Chapter 3: Little Old Ginterbong

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There will be some changes in this chapter, so keep a lookout for those. Also, one of my follower's OC will also be in there. If any of you want your OC(s) to be in my stories, DM me and I might think about it. Also, there will be two songs in this chapter. One from this chapter and another made by the Beatles. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this chapter.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu, Queen Janna


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Snowy Mountain: Chuluun

Dragon Island: Ora

The Black Rock Forest: Mama Binturong


It was another beautiful day at the Tree of Life as some of the Lion Guard and Night Pride hung out at the watering hole. Bunga, Beshte, and Baliyo were in the water, Ono was standing on Beshte's back, and Timothy, Fuli, Anga, and Rani sat by the watering hole. "Poa. Sure is nice to relax now that we're at the Tree of Life." Beshte said relaxed. "Gotta admit. You're right, Beshte." Fuli agreed after sighing and stretching. "Indeed. The last time I ever relaxed like this was back at Flamingo Beach." Timothy said, agreeing as well.

"Ooh, yeah! Nothin' better than relaxin' and munchin' on bugs." Bunga said as he munched on some bugs with a loud crunch which made Timothy and Fuli cringe in disgust. "Ugh. Yeah. Nothing better." Fuli said with sarcasm.

Then, out of nowhere, came Kion and Nirmala as they approached the watering hole. "I'm glad you guys get to relax." Kion said to the Guard. However, they saw that Kion looked different which nearly made Timothy chuckle a bit. "Um, Kion? Are you okay? You got some mud on your face." Timothy said to Kion as he tried his best to keep in his chuckling. "He's fine. The mud is helping to treat the venom in his scar." Nirmala replied with a soft chuckle.

"Can I... " Kion was just about to ask Nirmala. "Yes, you can wash it off now." Nirmala replied as Kion immediately rushed to the water, dumped his head into it and washed the mud off. "Ah. That's better." Kion said with a sigh. "I think I'd prefer the mud." Rani joked with a small chuckle, which made Kion chuckle as well. Timothy noticed this and chuckled as well with a small smile.

"So how's the healing going?" Beshte asked Kion as Nirmala approached them. "Kion is making progress. But we still have a long way to go." Nirmala replied to Beshte. "Right. Long way to go." Kion said with a depressed expression. "Don't worry, Kion. I'm sure it'll go by fast." Timothy said to Kion, who smiled at him. "Speaking of healing, Ono, it is time for your healing to begin." Nirmala said to Ono. "Oh. Yes, yes, yes!" Ono said with glee as he flew into the air and did a loop-de-loop. "Your remedy is ready. Queen Janna and Makini are waiting for you. Shall we go to the Tree of Life?" Nirmala asked Ono. "You... You mean right now? Of course. Lets go!" Ono replied excited as he flew off.

"Timothy, you're needed at the Tree of Life as well." Nirmala said to Timothy. "Really? Why?" Timothy asked Nirmala with a curious expression. "Queen Janna said that Ono's healing is a part of your next healing session." Nirmala replied to Timothy. "Oh, alright. Well, let's go Ono." Timothy said to Ono as they and Nirmala went off to the Tree of Life. "Good luck Ono and Timothy." Beshte called out to Timothy and Ono.

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