Chapter 41

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Halluuuuu T-T


I'm too young to be dealing with this.

I couldn't count the number of times I'd thought this. If I repeated the mantra enough times to myself, one day I would just wake up and be too old to be saying it.

I wasn't careful. I shouldn't have kept the phone this long. I had already resolved not to be involved with Anyna. I was too caught up in everything that had happened from the engagement until the wedding.

I had settled it within me that the phone was going to be disposed privately. And it was just my luck for Jace to find it in the worst way. It was a mistake I shouldn't have made.

I shouldn't have kept quiet as well. I should've said something.

I groaned, holding my head in my hands.

And what would I have said?

Even now I couldn't think of the right words. Nothing would have defused that situation and I was dealing with the consequences. In the pettiest part of my brain, I wanted to pour all the blame on Anyna and curse her. But what would that do for me?

What was wrong with me? To have kept that phone for so long? And why must that man react so violently over finding the phone? Acting like I betrayed him when he was the one who...

And what of Claire Smith? I couldn't even bring up what I saw during the engagement. Those taunting smiles during the ceremony and reception.

"Stupid Jace," I voiced in the empty dining room, "How could you ask me for a child?"

It opened a deep blue ocean of thoughts to ponder. Just as we were chess pieces in this crazy game, a child that would be born would be used that way too. I couldn't imagine putting anyone, even worse an innocent child, through what I'm going through right now.

More than half the time, I wasn't even sure what I was doing anymore. It's like a constant state of confusion as I tried to figure out one thing at a time. And in the time I search for solutions, explanations at the least, the more concerns piled up on my plate. It was always more than I could chew and swallow.

It was an eventuality to have kids. My family would probably tell me the same thing. It wasn't like I was averse to the idea of having kids, I knew I wanted my own family.

I would like to raise my own offspring.

But at the rate the relationship is going... it was in my best interest to delay it to the farthest future when everything was a little more stable.

Will it ever be stable though? Jace had something going on with Claire.

But... if he really was maintaining a relationship with someone else, why would he want a child with me?

"Isla Porter is heir to the Prestigio fortune. Do you understand how big this is?"

That's what he had said to Claire when I saw them.

I shouldn't have a child with him.

But that would also mean I was trapped in this house for a while. No schooling, no nothing. And until when did that mean?

I could force the issue.

But I knew my parents, especially my dad who had signed me away so easily, would never help me. My mother-in-law seemed kind enough, but this was a household issue. And she would be inclined to listen to her husband, and Michael Black has shown obvious displeasure towards my grandmother especially. My grandmother... would look at me with disdain saying, "Figure it out on your own. You expect to lead Prestigio with such a weak resolve?"

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