Chapter 9: The Lion Guard: Morgana's Reign Part 1

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Well, here it is, guys. Part 1 of Morgana's Reign. Just to let you know that everything in both this and the next chapter will focus on both the villains and heroes, since I've been neglecting the villains in the last few chapters of the Lion Guard season 3. XD It will also focus on Morgana's full plan on how she plans to kill Timothy. To find out, you all must wait and see till the end. Hehehe >:D Ooh! Ooh! I almost forgot to mention something. Even though I've never done this before, I still want to try it out. I'm gonna add some credits to this chapter, so the beginning of this chapter will be different than all of my other chapters. And as you guys read the credits, fill free to listen to the background music I've added. Speaking of music, there will be songs in this chapter from different movies. There's especially one I'm really excited to write. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy part one of...

The Lion Guard: Morgana's Reign Part 1


It has been a day since Kion and Timothy, as well as their friends, the Lion Guard and Night Pride, have defeated the predators and sent them very far away from the Tree of Life. Kion and Timothy weren't lying when they said that they sent them far away from the Tree.

At a completely different place, it was nighttime as it was also snowing and the wind was blowing really hard as it was indeed someplace very far away from the Tree of Life. The snow on the ground was staying still for a few seconds, until a right fore-paw stuck itself out of the snow and grabbed the ground as the owner of that fore-paw tried to pull itself out of the snow. The owner of that fore-paw was none other than Makucha himself!

As soon as he got out of the snow, he looked around his surroundings and saw that not only he was the one getting out of the snow. He also saw the rest of the predators getting out of the snow as they all survived. Makucha continued to look around his surroundings as he squinted his eyes, trying to see better. However, he saw nothing as he let out an angry growl, then he approached the rest of the predators with an angry expression. "Where are we?" Makucha shouted at the predators with an angry tone.

"I don't know, Makucha. I couldn't tell where we were going, since we were all spinning around in a circle!" Chuluun replied as she shouted back at Makucha with a glare as she got out of the snow easily. "Get off!" Ora shouted as he pushed Makucha's friends off of him as he let out a hiss. "Well, you all can do whatever you want to. But my Dragons and I are going back to our island." Ora said to Makucha and Chuluun as his friends stood behind him while nodding in agreement with him.

"NO!" Someone shouted. They all look to see Mama Binturong standing on a rock. "None of you are leaving, and none of you are giving up!" Mama Binturong shouted at them in an angered tone. "We are gonna go back to the Tree of Life and get our revenge on the Lion Guard and Night Pride!" Mama Binturong added with a snarl. "Yeah, no. That's a bad idea." Chuluun replied to Mama Binturong with a glare. "For once, I agree with you, Chuluun." Makucha said to Chuluun with an eye-roll. "Yeah. We were no match against Kion's Roar. Especially against his Human friend." Ora replied to Mama Binturong, while agreeing with Chuluun.

"Yeah. There was something powerful about that Human. Humans aren't usually that powerful." Makucha said with an angry expression while agreeing with Ora. "I don't care what ANY of you say. We ARE going back to the Tree of Life to get out revenge on the Lion Guard and Night Pride!" Mama Binturong retorted to her allies with a growl. "Especially on that Bunga! Kion! And that powerful Human!" Mama Binturong added with a very angry expression.

"That 'powerful Human' is my nephew." Someone said in a distorted voice from above the predators. When they all looked, they saw a dark-yellow orb floating down towards the predators. When the orb floated to the ground, the spirit of Morgana appeared before the predators as they all let out a shocking gasp. "Oh. It's you." Makucha said with an eye roll as he knew who she was. "Yes, it is. But soon, I will be everything you could possibly imagine." Morgana replied to Makucha with an evil chuckle as she clenched her right hand.

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