7. Why Are They Staring?

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Harrys POV
"I don't know why she had my book, you didn't care to ask her?" I sighed "But I accidentally left it at the cafe when I met her for the first time, Im taking a wild guess and saying that maybe she saw that I left it there and picked it up."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at me and huffed "Okay I believe you."

Finally, took her long enough. "Thank-you." I smiled.

"One last thing and then you're free to go, please don't keep getting yourself into messes like this again."

I don't know how being seen with a picture with Sydney is a mess when it hasn't even gotten out yet but I know it will in short time. No point in arguing so I just agreed.

"Bye." I said walking towards the door with my book still in my left hand.

"Bye Harry." Elizabeth said in reply.

I shut the door behind me glad that it was over, I felt like I could finally breath again. I laughed quietly at myself while getting into the elevator, pressing the ground floor. Im not quit sure why I laughed though......

The elevator doors opened, I walked out, past the front desk as Jess the secretary said "Have a good day."

"You too." I replied with. I swear she has a little crush on me. But she's always nice to me so Im nice back.

Sydneys POV
The past few days all I have been able to think about was the chances of me meeting Harry again. I don't always believe in the saying 'Everything happens for a reason.' But I cant help but think theres a reason why I met him the second time. I could have just dropped it off but I didn't I was told to go upstairs.

I just can't seem to get the picture of him smiling at me as he took the book out of my hands out of my head. We stood there for what felt like only a mere second yet it felt like minutes staring into each others eyes.

I wish I got to stay longer, even if we didn't speak it still would have been perfect. Im not sure whether its the fact that he's a celebrity that I liked him so much. But I think there was something else, nothing to do with him being a singer.

After sitting in my bed for a while thinking about Harry i then realised that it was Monday and I had to get up and ready for school. Not in the mood for school right now. Don't get me wrong I do like school sometimes, as weird as it sounds I do because you get to see majority of your friends and although you might get sick of them you know they'll always be there. When you get out of high school you start to loose contact with some of your friends or they might move away and you don't have something to do almost everyday of the week. So I just try to enjoy school because who knows if I'll see all of my other friends when its over. Im making the best of the present I guess you could say.

I got up out of bed and walked over to my cupboard. I never know what to wear to school because in Australia most of the schools have school uniform so you don't have to worry about what to wear each day and who will judge you or wear the best outfit.

I decided on a pair of leggings with my black converse, a nice blue T-shirt from factorie and on top my green jacket with fluff around the hood from Jay Jays. I brought over most of my clothes from Australia and i haven't really bought much here yet.

I straightened my hair which sat a few centimetres past my shoulders and I put on some eye makeup, I didn't feel the need to put on any foundation today as my skin is pretty clear.

I walked down stairs into the kitchen where the smell of freshly made tea and warm toast filled my nose. "Oh hey, I see you made me some breakfast." I said to Kaitlyn while she was sitting at the counter with her toast on a plate and tea in front of her.

"Actually I made myself breakfast" Kaitlyn replied in a sarcastic tone. "But the water in the kettle is still hot if you would like a cup of tea or coffee."

I wasn't really a coffee person more of a tea person. (I had coffee sometimes though, it really depends on how I am feeling on the day.) I decided on having a cup of tea also with some toast. After making my cup of tea I walked over to the toaster and got out my toast which was cooked to perfection if I might add, put it on a plate and walked back over to the counter where Kaitlyn was, also grabbing the butter and vegemite along the way.

I buttered my toast and put a light covering of vegemite over the top. Vegemite was my favourite topping to put on toast. They don't sell it here in America so I got my parents to send me some over from Australia. Most people from other countries try it and don't like it. I Know why they don't like it, its because when they first try it they either eat it off a spoon or they put loads on a piece of toast. We don't eat it off a spoon and we (some not all) don't put heaps of it onto toast because if you eat heaps at once its got a really powering flavour but its nice in little bits. But most australians have grown up with it so thats why we like it. (Sorry for all of that about vegemite.)

Over breakfast Kaitlyn and I just talked about our weekends and what we got up to and basically everything in life. Its really cool to be living with my best friend in such a great part of the world and at such a young age.

I walked into school heading straight for my locker to get my books out for first and second period.

I had Maths and then phycology.

In maths I sat in the second last row. Seeing as though its only my second month of high school here in the US I don't have as many friends as I used too and I'm trying to focus more on my school work as I want to do really well this year. Im just lucky that I have Kaitlyn in a few of my classes including maths. Our maths teachers name is Mr. Archer. I guess you could say he was pretty cool but some times he gets a bit creepy. Its like he tries to be Friends with us which is good in a way because then he can understand our levels of learning but sometimes he starts to act our age when he's like 45 and he just gets carried away.

At the moment we are learning some Algebra stuff I have no idea.

Phycology went by really fast surprisingly. I sit with this girl called Erin and her friend whose name is Jake, they are both really nice people and its good because they are in a few of my other classes too.

On our first break I meet Kaitlyn in front of my locker. Even thought the school has a canteen Kait and I still like to make our lunch sometimes so that we aren't always spending our money. As we walked towards the table we sit at which is outside just next to the oval people started to stare at us. Yeah I know people tend to stare at other people a lot but this was so weird it was almost everyone we went past and one girl kept looking at her phone then back up to me then at her phone then back up to me.

"Kait, is it just me or does everyone keep looking at us strangely? I asked.

"No, I noticed it too. Its weird isn't it? She replied with while we sat down at our table and she pulled out her phone and started scrolling through Facebook or twitter or something.

"So why do you think they are staring at us?"

"Um Syd, they aren't staring at us. They are staring at you." Kaitlyn said back.

What did she mean staring at just me when both of us were walking together?

I started to feel really uncomfortable at this moment. Why was everyone staring at me?

She quickly gave me her phone and as I looked at it I knew what she meant. They were in fact staring at me and I don't know whether its a good thing or not.


Hey everyone, thanks for reading!

I just want to say sorry if there is a few errors and also I've noticed that the spacing between paragraphs is really big, I write the story on my laptop and then when I upload it goes all funny, sorry about that!


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