Inside Job

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After the harsh lecture Arcee gave him, Smokescreen went for a drive to blow off some steam.  But while he was driving, he suddenly came under attack by Lazerbeak.  But before he could fight back, something or someone knocked Smokescreen out cold.

But now, as he opened his optics, to his horror, he was strapped to a medical berth with Knockout grinning darkly over him.

Knockout: Wakey, wakey.

Smokescreen:(shocked) What?!

Titania: Welcome aboard the Nemesis.  Autobot. (smirks)

But as Smokescreen struggled with the restraints, he found that his Phase Shifter was gone. 

Knockout: If you're looking for your Phase Shifter, (Shows Phase Shifter attached to himself) finders' keepers.

Megatron: Enough prattling, Knockout! Hand me the final Iacon relic, now.

Smokescreen: Yeah, I can't really help you.  That's the only one I was packing.

Titania: Oh really.... Soundwave?

Smokescreen: You got the wrong guy, chief.  Optimus Prime's the one who can decode the Iacon database.

Megatron: Ah, but you misunderstand.  The final entry has been decoded by us! And according to our findings, it would appear I do indeed... have the right guy.

To emphasize, Soundwave showed Smokescreen the last Iacon entry.  But to his shock, it was an image of himself!

Knockout: The question is, what is it that you are still packing?

Knockout started moving a scanner that allows him to see inside Smokescreen's body, and he soon found something, it was a key, just like the ones they already had. 

Knockout: Why, hidden treasure, of course! (chuckles)

Titania: The question is, how do we start "digging?" (smirks)

Knockout: This ought to be... entertaining. (Grins wickedly)

Now Smokescreen could get scared, he had something inside of him.  And the Cons' won't think twice about cutting him into scrap in order to get it....

(Autobot base)

Back at their base, the Autobots were trying to locate they're captured teammate.

Ratchet: Smokescreen must have been taken aboard the Decepticon warship.  Tracing his signal through its shielding will be impossible.

Optimus: Continue monitoring all frequencies, Ratchet.  Far more than Smokescreen's fate may be at stake.

Bulkhead: I don't get it.  How could Smoke be an Omega Key?

Dodger: And if he was, how he could he not know that he is one? 

Ratchet: Perhaps he isn't the key, but its container.

Arcee: The other Iacon relics were sent to Earth in pods.  Why not this one? 

Optimus: When the Decepticons stormed Iacon, it may have been too late for Alpha Trion to launch the final Omega Key into space.  At least by standard means.

Arcee: So Smokescreen assumed everything went black because he was hit by Decepticons.

Bulkhead: But Alpha Trion's the one who actually turned out the kid's lights.

Roadflare: But if Smoke is the container, how come he didn't tell us?

Optimus: It stands to reason that my mentor did not want Smokescreen to know what he was carrying, in the event of capture.

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