Chapter 5: The Bearer of the Stone

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Well, everyone, this is another fan-mad chapter by me, featuring Timothy and his ultimate test. Also, there will be five songs in this chapter. Four of them being the same song, and one of them being a song from another Disney show. I hope you all enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel. Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu, Queen Janna


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Snowy Mountain: Chuluun

Dragon Island: Ora

The Black-rock Forest: Mama Binturong


It was morning at the Tree of Life as the sun was starting to rise, which eventually caused Timothy to wake up. However, as he raised his head, he looked different. Not a good different, but a bad different. As Timothy looked at his reflection in a small puddle of water, he could see that his skin was pale, he had dark bags under his eyes, and his scar was glowing purple. When Timothy saw this, he gasped in fear as he jumped back.

"Wha-What happened to me?! What's going on?!" Timothy asked himself. He then turned his head and then saw that every living thing inside the Tree of Life's borders was dead, even the Tree of Life itself. After Timothy saw this, he heard the Voice going off which hurt his head as he put his hands on his head while grunting in pain. As that happened, Timothy began to hear other voices as well.

"Timothy! No!" Timothy heard Kion say in shock. "Brother, you betrayed us. Why?!" Timothy heard Samuel say in sadness and anger. "Why, Timothy? Why did you do this to us? To me?" Timothy heard Lucy say in complete sadness. All these voices caused Timothy to scream out, not in pain, but in fear.

Unfortunately, that was all happening in Timothy's head as it was still night time at the Tree of Life, while Timothy just woke up from the nightmare he was having. As soon as Timothy woke up, he immediately looked at his reflection in the small puddle and saw he looked completely normal. This caused Timothy to let out a relieved sigh as he laid back on the ground.


The next morning came and everything was normal for Timothy. When he got up this morning, he still checked his reflection in the puddle to make sure he wasn't having another nightmare. Luckily for him, he wasn't as he let out another releived sigh then got up to start his day. As Timothy left his sleeping spot, he decided to go to his meditation spot to meditate.

When Timothy reached his meditation spot, he got into his meditation pose and he was about to meditate, but then he remembered the Decay Incantation he did not too long ago in the snowy tundra habitat. And the more he thought about it, the more the words corrupted him as his eyes, scar, hair, and energy symbol turned pitch black. "Wither and Decay; End this Destiny; Break these earthly Chains; And set the spirit Free" Timothy chanted as death surrounded him once again.

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