Orion Pax Pt. 2

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In order to restore Optimus' memories, the Autobots had to get Jack to Cybertron in in order to access Vector Sigma.  In order to do that, they had to either find the Decepticon spacebridge.  Or.  Modify their own groundbridge into a spacebridge, however remote that seems.

Ratchet made some recalibrations to the groundbridge in order to see if he could extend its range to that of a spacebridge.  Raf and Thomas were at the base trying to help him test it out.  They each had a toy to help them; a remote-controlled car for Raf and a remote-controlled helicopter for Thomas.  They also put GPS trackers to see if they make it through the vortex.

Ratchet: Rafeal, Thomas, are the test subjects ready?

Raf and Thomas out their RC toys on the ground, Thomas spun on up the rotors and soon the RC helicopter was flying, he made the chopper go up and down, back and forth and then side-to-side to make sure the controls were working.  Raf did the same with his RC car, turning the wheels and making the car go back and forth.

Raf: Check!  Long-range GPS activated.

Thomas: Same here!

Ratchet: I have doubts whether my recalibrations have successfully extended Ground-bridge range.  But there's only one way to find out.

Ratchet activated the groundbridge and Thomas and Raf drove/flew their RC test vehicles into it.

Ratchet: Come on! 

But as the RC vehicles drive into the vortex, the energy from it caused the RC vehicles to explode into little piles of broken plastic, much to Ratchet's dismay.  This test...is a bust.

Thomas: Ugh scrap...

Raf: It was just the first try.

Ratchet: No, Rafael.  It was pure folly.  A misguided act of desperation.  It takes eons to master Space-bridge engineering.  And no one is more accomplished than the Decepticons...

Raf: You know, there is this thing in gym class where you have to climb a rope.  All the way to the ceiling.  It's really hard.  And I've never been able to do it.  

Thomas: I don't blame ya Raf, that rope is torture

Raf: I know, but when I told Bee about it, he believed in me.  Which made me practice a ton.  Finally, just a couple of weeks ago, I made it! To the top.

Thomas smiled at Raf's perseverance, Ratchet however didn't see what Raf was trying to say. 

Ratchet: What does any of this have to do with gym class?! 

Raf: I... I was just... (Ratchet turns away sighing) I'll give you some alone time.

Thomas: Ratchet, I think what Raf was trying to say is, if you don't succeed the first time, keep trying until to do.

Ratchet just grumbled.

Thomas: I'll....leave you alone too.

Thomas joined Raf while Ratchet could only fret to himself.

Ratchet: Optimus.  I am so sorry...

A few hours later, Bulkhead and Dodger returned to base via the groundbridge, they and the others were looking for any signs of the Decepticon spacebridge, so far, to no avail.

Bulkhead: No signs of energon spikes.  Arcee or Bee find the spacebridge? 

Ratchet: They haven't yet reported back.

Dodger: What about Gulf, any luck with her?

Ratchet: She hasn't reported back either.

The two Bots were quick to notice that Ratchet had something on his mind.

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