𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 65.

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I know most of you wanted Joel to come after her and appear, (save her or help her take David down) but that's exactly what I didn't wanna do. I feel like Joel has already saved her multiple times and this was something she had to do on her own. It matters to her to finally do something right since she has always felt like a burden and I didn't want Joel to take that away from her.

I wanted this journey to be only her's.

Week and a half later,

1 month since Jackson

"I've known you for almost two weeks and I still don't know how old you are." Sierra raised an eyebrow at Makayla and Makayla laughed.

"I'm 21. What about you?"

 What about you?"

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"21. That's crazy." Sierra laughed and added, "I'm 25."

"You're not that much older than me." Makayla pointed out with a grin and turned to the group,

"Alright everyone! This is where we'll be staying the night. Tomorrow we'll already be in Jackson so take this as a rest before the arrival."

The women clapped and whistled. It's been a long and exhausting journey full of infected, blood and sweat.

"Makayla! You got some ammo in addition on you?" A woman, named Sylvia asked and Makayla reached into her backpack, approaching her with a few more bullets.

Sylvia was a cool woman. Much shorter than Makayla but impressively tough and funny.

"Thanks." Sylvia smiled, making Makayla nod in exchange.


They all settled in a small abandoned cottage where Makayla and Jesse stayed in right after they left Jackson.

"So- since you said before that Joel had a daughter I assume he's older than you?" Sierra questioned her.

Makayla looked at Sierra with a guilty face and a hidden smirk when they suddenly heard a gunshot coming from outside.

"Shh." Makayla pressed a finger to her lips, so they would stay quiet, "I'll go check it out." She said, grabbing her gun and running out, ignoring Sierra's disapproval.

She walked out, closing the door behind her. It was so dark she could barely see so she was relying on her hearing.

She was slowly walking forward when she heard the sound of a twig breaking, whoever it was, was close.

There was a thick bush in her way so she pushed it to the side so she could get through and she froze in motion when she saw a shot body of an infected laying under her feet.

She heard a gun click so she aimed it towards the sound and her breath got stuck in her lungs.

She heard a gun click so she aimed it towards the sound and her breath got stuck in her lungs

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She put her gun down and her arms up,

"It's just me. It's me." She said, relieved and both Dina and Tommy put their guns down as well.

"Oh my god." Dina panted, running towards Makayla, pulling her into a hug.

"I can't believe this." Dina laughed as she now pulled away and Makayla noticed Dina's pregnant belly was already showing.

Tommy approached Makayla from behind Dina too and Makayla automatically extended her arms towards him as he pulled her into a tight hug as well.

"Hell girl. Can't believe you're alive!" He said having Makayla giggle into his jacket.

"Is that how much little faith you have in me?" Makayla nagged, pulling away.

This felt good. Better than good.

Finally seeing some familiar faces.

"Where's Jesse?" Dina asked and Makayla felt like the world has slowed down all of a sudden.

She looked Dina in the eyes, not saying anything.

Dina soon picked up on it, her face turning into a slight disappointed frown,

"I'm sorry Dina. I couldn't do anything. It all happened so fast."

Tommy placed his hand on Dina's shoulder to comfort her.

Jesse was a great man, no doubt. Everyone in Jackson would miss him.

Dina already looked like she was about to cry and Makayla couldn't help but feel quilty as she shared Dina's feelings with her.

"Shit.." Dina cursed, placing her palm on her forehead.

"Dina.." Makayla took a step closer,

"Makayla! Everything good?" Sierra ran up to them, awkwardly nodding as a hi.

"Sierra can you please take Dina inside?" Makayla asked Sierra and Sierra carefully approached Dina and walked her back to the cottage.

"Tommy can you come in? I need to talk to you."

"Sure, anythin'." Tommy nodded his head and followed her.

They were sitting in an empty room on a couch. Makayla was having a hard time starting the conversation but soon she spoke up,

"Joel. How is he?"

She was nervous as hell. Tommy could tell.

"I guess I'd lie if I said he's good. He was ragin' when he found out you're gone. Not 'cause he was mad, he was worried. He's been trynna look for you ever since. Withdrewin' people from patrols to join but your footprints were covered by fresh snow 'till mornin' and we had no other traces."

Tommy stopped, watching Makayla's quilty face before he continued, "Tina's been tryna talk to him to keep him sane. She feels bad for him. Listen- I know my brother. He's always been a fuckin' gruff. But I haven't seen him like this ever since Sarah-" he stopped.

 But I haven't seen him like this ever since Sarah-" he stopped

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"I get it." Makayla nodded, showing him that he didn't have to keep going. It was a tough subject for Tommy as well.

And the thought of Tina close to Joel was making her blood pressure rise enough already.

"Makayla. You gotta tell me what happened out there-"

"I will. I will. But- I gotta tell you something first." She fiddled with her fingers, looking up at Tommy.

"Hey. Y'know you can tell me anythin'." He placed his hands on her shoulders, ready for anything but not for what she was about to say,

"...I'm pregnant."

KILL THE TRUTH | 𝐽𝑜𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 (This Story Is Going Through Corrections)Where stories live. Discover now