8. #HarrysMysteryGirl

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Hey sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy lately and haven't had time! I'll try to update a bit in the next few weeks! :)

Please Vote and comment. xox


She quickly gave me her phone and as I looked at it I knew what she meant. They were in fact staring at me and I don't know whether its a good thing or not.

So many thoughts came to my head as I looked down at the picture. I was in it and so was Harry. I still couldn't believe that I'd met him but also I couldn't seem to escape him.

First after I meet him I have his song book then I have to give it back and he was there, ever since then I haven't been able to get him out of my head and now theres this photo posted all over the internet. Don't get me wrong Im not complaining but I would like to be able to actually focus on other things as well.

So in this picture I was looking up at Harry and he was looking back down at me, we both had smiles on our faces and we were sat at the cafe talking. We did kind of look like a couple. The caption on the picture read "Does Harry Styes have a new girl?"

Two voices inside of my head, One that was saying this is good. Well for you because he might want to see you gain and you should be cool about the whole thing. The other one was saying, This is bad he's always been seen with girls and apparently he dates everyone and hes going to be so mad at me so I better pretend like nothing ever happened.

The two thoughts in my head normally range from one extreme to the other. One being completely fantasy like and then the other is more realistic except sometimes it goes like angry.

Im not sure if the people looking at me are looking at me because they think its fake, real, or if we are in a relationship.

Bringing me out of my Kaitlyn started to speak "If you think about it, its not really that bad of a picture, you two look like you're in love."

"Yeah but if he sees this he's going to hate me." I said sounding distant because my mind was going everywhere.

Not that it would matter if he hates me because were most likely to never see each other again.


The rest of the day went by with everyone staring at me. I had a few people come up to me and say things like "Is it true??" 

"Omg you so photoshopped this, theres no way its you." 

"Are you's secretly dating or something?" 

"How do you even know him?"

When I got home I went on twitter and immediately regretted it, so many fans were posting and retweeting the picture of us and heaps were hating on me. Surprisingly none had found my twitter yet. I planned to keep it that way.

Harrys POV

For the last few days I've been pretty bored at home. Ive done nothing really which is good but I hate doing nothing so I've called a few friends that I don't see much and some family. 

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