And even if we struggle daily, may our nights be filled with peace and sound sleep.
The uneasy feeling stayed.
I sat with Tristan for the next half hour, in the living room, pretending to watch whatever was on the television screen.
I was still wrapped in the throw blanket Jace gave me. And I hugged a pillow in front of me. My eyes fell on the cotton ball taped on the back of my hand and glanced at Tristan.
"Shouldn't you be leaving soon?" I asked.
That earned me raised brown eyebrows, and a mock-hurt expression. The doctor put a hand to his heart, "Why? Don't want me here?"
Gazing at the playful expression on his face, I shook my head.
"I just assumed you'd be busy."
"It's my day off," he grinned.
"I see," I murmured, "But still..."
Tristan pouted, his green eyes reflecting a sad expression, "You really want me gone, don't you?"
I rubbed my forehead, "I don't mean it that way. I'm not exactly good company right now."
It was true. I was generally silent on most occasions. Add to that the fact I was currently a patient made me even less fun.
Tristan pulled out his phone and showed it to me, "I'm in charge of ordering the food today. Jace asked me since Sierra forgot."
My eyes confirmed that information on the screen, "We're all eating together here? Why?"
The doubtful tone made Tristan pout further, "You and Jace be my wingmen just for today, please."
"Huh? I'm not sure that's—"
Tristan waved away what I was going to say, "You can just do what couples do. Ignore us and be in your own little world. You already do it a lot—"
"We do not," I denied firmly.
Tristan's eyes narrowed into slits, "You do."
I straightened in my seat as I turned to me, "I'm a patient. This isn't exactly the ideal setup—"
The pleading look stopped me.
"Just today? Please? We're friends, aren't—" at my expression, "I'm your husband's friend. Friend by association. Plus, you're looking better already."
My husband's friend was quite far in personality from him.
Arguing was draining. I sighed, "You're... insufferable."
He grinned, "Thank you."
He didn't know it. But there were telling signs. Tristan nervously sat at the edge of his seat. Sierra's appearance shifted something in his mood. Whatever that was, Tristan didn't want me to leave his sights.
"Do you think they'll be long upstairs?" Tristan asked me.
I tilted my head as if to think, "I can check."
Tristan's eyes blanked, "No. No, just stay here. It's probably best we don't bother them."
I agreed, tossing the words lightly in his direction, "Sierra didn't look too happy earlier."
Tristan cringed instantly, "That's probably because I'm here."
I shrugged, "You seemed fine sitting together during the wedding."

The Blackmail Bride
Ficção AdolescenteHis name is Jace Ezekiel Black. And to cut the long story short, my family blackmailed him into marrying me. But I wasn't supposed to be the one to get married yet. It was supposed to be my best friend. And when she disappeared the night of her eng...