5. Management Calls

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I woke up to sun peaking through my curtains, if it was already sunny I could tell it was going to be a good day. As I got up the events from the previous day flooded my mind bringing a smile to my face. I then remembered the book. I quickly picked it up recalling I  had made a mental note yesterday that I should look for a number so that I could give it back.

I looked on the very first page hoping there would be a number or even his name stating it was his. But there was nothing, no name no number. I continued looking and got to the very last page and to my disbelief I read; 

"Harry Styles

-0405 667 349"

I couldn't believe it there was actually a number. 

No, I shouldn't call it. Should I?

Without another thought I reached for my phone dialling the number and placed the phone up to my ear. After three rings someone picked up, "Hello, Modest Management. How can I help you?"

{Harrys POV}

This morning I woke up to the horrible sound of my phone ringing, Groaning I reached over and picked it up, Sliding the button to answer.  "Hello" I said sounding grumpy. Normally I would actually try to be nice to people on the phone but not when they wake me up at 7am. "Yes hi Harry, Sorry to wake you." Argh management, what the hell did they want now? They're always contacting me at the worst time, today being the fact that I was sleeping. "Could you please come down, we need to discuss some matters." 

"Uhhh, do I have to?" I replied grumpily, not wanting to get out of my warm bed.

"Yes Harry, you have to." And with that she hung up.

The company Have recently built another office in LA, meaning that I had to go in today because it was literally ten minutes down the road. I don't know why they wanted me and whether or not they had called the other boys. But at the moment we are on break as we just finished our "On The Road Again Tour". I'm staying in LA for a few months before going to Back to London to visit my family because I have some stuff to finish here. 

I pulled the covers off and stood up a bit to fast as my vision went all fuzzy. When I could see again I continued and put on a white t-shirt With my black jeans, brown boots and a warm coat. Still wondering why they were calling me in on my day off, they probably wanted to talk to us about Zayn leaving the band again and how we are going to continue.

We all respect his decision to resign from the band. He didn't feel like his heart was in it anymore and thats a good enough reason. We miss him though, its not the same without him.

I picked up my keys on the way out and hopped into my car, driving out of the driveway.

My thoughts focus back on yesterday when this one girl had accidentally sat next to me without knowing who it was. I remember her shocked face as she saw who I was, But she didn't freak out... I was expecting her to but she didn't and something about her made me stay and chat. I wouldn't normally do that but I did. Maybe it was the fact that she was so damn hot. 

Also I hadn't seen my song book since Yesterday. I swear I had it yesterday, yeah I did because I was writing in it as she sat next to me. I hope it was just at home somewhere and that I hadn't left it there because it had some personal songs.

As I walked into the meeting room I noticed that none of the other boys weren't here yet. That was odd because normally I'm the late one out of all of us. I looked over at our manager Elizabeth giving her a questioning look before blurting out, "Where are the guys?" I sounded quite rude actually, being here sometimes made me angry.

"They aren't coming."

"Damn it, why'd they ditch?" I questioned, now frustrated I had to be stuck in here with her. I'll try and be nice to her but she's not the nicest when she's angry...

She gave me a questioning look before answering, "Harry I didn't call them, I only called you."

What did I do now... Shit. What the hell did I do... I decided if I brought up something else maybe she would forget what she has to say, "You know I Lost My song book and I really need it back, happen to know where it is?" I asked playfully.

"No harry I don't. But if your wondering why your here, this is why." She said holding up a picture. I couldn't see it, so I got up and walked over to her desk, not sure what this would be but it had to be something bad or else I wouldn't have been called in.

I took the picture out of her hands. It was a picture of me and that girl from the cafe - I believe her name is Sydney. I was looking down towards her with a smile on my face while she was looking up towards me also with a huge grin on her face. This was just after I told her exes can be crazy. And then the paparazzi came in. They always ruined things. But if I must admit we did look pretty cute. Almost like the perfect couple.

I gave her a questioning look that said why would you call me here just because of this photo?

Her understanding what I meant, replied with, "You two seem awfully close, Everyones going to assume you've got another girl up your sleeve." What the actual hell. Every time I am seen with a girl management and the media think that I am just going around with them for fun or using them. But thats never it. They always assume. They never get my side of the story and thats why I get so angry. Because every girl I've been with I have genuinely liked. But this time I was caught with a girl I didn't even know. 

"Are you serious! Its not what it looks like!" I said a bit to loudly, getting angry because again they always assume. 

Before she could answer the phone rung. Just great. we were In the middle of our damn conversation that frankly couldn't wait.


Hey guys I hope you like the first Harrys POV let me know in the comments what you thought?

Please keep reading it'll get better! xx

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