She was getting closer to him when they both could feel the ground shake.

And when the ground crumbled, Makayla quickly jumped through the window, landing in a somersault. Her palms were pressed against the ground when she stood up and ran from the falling building.

She fell to the ground, her vision turning blurry from the impact.

She could feel the hot fire warming her skin.

She managed to stand up and look around, seeing David trying to crawl away.

Now she was walking slowly, surely, noticing his legs were injured.

He tried to grab a hammer close to him.

When she got to him, she stepped on his hand hard, stopping him from doing so.

He released a low scream and she kicked him in the face making him lay back on his back with a groan and a broken nose

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He released a low scream and she kicked him in the face making him lay back on his back with a groan and a broken nose.

She looked back, seeing the fire get bigger and closer.

Then she looked back at him, crouching down. She had to make it quick.

"You're too stupid to be a leader."

After this sentence she stabbed him in his heart, burying the knife so deep into the meat of muscle and veins.

He choked, trying to catch a breath but life was slowly dissapearing from his body.

She took the knife out, and slit his throat while looking directly into his terrified eyes.

It was over.



Sierra shouted from the distance, seeing Makayla sit on the ground in the pouring rain and wreckages.

Sierra shouted from the distance, seeing Makayla sit on the ground in the pouring rain and wreckages

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Sierra aproached her, placing her palm on Makayla's shoulder,

Sierra aproached her, placing her palm on Makayla's shoulder,

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"C'mon- we need to get out of here!"

3 hours later

When Makayla came back to the group they couldn't stop thanking her and cheering for her. Their faces of appreciation and thankfulness was all she needed at that moment.

Now there was only about 12 women and three kids of them now. Some women already left to their families and groups, not afriad of getting captured again.

"How are you feeling?" Sierra came up to the roof where Makayla was sitting in front of a little bonfire.

"Not myself I guess." Makayla answered a bit unsure.

She was still trying to process everything.

She was mostly thinking about the pregnancy, realizing her period has been late for a few days and her sickness was still present so the fact that she is pregnant was obvious.

And it scared her.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sierra nagged, sitting down next to her.

Makayla snorted, but her smile soon faded. She still had no idea how coming back to Jackson will be like.

"His name is Joel. I'll- make sure to introduce you." She said and her eyes fixated on the fire.

"What's wrong. You can talk to me."

Sierra demanded and Makayla had to take a deep breath before speaking up,

"When the virus hit, Joel lost his daughter and I'm afraid he's gonna-"

"Makayla." Sierra stopped her from freaking out.

"You don't get it Sierra, I'm really fucking hesitant about going back-"

"Don't say that. I'm sure he loves you and will love your child just as much. You need to calm down. He's probably worried to death, hoping you're still alive."


A low sigh escaped Makayla's lips. Maybe Sierra was right.

"I miss him so fucking much you have no idea." Makayla said, creating a small genuine smile on Sierra's lips.

But Makayla's thoughts were still dark.

She was afriad Joel wasn't going to be happy about the pregnancy. Or maybe he was so pissed at her he left Jackson. Maybe he left Jackson with Tina.

Her head was pounding from all the possibilities..

"I know. Now get some sleep you need it. Our final stop- Jackson."

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now