Chapter 23 Part 2

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Migraine. Migraine. Migraine.


"Maybe I should just dance with my dad or something."

With the light raspy sounds still escaping his lips, Jace shook his head, "No, no. I just changed my mind. We're doing this."

Before I could reply, a voice sounded behind us.

"Care to share the joke? I don't think I've heard you laugh like this before, Jace."

It was automatic response that I jumped away from Jace. Flushing a bit guiltily, I turned to the person who spoke. Tall stature, brown hair and pale milky skin, plain features that had uniquely blended with the square jawline and good bone structure. There were freckles on his pointed nose and an entertained gleam in those brown eyes. Beneath a thick-materialled long coat, plain white shirt and blue designer jeans... I knew this guy.

My eyes shifted to his left. But this other person–

"Tristan," Jace's laughter was quelled and in its place was a smirk. He inclined his head to that unknown male, "Vinn, last I heard you were in China."

Vinn had to be at least six-and-a-half foot tall with the intimidating physique of a football player. A knit sweater and jeans, a long coat in army green. He gave off the vibe of a pretty boy gracing the cover of women's magazines. Tanned, slicked-back dark hair, plucked eyebrows. He was quite the sight, angular jawline, a nose that had been broken at least once, dimples... and glittering green eyes that were inquisitively directed at me.

Before I could question it, Jace stepped in front of me, effectively blocking me from the newcomer's view.

"Hello, Isla." Tristan greeted lightly. "I heard you were sick yesterday."

"Tristan," Jace warned, a look passing between friends.

Right, Tristan Anderson was Jace Black's doctor friend. The hospital owner. Maybe because I had a previous encounter with him, but I was much more comfortable with Tristan than the other one, Vinn.

Ignoring Jace's tone, I smiled back at his friend. "I'm all better now. Thank you. But how'd you know about that?"

Tristan seemed to needle Jace with a grin. Then his brown eyes playfully assessed me, before pulling out a medicine bottle from the pocket of his long coat, "These are iron supplements. Twice a day, preferably with your meals. I'd seen your chart so don't worry, this is safe even if you're already taking other vitamins. As flawless as your white skin looks, I knew there was something suspicious about it."

The unexpected complement and thoughtfulness caught me off-guard. My eyebrows raised, I searched his face before it went to his hand.

Tristan had that boyish aura, but just now, he was definitely doctor. Just with the right touch of concern in his tone. That would do him wonders with patient consultation. My smile widened and I reached for bottle he held out, "Thank you—"

Jace plucked the bottle out of his friend's hold. He glanced at me, gray eyes cold. In my periphery, I could see Tristan suppressing a smile.

"What?" I asked Jace. I opened my palm to him but he didn't give.

Vinn took it as a cue to step in, "When I got the invitation, I flew back as soon as I could. I didn't realize you're all... close. Now I'm feeling left out."

He was looking at me again, intensely, calculatingly. For the most part, I always thought dimples would make a face look kinder but maybe not. As attractive as Jace's friend was with his crooked smile, it felt to me like he was deliberately putting on the full charm.

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