Chapter 3

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"Ma'am, y-you see... the celebrant... is missing. Miss Anyna Ruiz, the heiress, I mean."

For the first few seconds, I merely stared back blankly, "did you search the hotel yet?"

"T-that's the thing, Ma'am. We've searched the hotel twice. The makeup artist and the coordinator are arguing in the backroom."

I willed myself not to panic. We immediately went out by the side door and there in the hallway, I could already hear the muffled shouting from the backroom. People were nervously standing around outside, even the head manager. At my approach, they turned to face me.

"She was last seen with you! How could you be so thick to lose Engr. Ruiz's only child?!"

"How were we supposed to know she was missing?! You're the organizers who couldn't be concerned enough to update us on anything. We thought you already started the program that's why she's not here!"

There wasn't really a choice. I went to the door and pushed it in.

"Where is Anyna?" I asked no one in particular.

The makeup artist turned to me at once, "Miss Porter! Did Anyna Ruiz say anything to you? You're her last visitor." The desperation in her tone wasn't lost on me. And as if finally, the gravity of the situation fell on me.

"She's really missing? How so considering all the reporters swarming outside?" I couldn't believe I was considering such a ridiculous idea.

The organizer was on the verge of tears, "She couldn't have been kidnapped in this short time, right?"

My blood ran cold at that. The hotel managers were already coming in to defend themselves. No one wanted the blame if anything wrong happened.

One manager of Prestigio puffed, "Are you trying to set us up?"

Chaos ensued. One person shouting over the other. Fingers starting to point.

And as my heart started a trot inside my chest, I forced myself to look calmly to the people, "The hotel security would not be remiss in their duty especially at a time like. I would not hear of it." I made sure my voice was heard above the noise and they stopped. Chagrin coloring cheeks as eyes looked away.

"But ma'am—"

The door burst open and a guy from the organizer's team came in, breathing hard. "Nadda. Not one vehicle have left the premises aside from one hotel service van which is still out at the moment."

But at the mention of the the hotel facilities the head manager was quick to defend, "Service van? The facilities are all locked down for this party! You can't leave the premises without a Staff Pass and we still have all of them with us!"

But I didn't have my Staff Pass with me.

I felt like someone walked over my grave at that moment. The conversation I had with Anyna coming back to me. Her picking up my card and analyzing it. I mentioned the hotel service van and the underground staff entrance. I don't remember getting it back.


I always knew Anyna Clarissa Tantiangco Ruiz was rebel. But I never thought, not in my craziest dreams did I ever think , that she would do something like this.

Anyna actually had the guts to escape this life.

The room suddenly became silent as I realized all eyes were on me. One middle manager approached me slowly. She was one of the youngest as of the moment and her eyes spoke volumes as she imploringly looked at me.

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