10. Exposed

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Sydneys POV

5 days have passed since the picture of harry and I had originally been posted and its still buzzing people still haven't found my twitter account and I'm thankful that no one from school except kaitlyn knows I have one. My user name was 'Sydkid' I know its really lame but I don't want people in school to find me and so I picked that. But yesterday I changed it to 'Sydney_anderson' People are probably going to find me now as they all found out the name to harrys Mysterious girl (being me, Sydney). But I'd rather them find me with that name than the one I had before...

I heard a ding and walked over to the microwave to get my food out. I couldn't be bothered cooking anything so I just got some lasagne thing out that cooks in the microwave.
As I sat back down my phone started ringing.
I didn't recognise the number but i picked up anyway.

"Hello." I said, I think I sounded to cheery...
No one answered and after a few seconds so I said hello again this time as a question.
If no one answered this time then I'm hanging up.
But to my surprise someone did answer, wasn't expecting that...

"Hello." a soft but deep voice said. sounded sort of english "Its Harry."

My heart started to race. English accent and his names Harry. Harry Styles. What? Why is he calling me? It cant be, nope its not him. Someone is obviously messing with me, why would someone do this? But how could they? Okay so it is harry then?

I took a deep breath and decided to just sound casual.. I don't want to scare the boy away. "Hey harry?" I said questioning.

"Yeah hi." He said. Why did he sound angry? I hope he's not angry with me..
"I ah.. I found a piece of paper that was left in my book, you gave back to me." Oh no thats why he's angry. Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have. "I was wondering if it was yours?"

What do I say? I cant lie and say its not because I'm the only other person who had the book. "Yes, its mine. I'm sorry I dint want to make you angry or anything by going into your book."

"Its okay, I think we should talk. Meet me tomorrow at the caffe around 12?" He said a little less sounding angry but I could tell something still wasn't right and I cant help to think that its because of me going through his book. Im really stressing.

"Yeah okay" I said back.

He said one last thing before hanging up "Ok. see you then."

Okay I don't know what just happened... He seemed kind of grumpy and I'm really worried that he thinks I'm some little immature girl who wrote in his book.
I guess all I can do is really wait until tomorrow to see the outcome.

Last night I had trouble sleeping, I couldn't stop thinking about how everyone knows who he is and there are so many fans out there who would die to be in my position. I am a fan and I've tried so hard to hold it in and be cool about it but I don't know if I can hold it in much longer. I just hope he's not grumpy at me from the impression I got from him on the phone. I don't want someone so lovely like him to hate me.

I slowly walked into the cafe that I met him in about a week ago. I saw that he was already there and in the same cosy spot as last time, wearing Black jeans, brown boots (no surprise there) and surprisingly he was wearing a jumper. It was just a plain black hoodie.

I walked over to him, my heart beating so fast, at any second it could jump out of my chest. He looked up at me and smiled, this doesn't seem to bad Im sure if he was angry he wouldn't have smiled. I got close and this time I sat in the seat opposite him so I was facing him.

"Hello" he said sending me another quick smile.

"Hey." I said back returning the smile. So far so good.

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