Chapter 8: Triumph of the Roar

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Nothing new to report for this chapter. All I can say is that I hope you all enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Queen Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Snowy Mountain: Chuluun

Dragon Island: Ora

The Black-rock Forest: Mama Binturong


It was sunrise at the Tree of Life as everything was peaceful at first, but it wasn't so peaceful anymore as the predators started chasing after some Mountain Goats as Makucha and Chuluun were growling and Ora was hissing as they were getting closer to the Mountain Goats. "Now we gotcha." Chuluun said with an evil smile as Mama Binturong was watching this from a nearby tree.

However, the predators' disruptions caused the Night Pride to show up as they watched the predators chasing the Mountain Goats. "How did they get here without us knowing?" Rani asked the Night Pride as Ullu showed up. "Ullu, what happened?" Rani asked Ullu. "I dozed off. Sorry." Ullu replied with an apologetic expression. "Dozing sounds nice." Baliyo said with a yawn and a smile. "It's the fourth day in a row they've attacked us at sunrise." Surak said with an angry expression.

"That's why we're here." Kion said as he and the Lion Guard ran passed the Night Pride to fight the predators. "One side, Night Pride. The Lion Guard will handle 'em." Bunga said to the Night Pride while running with the Lion Guard. "Beshte, take Ora." Kion said to Beshte. "You got it, Kion." Beshte replied as he ran to attack Ora. "Sam, go with Beshte." Timothy said to his brother. "Okay." Samuel replied as he followed Beshte. "Fuli, Chuluun." Kion said to Fuli. "Got it. Huwezi!" Fuli replied as she sped up. "Lucy, you too." Timothy said to Lucy. "Alright." Lucy replied as she followed Fuli.

"And Mama's all mine. Zuka Zama." Bunga said with a smile as he went to attack Mama Binturong. "Cass?" Timothy asked Cassandra, who let out a groan of annoyance. "Ugh. Fine." Cassandra replied as she followed Bunga. "Anga, Ono, you know what to do." Kion said to them. "Yep." Anga replied as she flew off. "Affirmative." Ono replied as he followed Anga. "That just leaves Makucha to us, Kion." Timothy said to him with a challenging expression. "I guess it does." Kion replied, also with a challenging expression.

As Chuluun kept chasing after one of the Mountain Goats, Fuli and Lucy managed to knock her down before she could get to the Mountain Goat. "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she flew above Ora, who got distracted by her, which gave Beshte and Samuel the opportunity to knock him down. "Hey, Mama. I got something for you." Bunga called out to Mama Binturong as Cassandra through him up into the same tree she was in. "Oh no! No." Mama Binturong cried as Bunga passed gas in the tree, getting her real good.

As for Makucha, he was just about to reach one of the Mountain Goats, until Kion got him in midair as he knocked Makucha down to the ground. Makucha was just about to lunge at Kion to attack him, but he couldn't move, which caused him to look and see that his legs were bound in vines, which was because of Timothy as he used his powers to strangle Makucha in those vines, to keep him from attacking Kion. The Night Pride watched this as they had smiles. When Rani and Nirmala looked at each other, Nirmala gave Rani a nod as they continued to watch.

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