6. Its Not What It Looks Like

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Sydneys POV
So that wasn't what I was expecting. The number was for their management and I told them I had found Harrys song book so the lady who answered told me to come in and gave me the address. She said that I could drop by now so I got into my car and headed in the direction of the address she gave me.

I thought I got lost but then out of the corner of my eye I saw the word "Modest" and quickly stopped and did a u-turn. I parked out the front and walked in.

It was very white in there with bits of black. I walked up to the front desk and the lady that sat there stated "If you are here to give back Harrys song book, Elizabeth is waiting up stairs for you. Level 3 room 2." she sounded a bit angry but then gave me a slight smile.

I thought I would of had to drop it off but now I'm standing here in the elevator taking it up to a lady called 'Elizabeth'.

The elevator went 'Ding' and the doors opened, I walked out and walked straight, passing number 1 and then got to number 2. Knocking on the door I took a deep breath and reached into my bag for Harrys song book, "Please come in." I heard so I put my hand on the door handle and slowly twisted it. As it opened it made the slightest creek.

I walked in my head facing the ground and I slowly looked up.

I think my mouth dropped to the floor, my heart started beating so fast I felt like it was going to explode. It was him standing in-front of the desk, As soon as I walked in his head flicked around with an angry expression. I don't know if it was because I walked in or if he was angry with the lady sitting at the desk who I assumed was Elizabeth. But as soon as he saw me his angry expression faded just a little bit and his mouth opened ever so slightly, as he was confused.

Why was he here? He was probably thinking why was she here? I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even remember me.

After Staring at my face a bit he slowly looked down, first I was confused but then I realised he had started staring at what I was holding.

His song book...

Harrys POV
"Sorry about that." Elizabeth said while putting the phone down.

"What was that about?" I questioned pointing at the phone she had just put down.

"Oh doesn't matter, you'll see."

Ill see? What the hell will I see? Theres no point in asking her because she wont tell me anyway, everything always seems like a game with her.

"Anyway" Elizabeth continued, gesturing at the picture in my hand. "So its not what it looks like? Care to explain?" she asked.

"Are you serious!" I said raising my voice again. "I was sitting in that damn cafe I like to go to, to write songs and she came and sat next to me. She didn't realise who it was as she was trying to hide from someone. Then she saw who I was but didn't freak out so I stayed and talked to her. Whether she's a fan or not I was being nice."

"You've got to stop being seen with girls like this, in the sense where they don't look like a fan and where you look like a couple." She stated.

This is driving me crazy because I only just met her. I swear my face was full of steam right now. This isn't that much of a big deal its just that management always have to know everything about every girl I'm seen with.

"You've got to be kidd"---

There was a knock at the door. Interrupting our much needed argument yet again. what could this possibly be that couldn't wait?

"Come in" Elizabeth spoke very politely.

As the door started to open with a creek I turned around to see who was entering.

It was some girl but I couldn't see her because she had her head down.

Almost as if she was reading my thoughts she lifted her head up.

What the hell. It was her. The girl from the cafe. Sydney.

She also noticed me and that was when her mouth just dropped open and she stopped dead in her tracks. My angry expression now was disappearing and changing into a questioning look.

Why had they brought her here? They seriously Called her because she was seen in a photograph with me? Just great.

But something she was holding grabbed my attention. It was a little black book with a band around it, it looked familiar. Very familiar.... I noticed the band had a cut in it. Im not sure everyones books had that. The book was mine. My song book I had lost.

After a bit of thought I realised I probably left it there and she had picked it up so no one else could have taken it. But I hope she didn't read it. Theres no point in being angry because that doesn't seem to get me anywhere.

Sydney finally started to walk forward to Elizabeth and I. She stopped right in front of the desk next to me. My eyes focused on her the whole time. She looked over at me and shot a quick smile before returning her focus to Elizabeth.

"Thank you darling, Harry was very annoyed that he had lost it." Elizabeth said.

I saw Elizabeth looking down towards the picture on the desk then back up to Sydney.

Crap. She knows its the same girl. I hope she doesn't say anything because it'll put a heap of pressure on a girl that I didn't even know.

"No problem, I understand, I'm sure his song book is very important to him." Sydney replied with.

Elizabeth just gave her a half smile. I hope she didn't mention the picture because I'm already in trouble with it.

Sydney turned towards me, her beautiful hazel eyes staring into mine, her eyes were the most perfect thing I'd ever seen. "I suppose you want me to give this back to you now" she said with a little laugh at the end as she brought her hand up to give me the book

I smiled back, reached out my hand and said "Thank-you." I grabbed the book and held it by my side.

I don't know how long we were looking into each others eyes for but Elizabeth seemed to get bored of it because she started coughing. "Thanks again for bringing that up." She said that with the sort of meaning being its time to go now, thats all we needed.

Sydney got the idea and broke out of the gaze and looked towards her, "Thats okay, I hope you have a lovely day." This girl is actually so polite and nice, I don't understand but theres something about it that I like. I seem to be liking a lot about her at the moment like the way her hair is perfectly placed on each shoulder and they way she looks in her skinny jeans and jumper.

She started to turn and walk towards the door. I really wanted to speak to her again but I was in a meeting and I wouldn't even know what to talk to her about. I wish she wouldn't leave. As she reached the door I quickly said before it was to late, "Im glad I got to see you again and thanks for bringing my book back." I gave her the best smile I could manage and she smiled back while saying "Good-bye Harry." She turned away and walked through he door shutting it lightly behind her.

Goodbye. What. Thats probably like the last time I will ever see her again.

"Yeah the first time you met her, explain why she had your book then?"


Thankyou for reading so far!

If I start a chapter off and it doesn't state who's POV its written in before it then it'll be in Sydneys' :)

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