12. Are You Harrys Girlfriend?

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Sydneys POV

Harry has been really cute today, every now and then the things he does or says makes my heart flutter. I still cant believe he wanted me to help write a song.

This boy is beyond my dreams.

"Excuse me, are you Harrys girlfriend?" One girl asks me bringing me out of my thoughts.

The other girls were still in deep conversation with Harry so I couldn't just get him to answer because he is busy and she asked me. I'm not even his girlfriend so why am I thinking so much about what to say to this question.

"Are you Harrys girlfriend?" The girl with long brown hair and blue eyes repeated.

I looked up from my thoughts about to reply with no, we are just friends but Harry leant towards me and smiled. While placing his hand on the small of my back he answered "No, we are just friends....." exactly what I was going to say..

"For now" He continued. For now? what is that supposed to mean? Was he planning on being my boyfriend? Oh my gosh.

Ugh. Who and I kidding he's probably just messing with my head on purpose there is no way he would want to date me when he could have anyone he wanted.

I looked up at him to see his smug grin from what he just said. 


The rest of the afternoon was a blur, I couldn't really focus on anything due to the fact of harry basically saying I wasn't his girlfriend yet, but there was hope he wanted me to be.

We stayed and chatted to the girls for maybe around 10 more minutes and then Harry walked us both back to our cars.

"Thank-you for being so patient with me today, It means a lot." Harry said looking down at me as we stopped out the front of my car. He insisted to walking me to my car even though he had to be somewhere like 10 minutes ago and my car was a few blocks away from his because of the lack of parking spaces near the caffe.

It was a sweet gesture I have to admit. "I had a good time, I should be thanking you for putting up with me." I said nervously looking down.

Harry lifted his hand and put it under my chin, tilting my head up so our eyes met. His gorgeous green eyes sparkled wildly and the butterflies in my belly grew dangerously fast. Harry started leaning in. This is it. He's going to kiss me. He kept getting closer until I could feel his ragged breath beating on my lips. His eyes shifted gaze from my lips back to my eyes and just like that his face was gone from being in front of mine.

Confused I looked up to see his eyes no longer had that beautiful sparkle and his facial expression was just as confused as mine.

I was disappointed to say the least. From everything he's hinted today to then wanting to kiss me made sense but what didn't make sense was why he quickly just pulled away.

"I...uhm I should... Go, Im already late." Harry said. Not making eye contact with me.

"Uh.. sure, thanks f-for walking m-m-e to my car.." I mumbled.. Gee this was awkward and I just made it worse by stuttering and mumbling. Good Job Sydney.

"Yeah. See ya." He mumbled in reply walking away from me leaving me standing by myself with my thoughts.

But as he rounded the corner I heard a low grumble "Why am I so stupid?" 

So what now? Whats going to happen now?

All I have left to say is boys are extremely confusing.


Sorry this chapter is so short! It didn't really go as planned but I really wanted to update soon so I could Update the next two chapters as they are the ones where I have something big planned so keep reading! 

-Alyssa xx

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